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Minutes, September 13, 2006

A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan and Russell Vickers.  Also present were: Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Kathleen Wilkinson, Clerk.


Mr. Baldini moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on August 9, 2006.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Old/New Business


1.  Old Town Hall Reuse

Mr. Brennan introduced Mayor Kimberley Driscoll here to talk with the SRA about Old Town Hall.  Mayor Driscoll stated that she wanted to speak briefly about use of the Old Town Hall, which has not been fully utilized.  She stated that the City looked at possible uses such as weddings, theater groups, cultural events, art exhibits, and special concert series for the space; however its necessary to find a long-term use that preserves the space.  

The Mayor recommended that the Salem Redevelopment Authority participate as the Reuse Committee for the building.  She acknowledged that it is a big project for the SRA to take on but thought they would be a perfect fit as they did a good job with the disposition of the Old Police Station and Old Salem Jail.  The Mayor stated that she thought the building lent itself to a creative economy-type use, such as an arts center and theatre.  She said that the purpose would not be to sell the space but to lease it on a long-term basis.  She further stated that she was less concerned about the financial return than about an active use.

Mr. Brennan stated that he would love to take it on and work with the planning staff to find a good use for the space.  

Mr. Vickers stated that he seconded Mr. Brennan’s thoughts.  He further stated that the goal would be sustainability as opposed to the financial return.  He said that the viability over the long-term is essential.  He also thought that an outside management firm would be necessary to manage the Hall.   He stated that the SRA would require some guidelines as they move forward.

Ms. Sullivan added that she agrees this is a good idea and also thinks the Board should think about what happens around the outside of the space.  She said that Derby Square is part of the economic center and personally would like to see an active outdoor use there as well such as the farmer’s market that used to be there.  

Mr. Connelly and Mr. Baldini also agreed that this was a good idea.

Mr. Brennan stated that everyone agreed to participate in this project and that the Mayor can make her recommendation to the Council with the SRA’s full support.

2.  Retail Market Study

Mr. Brennan asked the Mayor if she wished to speak about the next item on the agenda.  Mayor Driscoll thanked the Board for agreeing to fund the Market Plan.  She said that she wants an action plan that is less about case studies and more about getting things done.  She noted that finding the right consultant would be the biggest challenge.  She thanked the Board for their time and left the meeting.

Ms. Duncan stated that it is her intention to get a revised Scope of Services for the Market Plan to the SRA before the October meeting and would be looking for a vote on moving forward with releasing the RFP at that time.  

Ms. Sullivan stated that she does not want to forget about the Salem State students and felt it was important to include what they want in this study.   Ms. Hartford stated that it was included in the Scope of Services.


3.  South River Harborwalk

Ms. Hartford stated that this project has been before the Design and Review Board in Schematic Design review for quite a while.  She added that the DRB reviewed the most recent plans at their last meeting and recommended approval with conditions.  She stated that Frank Taormina, Harbor Planner, will walk through the project and talk about the changes that the DRB would like to see when the project comes back for Final Design Approval.

Mr. Taormina presented the plans for the project.  He noted that the design has gone through a few major changes since the SRA last saw it based on comments from the DRB and from the Harbor Plan Committee.  He stated that the new design seems to be well-received and the consultant will be incorporating the conditions of the DRB in their recommendation.  

Ms. Hartford stated that the DRB recommended approval with the following conditions:  gateway design needs to be thought about more; ship design at the gateway should be to some scale, perhaps to the Friendship and the designer should look at it as it relates to the street; street tree should be kept at the entrance to the walkway; more plantings or screening should be considered for the berm abutting the Goodyear Tire property; interpretive signage should include the history of the electrical station and the significance of the ship design and the locations of these signs should be laid out in the final plan; and final design plans should include more benches and those benches should be laid out in a way that allows for the removal of the bollards currently on the walkway behind Beverly Cooperative Bank.

Ms. Sullivan said she is concerned about any approval tonight because she felt like the project needed more work and the DRB recommendation did not give enough detail to ensure the design was a good one.  Ms. Hartford stated that the SRA was approving the project at the Schematic Design phase and would be seeing it again at Final Design review in the next few months.  She stated that more design needs to be done but it is important to move the project forward and allow them to start the Final Design, with the feedback from the DRB.  Mr. Brennan agreed that the project should move forward.

