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Minutes, November 8, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority was (SRA) held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, and Russell Vickers.  Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, and Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner.

Mr. Connelly moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 11, 2006.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

Old/New Business

Executive Directors Report

Ms. Duncan gave her report.  She stated that the SRA Clerk resigned and they are looking for a new Clerk to take her place.  The stipend is $75/meeting.  She asked that if any board members know someone who might be interested, please send them to her.

Ms. Duncan said that she gave the update on the Old Salem Jail during the Annual Meeting and that was the extent of her report.


1.  Retail Market Plan

Ms. Duncan stated that the Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent out and responses are due on November 30, 2006.  

She said that the Working Group members are being pulled together.  She noted that the SRA can appoint 1-2 members to that Group.  Mr. Vickers stated that he is willing to serve on the Group.  Mr. Connelly said that daytime meetings would be a problem for him.  The SRA agreed that Mr. Vickers would be a good choice for the Group and it would be okay to only have one member representing the SRA.

Councillor Sosnowski said that he would like to be informed of what is happening with the Retail Market Plan.

2.  18 Crombie Street

Ms. Hartford introduced the new President for Habitat for Humanity of the North Shore, Don Preston.  Mr. Preston invited the Board to the dedication of the house on December 10, 2006 at 1:00pm.  He reported that they were doing a major clean-up of the house this weekend and the floors would be cleaned up after the clean-up.  He asked the Board for an extension of the deadline to complete the project to December 30, 2006.

Mr. Vickers moved to extend the deadline for the project to December 30, 2006.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

Ms. Hartford explained that the Habitat construction team has been working with Paul Durand, chair of the DRB and a pro bono architect for the project.  They have been visiting the site on a regular basis to monitor the project.  Two changes have come up with the project: one is that Habitat would like to eliminate the shutters from the Final Design Plans and the second is the decision to change the downspouts from copper to an almond color aluminum gutter that matches the trim.  Both changes were approved by Mr. Durand and are minor to the overall project.  The basis on the shutters is that they are hard to maintain and unnecessary.

Mr. Vickers made a motion to approve the change to the downspouts and the removal of the shutters.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

3. Old Town Hall Reuse – Timeline

Ms. Duncan went through the background of the project.  She noted that the Council was okay with the SRA being the Reuse Committee for the project.  She then went through the schedule for designating a long-term user for the Hall.

Ms. Duncan stated that there was some work done in the past on the potential reuse of the Hall. She would like the time for staff to review this report done in 1996 and incorporate it into the RFP.  She said that the eventual lease for the Hall may require less rent in the beginning and then ramp up as improvements to the Hall are made.  She stated that the goal is to have an RFP out in March and responses back in May.

Mr. Vickers stated that the basic parameters and criteria for the reuse and selection of a long-term user are important.  He said that sustainability is important and it will be balancing what we would like to see with what can work economically.  He noted that the criteria will provide a guide on sustainability.  Further, the SRA needs to look at what are acceptable terms of a lease.  These are things he would like to figure out before the RFP goes out.

Councilor Sosnowski asked whether we will have a staff person in charge in overseeing the Marketplace and Old Town Hall as in years past.  Ms. Duncan responded that the idea was to find some type of management company who will be responsible for leasing out the space.  She noted that there would be specific objectives for awarding the lease.

Mr. Vickers asked what rights the leaser would have over Derby Square.  Ms. Duncan said that it was an interesting question that came up before on how to use Derby Square.

Dave Pelletier, member of the public, stated that at one point the Market area was an open market area and it did not work.  Ms. Duncan responded that she is not necessarily saying that it should be an open market but does think that the uses in Old Town Hall could spill out into the square.

Mr. Brennan stated that he feels the Board should let the creative types come out and tell us what they want to see there.  Mr. Vickers said that it is also good to have some criteria.

Ms. Duncan said that the next step is to look at the Old Town Hall report and figure out if it is still useful or needs an update.

Councilor Sosnowski said that the Derby Deed says what can and cannot be used at the Hall.  Ms. Duncan said that obviously they will have the City Solicitor look into the deed restrictions on the site.  Mr. Brennan agreed that they should get a legal opinion before they move forward.

4.  17 Central Street (Old Police Station/Residences at Museum Place)

Ms. Hartford went through the list of what was not yet completed at the Old Police Station.  She stated that her attempts at reaching the developer, Bill Luster, have not been successful.  Mr. Brennan said that he spoke with Mr. Luster who said they are working on completing the remaining items.

Judi Burke, member of the public and resident of the Residences at Museum Place, clarified that she had a conversation with Jason Silva in the Mayor’s Office who then requested the Salem Department of Public Services to fix the driveway leading into the development; it was not the developer’s initiative or expense.  She said that the association and residents have completed work on their own dime.  She said that there have been promises made on the roof and the developer fails to make it to meetings.  She said that the scrollwork should not be as big of an issue as they are making it out to be.  She said that it was unfortunate that she bought into this and should not be subjected to this behavior.

Ms. Duncan assured her that the Board was taking the matter seriously.  Mr. Brennan stated that he would talk with the developer and set up a meeting prior to the December board meeting to get a progress report.

5.  76 Lafayette Street

David Steinberg, developer, and Michael LeBlanc, architect from Utile, presented the project.  Mr. Steinberg stated that they are converting 10,000 square feet of office space on the third and fourth floors of the building into residential units.  He said that the project will not require any new parking.

Mr. LeBlanc went through the plans for the project.

Mr. Brennan inquired as to whether the units would have parking associated with them.  Mr. Steinberg replied that they would.

Mr. Brennan asked how many bedrooms would be in each unit.  Mr. LeBlanc went through the floor plans.

Mr. Brennan asked what the rental fees would be for the units.  Mr. Steinberg stated that they have not worked it out yet but would be approximately $1,500/month.

Mr. Brennan asked if they would be using the roof.  Mr. Steinberg stated that they have mechanical systems on the roof that cannot be seen from the street.

Mr. Connelly asked about the developer’s pending bid to put the Registry at this site.  Mr. Steinberg said that this is a back-up plan in the event that they do not win the bid for the Registry.  He noted that currently, there are two vacant floors in the building.

Ms. Duncan noted that this project will be before the Planning Board on November 16.

Mr. Brennan stated that there are no exterior changes to the building so essentially the Board is voting on the change in use.

Mr. Vickers made a motion to approve the change in use at 76 Lafayette Street.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

6. 85 Lafayette Street (New Dimensions in Technology)

Ms. Hartford stated that this item was continued.

7. 157 Washington Street (Passage to India)

Ms. Hartford presented the item for new signage at Passage to India and new lighting.  She said that the DRB did change the lettering on the sign which is reflected in the revised drawing that was in your packet.  She said that the DRB representative reviewed the lighting plan and was satisfied with the changes.  She reported that the DRB recommended approval as revised.

Ms. Hartford read the DRB recommendation:
At their meeting on October 25, 2006, the DRB recommended approval of the project with the following conditions: the lettering on the sign reading “Fine Indian Cuisine” should be brought down to the curve of the sign and the wording on the sign centered on the sign; and the specification of the lighting should be submitted to the a DRB representative for approval prior to installation.

Mr. Connelly moved to approve the DRB recommendation for the sign and lighting.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).


There being no further business, Mr. Vickers moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Tania Hartford
SRA staff