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Approved Minutes, October 13, 2010
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Robert Curran, Conrad Baldini, Russell Vickers, Robert Mitnik
Members Absent:                         
Others Present:                 Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan
Recorder:                               Lindsay Howlett

Chairperson Michael Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Old Salem Jail - Duncan states the developer has completed the pavement for the service drive a little differently than what was previously seen. Duncan adds the medallion piece in the center required by the board is present. We are still waiting for the proposed sign package for the jail exhibit.

Parking Management Study – Duncan states this study was jointly funded by the City and the SRA. She notes the Council unanimously adopted the policy recommendation of the working group and Parking Board that the parking system operate to achieve a 15% vacancy rate per block face for the on-street spaces. Duncan notes this sets a policy framework within which the working group can develop specific recommendations to achieve the 15% outcome. Duncan adds the study concluded there is available parking supply, but utilization is unbalanced. Duncan states there will be input from stakeholders before the recommendations go to Council.

5 Broad Street- Duncan states the Mayor has been trying to get City Council to schedule a meeting about the LDA report but it hasn’t been scheduled yet. Duncan notes the parcel will need to be divided to separate the cemetery from the building and parking. Duncan states there will be a draft RFP for the SRA’s review in November. Duncan adds they do not expect the Senior Center to start construction until the spring, so there is time.

Brennan asks if there will be a price on the proposals such as a minimum bid.

Duncan asks the board what they think.

Brennan responds a lot of people will be bidding it so it would take care of itself from the market.

Duncan clarifies the process stating the City and/or SRA is not required to accept the highest price. Duncan adds money will be used to off set the cost of the Senior Center as well. Duncan states the proposed use is residential with 15- 16 units with parking on site.

Vickers states he feels they should stay away from a minimum bid required.

The board agrees.

Duncan clarifies this project is different from the Old Salem Jail and is more similar to Old Town Hall where the SRA makes a recommendation to City Council.

Pedestrian Mall - Duncan states the Mayor is moving forward and wants to work closely with the SRA in looking at the pedestrian mall. Duncan adds the City, in collaboration with the Salem Partnership and Peabody Essex Museum, had submitted a grant application for design funding, but it was not awarded. Duncan adds the partners are continuing to work together. A facilitator and urban designer will be working with stakeholders through a series of meetings to discuss the opportunities, assets, and vision for the pedestrian mall. Duncan adds at the end of a four month process they will have a design concept with a little more detail in one or two locations.

Curran asks if the SRA owns any of the sidewalks/walkways to the mall.

Duncan responds that is a good question and she will check on the exact ownership and recalls that had always been a question with the area adjacent to Salem Five as well.

Baldini states the inside of the mall used to be all bricks and they were having problems with keeping them clean, people tripping etc.

Duncan states they are starting to get individual requests to make adjustments and that does not make sense, they want to deal with the issue as a whole.

Baldini states the original design was beautiful and he will bring down pictures for the next meeting.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

  • 26 Front Street and 15 Derby Square (Maria’s Sweet Somethings): Discussion and vote on proposed portable sign
Maria Harris is present on behalf of Maria’s Sweet Somethings. The board reviews plans in a submission dated September 9, 2010.

Duncan states Harris is proposing implementation of two A-frame signs.

Brennan states the pictures in the back of the packet, shows one A-frame sign to be located in the back of the building over the existing concrete hump. Brennan adds this hump is a very dangerous tripping hazard. Brennan further states an additional A-frame sign will be located at the front of the building which is pre-existing.

Brennan states the distance from the tree out to the sidewalk, is plenty of room from his point of view for a sign and has no problems with it.

Baldini:                Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 24 Front Street (Sweet Anthem): Discussion and vote on proposed building signage and portable sign
The board reviews plans in a submission dated October 1, 2010.

Brennan states this proposal is for the two businesses next door to Maria’s where there are two tenants sharing one entrance, Fiddlehead is in the back and Sweet Anthem is on Front Street.

Baldini asks what the business is selling.

Brennan responds jewelry.

Brennan states the proposed A-frame size is in keeping with the standard and will be located next to the tree.

Duncan states the DRB had two slight changes and asked for a revised design of the portable sign. Glenn Kennedy of the DRB reviewed the revisions and recommended approval. Duncan states the SRA is reviewing the revised proposal for the portable sign.

Duncan states there are requirements in the ordinance about location and clearances and this proposal conforms to the ordinance.

Vickers:        Motion to approve DRB recommendation, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 5-0.

  • 28 Norman Street (7 Eleven): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
The board reviews plans in a submission dated September 23, 2010.

Mitnik states the DRB also made 7 Eleven take down their illegal temporary signs.

Brennan confirms they are gone.

Mitnik states the signs in the windows are also too big and that should be brought up as well in this motion; that they also reduce the illegal window sized displays to conform within the regulations.

Mitnik: Motion to accept the DRB recommendation with the addition of the clause that the business comply with the regulations concerning signs in windows, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 282 Derby Street, Unit 2 (Custom House Rotisserie): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
The board reviews plans in a submission dated October 5, 2010.

Brennan states the Custom House Rotisserie is looking for a new blade sign and adds their location is tough for business. Brennan adds in areas like these he does not have a problem doing what they can to keep a company in business.

Brennan adds the proposed signage is a little bigger than the other signs on Derby Street. Brennan further states there is current controversy over the round green awning above the door as to its legality. Brennan states the owner wants to keep it and the tenant wants to cooperate and doesn’t care either way.

Brennan concludes the approval of the awning and awning signage would need to be taken up at a future date and will take a back burner for the moment. Brennan clarifies they board will just be reviewing the blade sign tonight.

Brennan adds the Custom House Rotisserie did make changes to conform to the DRB recommendations.

Vickers:        Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 5-0.

Approval of the minutes from the August 5, 2010 special meeting and August 11, 2010 regular meeting.

Mitnik abstains.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the August 5, 2010 and the August 11, 2010 meeting minutes, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

Curran: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 5-0.

Meeting is adjourned at 6:31pm.