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Approved Minutes, May 14, 2008
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:     Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:          Wednesday, May 14, 2008, at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik, and Russell Vickers
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel,
                                CDBG Planner Kirsten Kinzer,
                                Councillor Robert McCarthy
Recorder:                       Tom Daniel

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Old Salem Jail:  Duncan provides an update on the Old Salem Jail and announces that the project received $500 million in state historic tax credits and will be applying for additional state historic tax credits in the second round as well as federal historic tax credits. Final design of the project is before the DRB and closing is anticipated before July 31, 2008.

Urban Land Institute (ULI) Technical Assistance Panel (TAP): Duncan informs the Board that the City will be submitting an application to ULI’s Boston Chapter for a TAP on the Church Street Lot. If selected, the one-day workshop would focus on the appropriate mix of uses, density, and approach to public/private development that would result in a feasible development plan. There is agreement that the parcel should be something more than a parking garage.

Old/New Business

1. DRB Member Appointment: Discussion and vote to appoint Helen Sides to the Design Review Board

Duncan introduces Helen Sides to the Board. Duncan explains that The SRA makes appointments to the DRB. The City Council then has 30 days to confirm the appointment. If it fails to act, the appointment is confirmed.

Sides explains that she had wanted to get involved with the City of Salem again. In the 1990s, she served on the Historical Commission for five years and was its chair for several years. She learned of the opening on the DRB and sent a letter of interest. She has been an architect for over 20 years and specializes in old house renovation. She has lived in Salem for 17 years and is enthusiastic about the positive changes going on in the community.

Vickers:        Motion to appoint Helen Sides to the DRB, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 5-0.

Small Project Review

2. 12 and 14 Derby Square (American Marine Model Gallery):  Discussion of proposed façade alteration to reopen entrance

Michael Wall states that his intention is to restore an entry door to the front of the building.  He adds that it will be a reproduction of the same door that was removed in 1994.

Vickers:        Motion to waive SRA standard procedure and approve this subject to the DRB’s review, seconded by Connelly.  Passes 5-0.

3. Smokers’ Waste Receptacles:  Discussion of proposed smokers’ waste receptacles downtown

Ellen Talkowsky, on behalf of the Beautification Committee, explains that these waste receptacles are being proposed as part of an anti-litter campaign.  She adds that she has two designs and they would like to make these receptacles available to any business that would like one.  She presents the two designs.

Vickers suggests looking at the one that has the best construction.

Mitnik believes the more expensive one looks less stable and raises concerns about them being vandalized.

Brennan asks who is responsible for emptying them.

Talkowsky explains that the storeowners will be responsible for the ones they “adopt.” City crews would be responsible for any that are placed in public spaces not affiliated with a business.

Talkowsky notes the budget is $1,000 to $1,500 and they will buy as many as they can afford with that budget.

Mitnik: Motion to waive SRA standard procedure and approve this subject to the DRB’s review, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 5-0.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

4. 190 Essex Street (Witch’s Hide): Discussion and vote on proposed signage

Daniel states the applicant has revised the design to be consistent with the DRB’s conditions.

Mitnik indicates the curved shape of the top of the sign fights with the rectangle nature of the building.

Daniel states the shape was discussed at the DRB and the bottom was squared-up as a result.

Connelly:       Motion to approve this design with the DRB conditions, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 5-0.

5. Artists’ Row Stall 5 (Theory): Discussion and vote on proposed signage

Daniel states the applicant has revised the design to be consistent with the DRB’s conditions. The DRB was enthusiastic about the design. As is the practice with other tenant signs in Artists’ Row, if the artist returns next year, the same sign would be used.

Connelly:       Motion to approve this design with the DRB conditions, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 5-0.

