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APPROVED Minutes, August 12, 2009
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:     Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:          Wednesday, August 12, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik, and Russell Vickers
Members Absent: 
Others Present:         Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
Recorder:                       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Old Salem Jail:  Daniel, speaking for Lynn Duncan, states that NBV will attend the SRA meeting in September to present a status update on the project.  He explains that structural steel will be going up in the restaurant space before they show it to any prospective tenants, and Charlie Perkins has created a marketing piece.  Additionally, he states that the barn is up.

Council On Aging Building:  Daniel states that the RFP for consultant services to conduct a feasibility study on the Broad Street property has been issued.  He explains that information gathered in this study will be used to develop the RFP for development proposals.  He iterates that the City Council has requested that the SRA manage this property.

Parking Study:  Daniel states that Nelson\Nygaard will be conducting the parking study, and they will begin data collection tomorrow.  He explains that the study includes a meeting with SRA and the parking committee, where they will finalize the details of the study scope.  He adds that they will be mapping out the parking and encourage public participation in the process by holding focus groups and large public meetings.  Daniel states that they will be kicking off these meetings in September and it will take 4 - 4.5 months.

Brennan asks which data will be collected.

Daniel states that they are confirming the inventory and examining the occupancy levels at different times.  He adds that a more in-depth inventory will be conducted in September including the length of time that people stay in the parking spaces.  Daniel explains that they chose to take inventory in August to get a sense of the parking situation during the time that school is out.

Daniel agrees to forward a copy of the consultant’s proposal to Councillor Paul Prevey.

Old/New Business

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

1.  90 Lafayette Street (Aleris Dental Center):  Discussion and vote on proposed signage

Daniel states that this is a very simple sign and the DRB has suggested some modifications which are included in the new design.  He explains that down the road the right hand side of the sign band will be used for another tenant and a dividing feature will be added to the sign band.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the design as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 5-0.

2.  43 Church Street (Lyceum):  Discussion and vote on proposed signage, exterior painting, new door, and window film

Daniel states that the Lyceum is working on interior and exterior improvements.  He shows the picture of the new sign and the new door, and states that a window film treatment will be applied to the lower portion of the windows to provide some screening.  He adds that the DRB recommends approval.

Daniel explains that after the DRB approval, the Lyceum advised him that they would like to add their name to the door and add two exterior lights.  As the DRB will meet in two weeks, Daniel states that the SRA might wish to approve both the DRB approved features and the newly submitted features, pending review and approval by the DRB.

Baldini states that the new door is an improvement and he likes the new design, and Vickers agrees stating that the existing doors are difficult.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the design changes as recommended by the DRB, plus approve the new changes, pending DRB review and approval.  If the DRB has any issues with the new changes, representatives from the Lyceum will return to the SRA.  The motion is seconded by Connelly.  Passes 5-0.

Approval of Minutes:  July 22, 2009 Special Meeting

Mitnik suggests an amendment to the minutes and Daniel notes the change.

Connelly:  Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 5-0.

Mitnik: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 5-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 6:15 pm.