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APPROVED Minutes, May 13, 2009
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:     Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:          Wednesday, May 13, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, and Russell Vickers
Members Absent:         Michael Connell, Robert Mitnik
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
Recorder:                       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan reminds the Authority about tomorrow’s ground breaking ceremony at the Old Salem Jail.

Duncan states that the Old Town Hall is in second place for the $100,000 renovation grant, behind the Paragon Carousel.  She confirms that the Gordon College students are voting.  Tom Daniel suggests posting a story of a memory or event from the Old Town Hall.

Duncan introduces Natalie Lovett, Community Development Planner, who replaced Kirsten Kinzer.  Lovett states that they have put the restroom renovations out to bid and hope to have a contractor on board in about two weeks, and the restrooms should be ready for the July 4th weekend.

Old/New Business

Small Project Review

1.  32 Derby Square (Old Town Hall):  Discussion and vote on proposed exterior doors

Natalie Lovett states that as part of the bathroom renovation project they would like to replace the basement exterior doors on the east and west side, and these are currently boarded up.  She confirms that these would not be open to the public but would improve the look and the security of the building.  She adds that the intent is to have the basement doors match the front and back doors, and they would be painted the same green color and have the same hardware on the inside to match the front door, but the outside of these doors would only have plates so as not to confuse people.

Daniel assures the members that the DRB will review this.

Baldini:        Motion to approve these doors subject to review by the DRB, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 3-0.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

2.  2 Lynde Street (Lynde Street Café):  Discussion and vote on proposed signage, lighting, windows, and painting

Daniel states that this is a new business, and the revised proposal reflects the DRB’s comments.  He explains that the windows will be replaced with aluminum-clad windows, and the pink strip above the windows will be painted to match the trim, and there will be a blade sign with a bracket light and a wall sign.

Brennan confirms that he spoke to the owner and the windows will be similar to those used at a location on Washington Street.

Vickers:        Motion to approve this design with the DRB recommendations, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 3-0.

3.  133 Washington Street (Puleo’s Ice Cream):  Discussion and vote on proposed signage and outdoor café permit

Daniel states that the signage for this location is simple, consisting of a window decal, and they are proposing to have 3 tables out front and an out-of-the-way trash receptacle, and all of these components are consistent with the DRB’s conditions of approval.

Brennan states Puleo’s and Graziani should be treated equally because they are adjacent to each other.  He adds that he likes the café concept, and he asks if he could reserve the right to have the tables removed in the case of a public safety issue.

Duncan states that the café tables are great and they are attracting customers.  She adds that there will be over 5 feet of clearance to the curbing.

Vickers agrees with Duncan stating that this seems workable.

Vickers:        Motion to approve this design, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 3-0.

Outdoor Café Permit Review

4.  87 Washington Street (Green Land Café):  Discussion and vote on proposed outdoor café permit

Daniel states that Paul Bolden is here and the DRB had a lengthy discussion and recommends that they allow the 3 tables in front with the understanding that if the front tables create a conflict this arrangement will be changed.

Bolden states that he is willing to accept these terms and adds that he would be willing to remove the tables in October.

Brennan asks if the Board should consider October for all café locations.

Duncan agrees that there are big crowds in October.

Vickers states that the difference here is that this location will be serving alcohol and must use the stanchions.

Baldini:        Motion to approve this as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 3-0.

5.  133 Washington Street (Caffe Graziani):  Initial discussion and vote on proposed outdoor café permit

Daniel states that they are proposing 4 tables in back and 2 tables in front and they need stanchions because they will serve alcohol. The plan shows a 50” clearance being maintained on the sidewalk.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the café permit, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 3-0.

6.  189 Washington Street (Tavern in the Square):  Initial discussion and vote on proposed outdoor café permit

Attorney Joe Correnti states that they are here tonight for the café permit, and construction on the site is coming along wonderfully.  He introduces the owner, Joey Arcari, and the architect, Stephen Sousa.

Architect Sousa states that they wish to keep the existing trees to add a buffer between the patio and the building.  He proposes having a hedge along the patio’s perimeter, keeping the brick walkway and using pervious concrete for the patio.  He describes the properties of the pervious concrete, stating that it is a green material and will have a larger, exposed aggregate and some pattern.  He adds that brick is harder to clean, and this new green material will be easier to clean and to maintain and will look better.

Daniel confirms that this will go to the DRB if the SRA approves this conceptually.

Duncan states that this is at the conceptual level.  During the Planning Board’s review of the RCG development project, the Planning Board determined that something should be considered for the green space.

Baldini requests that Sousa bring a photo or sample of the concrete.

Shirley Walker, with the Downtown Neighborhood Association, asks if there is anything here that is really green to muffle the noise.

Sousa states that the existing trees will remain and they will place planting beds around the trees, and there will be a well-maintained hedge that will look better then the existing hedge.

Teasie. Riley-Goggin of 9 Wisteria Street asks it the seating area will be on City land and Sousa states that it will.  Riley asks if the City will lease the land and she expresses concern about the City’s liability.

Duncan states that the City does not lease the land for the tables.

Correnti states that the owner will have insurance and the City will not be liable.

Duncan states that this is not new and that Rockafella’s has tables on City land.  She adds that the café seating brings vitality to the downtown and the City is encouraging this.

Vickers states that this patio will be a dramatic improvement.

Duncan says that they want to make sure that this is something that works in the winter, when the tables are not out there and Sousa states that they could place holiday decorations there.

Vickers:        Motion approve the conceptual design for the patio seating area provided the applicant pays attention to the greenery, and to send this to the DRB for review, seconded by Baldini.   Passes 3-0.


7.  Solar Trash Compactor Sponsorship Panels:  Discussion and vote on proposed design for sponsorship panels on solar trash compactors

Daniel states that this was an initiative last summer and the SRA approved the trash compactor sponsorship provided they have a consistent look.  He adds that the sign designer proposed two versions (white and color), and he recommends going with the white proposal to be less distracting and more consistent.  He explains that the DRB has requested that some of the compactors be relocated and this is yet to be accomplished.

Daniel states that the Authority needs to vote to approve one of the options and to emphasize that there is work that needs to be done regarding the relocation of some units.

Vickers states that they need a plan for all of these trash compactors because they are big.

Vickers:        Motion to approve “Option A” and bring all of the trash compactors into conformance with signage and locations, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 3-0.

Approval of Minutes – April 8, 2009 Meeting

Duncan requests that the minutes reflect that she was absent due to the Passover Holiday and the member agree to make this amendment.

Vickers         Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 3-0.

Baldini;        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 3-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 6:50 pm.