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Approved Minutes, August 13, 2008
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:     Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:          Wednesday, August 13, 2008, at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik
Members Absent:         Russell Vickers
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel, CDBG Planner Kirsten Kinzer
Recorder:                       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan says that the lease with Gordon College is now executed and the city will continue to move forward to prepare for the transfer of the property on September 1.

Small Project Review

1.  27 Charter Street (Salem Housing Authority):  Discussion of proposed wireless facility

Daniel states that the DRB approved this installation with the condition that the equipment be painted the same color as the building, and pending review of the screening material. The screening material has subsequently been reviewed and approved.

Kristen LeDuc of Wellman Associates describes the equipment and the screen to be installed and states that no related equipment will be seen on the roof.

Mitnik questions the screening material and LeDuc clarifies the design and material.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the design as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 4-0.

2.  Public Tables and Chairs:  Discussion of proposed public tables and chairs in Derby Square

Daniel states that this issue was discussed at the July DRB meeting, but no action was taken.  He describes the comments made by members of the public, which included concerns if unruly groups were to use the tables and chairs, and the maintenance and cleaning responsibilities.  He adds that CDBG Planner Kirstin Kinzer modified the design in response to the comments from the DRB and the public.

Lynn Duncan states that the Mayor is very supportive of this concept but all of the details have not been finalized.

Kinzer reviews the criteria she used when selecting the tables and chairs:

·       The chairs must be stackable
·       The furniture must be secured at night
·       As suggested by the DRB the tables and chairs should be perforated to allow for rain to flow through

Kinzer says that this is one of the only tables out there with a perforated top that can be physically taken apart.  She adds that the proposal includes 20 chairs and 7 tables.  She says that DPW will lock them every night and reassemble them every morning.

Daniel speaks about the concerns raised by the residents, which primarily concerned the management of the furniture.

Kinzer states that all of the neighbors received letters about this meeting.

Baldini states that they considered installing tables and chairs in Derby Square about 25 years ago and the residents objected to the concept.

Mitnik suggests having square tables so they can be put together.

Kinzer says that these tables are available only round and that the shape is not a primary criteria.

Duncan agrees, stating that Kinzer has already put a great deal of time into this.

Kinzer states that the cost for the furniture including freight is approximately $12,000.  She adds that the tables weigh 140 pounds each.

Brennan states that he understands what the city would like to do with this idea and if it doesn’t work out they could find other uses for the tables and chairs.

Duncan states that the management concerns are not for the DRB to consider, only the design.  She suggests sending an email to DRB members to seek other sources for the tables and chairs.  She says that the SRA could approve this item subject to the DRB approval of the design.

Mitnik:         Motion to approve the installation of tables and chairs in Derby Square subject to DRB review of the design, seconded by Connelly.  Passes 4-0.

Brennan sates that the SRA received a letter from the Wedells in opposition to this proposal.

3.  Solar Trash Compactors and Recycling Kiosks:  Discussion of proposed installation of additional solar trash compactors and new recycling kiosks

Daniel introduces Tom Watkins and Julie Rose from the mayor’s office, stating that they are here tonight to make some changes to the original proposal.

Tom Watkins says that they wish to clarify the locations of these trash compactors and kiosks.  He explains that the original proposal had a Big Belly in front of Old Town Hall and another in front of the fountain on Essex Street, and each of these has been moved out of view and to the side of these areas.

Brennan asks about the content for the advertising panels.

Daniel clarifies that the DRB requested clarification about the advertising program for the sides of these compactors and kiosks.

Watkins states that they are considering making the advertising subject to an RFP and mandating that it only include green projects or products.

Duncan states that the policy decisions are the real issues, not the actual ads, and the SRA/DRB would like to be part of that discussion.

Brennan asks if there could be political ads.

Watkins says no, just businesses ads that promote green products and policies.

Mitnik questions the city’s ability to make a restriction on advertisers.  He adds that the design should be the concern, not the content.

Watkins explains that the units have one or two ad panels, covered with plastic.  He says that these compactors require less work by reducing the pick-up schedule.

Daniel states that the DRB expressed concern for the proliferation of street furniture, and they requested someone take a look at the overall plan.

Duncan clarifies that there is no plan for coordinated placement the ashtrays, bike racks and these units.

Mitnik states that there should be a lot of thought put into the policy for the ads.

Daniel suggests that they think of them not ad ads, but as a sponsorship program.  The members agree with this as long as the city sets the design parameters.

Mitnik suggests having some of the panels contain maps of the downtown to assist tourists in finding their way around.

Much discussion ensues regarding the possible displays and messages for the kiosks and compactors.

Duncan states that until now the signage committee has been working with Andrew Barresi as a consultant.

Brennan states that he would have no problem expanding Barresi’s responsibilities to include some design work for these ad panels.

Duncan suggests that she get a cost estimate for this work and get back to the SRA.

Daniel says that the DRB recommended that someone in the city undertake a planning session for all the items that are being installed, including kiosks, compactors, bike racks, and ashtrays.

Duncan recommends approval assuming the DRB reviews the locations after they are installed, and with later approval of signage for the ad panels.

City Councilor O’Keefe states that this is a great idea and he is in favor of using the ad panels to raise money for the installation and maintenance of these items.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the installation of the kiosks/compactors subject to DRB review of the locations.  If the DRB deems a unit to be installed in an inappropriate location, that unit will be relocated.  There will be no ads on these units until parameters are set for design and content.  The motion is seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 4-0.

Approval of Minutes – July 9 and July 31, 2008 Meetings

Mitnik: Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Connelly.  Passes 4-0.

Baldini:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 6:50 PM.