RFP Respondent Interview (Time Certain: 6:15)
6. Old Town Hall: Discussion of proposal received from Gordon College and vote on recommendation to City Council

Kristina Wacome Stevick of Gordon College introduces the Gordon College team—Mark Sargent, Cliff Hersey, Jean Sbarra Jones, and David Gross (who arrives later during the presentation)—distributes supplemental materials, and summarizes Gordon’s proposal for the lease of Old Town Hall. The proposal includes use of the building for a 24-week, 24-credit curriculum focused on studying the history of Salem and the production of new theatre. There would be events throughout the year and the opportunity for internships. The first floor would contain a museum exhibit on how Salem has told her history over time. There would be a small retail component and ticket booth on the ground floor. The intent is to keep the building available to community groups for events as well.

Gordon College would invest some money to work on asbestos removal, railings, window repairs, and fire extinguishers. They have $25,000 available and their Development Office would work to secure additional funding in the future.

There would be an onsite manager throughout the year to protect the building, market the programs, and to have a presence.

Vickers asks what happens in the building during the 24-week program.

Stevick responds that classes are held there including ones on period movement, voice, speech, and playwriting.

Mark Sargent, Provost, adds that they anticipate there will be broad interest throughout their council of independent colleges because the program is so unique.

Baldini asks if there will be events during the year.

Stevick states that their goal is to have events throughout the year such as a Washington Day Event (perhaps a dress ball), arts show, and staged readings.

Cliff Hersey, Dean, adds that they bring the whole Gordon College institution with them and would like to include dance, art, music, and lectures.

Brennan asks about the schedule.

Stevick states Cry Innocent runs through the summer. They would start work in November on the railing and asbestos and the Institute would open in June 2009.

Kinzer states there are no reservations for the building after November 1, 2008. She notes that the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to recommend acceptance of Gordon College’s proposal to manage Pioneer Village.

Stevick directs the Board’s attention to response number 8 in the supplemental materials which explains the connections between Old Town Hall and Pioneer Village.

Stevick then walks the Board through the other responses in the supplemental materials.

Vickers notes that certain details go to the heart of the contractual issues and need to be resolved clearly in advance of sending a recommendation to the Council.

Duncan agrees and says that will not happen at tonight’s meeting but in follow up discussions with Gordon College.

Councillor McCarthy asks what “M” stands for in the table of Maintenance, Repair, or Replacement Responsibilities.

Stevick indicates the “M” stands for maybe.

There is discussion about several items including the boiler and utility costs.

Duncan notes that items can be flagged for follow up in future discussions.

Duncan, Kinzer, and Gordon College representatives discuss possible funding sources for capital improvements.

Duncan notes the City is interested in making the basement bathrooms fully functional. She asks if the City funded the repairs, would Gordon College clean the bathrooms.

Mitnik states there needs to be further discussion of the priorities for capital improvements and the City should have input on them.

Duncan notes some priorities would be shaped by the funding source.

Sargent agrees that there should be agreement on what improvements should be made and a wish list for future reference.

Duncan notes that the City Solicitor has issued an opinion that the proposed lease is consistent with the deed restrictions.

Vickers asks a clarification about the $50,000 identified in the proposal.

Stevick explains it is four years of tuition revenue ($12,500 x 4 years). In addition, there is $25,000 of up front capital for improvements to be made.

Kinzer asks what groups will have access.

Stevick states outside groups will have access during available times in the calendar.

Duncan notes it is important to have public access and acknowledges that it is a balancing act.

McCarthy asks who has the ultimate decision if two groups want the space at the same time.

There is further discussion of this question. Gordon College will review the City’s current protocol for prioritizing use of the space.

McCarthy states this is a fabulous opportunity and states he is very supportive of it.

Brennan states he loves the proposal and notes that it is educational in focus and will bring students downtown. He likes it because the building will be used more by the public.

Vickers suggests an interim meeting to finalize the details before making the recommendation to the City Council.

Duncan requests one or two representatives from the SRA to meet with staff and Gordon College in the coming weeks.

Brennan and Vickers volunteer to participate.

Approval of Minutes:  April 9, 2008 Meeting

Connelly:       Motion to approve the minutes from the April 9, 2008 meeting, seconded by Vickers.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 8:00 PM.