Ms. Sullivan moved to approve the Schematic Design Plans for the Salem Harborwalk as recommended by the DRB.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

4.  17 Central Street (Old Police Station/Residences at Museum Place)

Bill Luster, developer of 17 Central Street, stated that he drafted a letter in response to an initial letter from the Planning Department that outlines the remaining outstanding issues and their status.  Mr. Luster proceeded to go through the letter with the SRA. He provided the following status: the changes in the landscaping plan were approved and as-built plans are being drawn up; the iron fencing is installed; the fencing at the dumpster was sited by the residents of the complex and Tania Hartford of the Planning Department and the fence is installed, awaiting painting; period lights will be installed by the City Electrician, at the developer’s expense, in the next few weeks; the parking lot safety light was selected and approved by the residents and was installed; the picket fence at the former arch location was installed and is complete; the white cage lights were removed and replaced by lighting selected by the residents; the Museum Place sign was removed; the scroll details over the front doors still needs to be done; the brick header at the driveway entrance needs to be replaced and he is working on getting a price; the front doors were approved and will be replaced; and the issue of water on the roof was not a leakage problem but a drainage problem and they are working with the contractor and roofer to fix it.

Mr. Vickers asked if all of these issues have to be resolved prior to a final sign-off on the project.  Ms. Hartford explained that the City is currently holding the final unit Certificate of Occupancy and the building Certificate of Occupancy until these issues are resolved.  

A resident spoke and said that the new management company, Gemini, has had a difficult time getting people together to discuss the issues and she suggested that the Certificate of Occupancy be held up until the standing water issue is resolved.  Mr. Luster stated that he has never refused to meet and had not gotten a call from the management company.  The parties agreed to meet to discuss the remaining issues.

Mr. Vickers asked if they could continue this discussion at the next meeting and receive an update at that time.  


5.  120 Washington Street

Ms. Hartford introduced the project by explaining that because this was a minor exterior modification that it falls under “small project review”.  The SRA can review the plans tonight and if they agree with the project moving forward, they can refer it to the DRB for design review.  It would then come back to the SRA, with a DRB recommendation, for a final vote on the project.

David Steinberg, with developer RCG, LLC, and Dana Weeder, Winter Street Architects, addressed the Board and explained the layout of the proposed five new housing units at the rear of 120 Washington Street, at Barton Square and the second floor space along Essex Street.  They walked through the exterior changes that are proposed for the building.

Ms. Sullivan asked if there would be any housing on the first floor.  Ms. Hartford stated that this would not include any of the first floor space along Essex Street and Lappin Park and emphasized that the developer was committed to keeping retail on the first floor.  Ms. Sullivan asked where residents would park.  The developer replied that they would be provided off site.  Ms. Duncan stated that this was in accordance with the City’s zoning ordinance.

Mr. Connelly moved to send this matter to the Design Review Board. Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


Project Approval

6.  Museum Place Mall (Cool Jewels)

Ms. Hartford stated that the DRB reviewed the sign proposal for Cool Jewels and recommended approval of the sign with the conditions that the color be changed to silver and the letters be in upper and lower case.  The DRB asked that the silver color be reviewed by a representative of the DRB.  The applicant ordered the letters prior to review by the DRB.  Ms. Hartford recommends that the sign be approved with the condition that we approve the silver color before its installed.

After discussion, Mr. Connelly moved to approve the DRB recommendation.  Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


7.  Use of Old Salem Jail

Matt Meltzer, of the television show Ghost Hunters, addressed the Board to seek permission to film in the Old Salem Jail for two nights in September.  He explained that the crew and cast total sixteen (16) people traveling in four (4) vehicles.  They would spend one night shooting the documentary from about 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.  They would leave for the day and return at 6:00 p.m. for the second night’s filming.  They would need to bring in a small generator.  Mr. Meltzer stated that the company carries its own insurance and will forfeit all liability.

Ms. Duncan said she had hoped to have the input of New Boston Ventures but has not been able to contact them.  She stated that the Building Inspector is opposed to the filming due to concerns about the safety issues.  Mr. Meltzer said his company would be willing to reimburse the cost for a supervisor to escort the crew while on the premises.

The Chairman asked the Board if New Boston Ventures agrees to the filming, how they felt about it.  Mr. Baldini said he would go along with whatever New Boston Ventures wanted to do.  Ms. Sullivan agreed that it should be New Boston Venture’s decision.  Mr. Vickers said if the developer agrees to the filming, that he would go along with it.

Ms. Sullivan stated that there should be a location fee charged and suggested it be $10,000.00.  After some discussion the Board felt that it was not appropriate to charge a fee.

Mr. Vickers moved to allow the film crew to use the Old Salem Jail, at no charge, subject to approval of the developer, New Boston Ventures, and with the stipulation that a police detail be on duty and an indemnification agreement be executed.  Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-1) with Ms. Sullivan voting nay.
                                                                                                 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT

Ms. Duncan stated that the Marketplace Redevelopment Committee finished its work and is finalizing the wording of the Peer Review Report, which we hope to have out by the end of the month.

Ms. Duncan stated that the Old Salem Jail is at the DRB and they are planning on appearing before the Planning Board this month.  

Ms. Duncan reported that there has been a lot of discussion on the need for better directional signage in the downtown.  She stated that some time ago John Roll Associates designed a comprehensive downtown signage plan and the Mayor has started an initiative to look at implementing the program.  


There being no further business, Mr. Baldini moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 p.m.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Wilkinson