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Minutes, August 9, 2006

A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan and Russell Vickers.  Also present were: Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Kathleen Wilkinson, Clerk.


Mr. Baldini moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 19, 2006.  Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0)

Old/New Business

Executive Director’s Report

Ms. Duncan introduced Kathleen Wilkinson to the Board and informed them that Debbie Tucker had resigned as clerk and Kathleen would now be taking the Minutes.

Ms. Duncan spoke about the Downtown Marketing Study and said that the scope needs to be fine-tuned in the next month based on comments from the Board.  She requested the Board vote to go forward with allocating funds for the Downtown Marketing Study up to $50,000.

Ms. Duncan stated that this has been given a lot of thought and she feels it is an important piece along with many other initiatives that are now going on.  She is working very closely with the Chamber of Commerce and fundraising is being done by the Partnership.  It would be extremely helpful to have a Main Street Manager help in the implementation of the Study, although it is not absolutely necessary.

Mr. Vickers stated that he had mentioned this to a number of people and is in support of the Mayor’s initiative although he has not seen the overall strategy.  Mr. Connelly stated that he agrees with Mr. Vickers and feels that the Board’s mission is to generate excitement and support. Ms. Sullivan said that she believes it is an essential tool to move forward. Mr. Baldini stated that he agrees with the Board.

Mr. Vickers moved to approve moving ahead with funding a Downtown Market Study up to $50,000.00, subject to review and approval of the scope.  Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0)

Ms. Duncan informed the Board that the Marketplace Redevelopment Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 to review the final report.  She stated that the strength of the report is in the consensus of the common ground and felt that the committee has done a great job.

Development Project Review

17 Central Street (Old Police Station/Residences at Museum Place)

Ms. Hartford said that she was under the impression that Bill Luster was planning to attend the meeting tonight but he is not currently present.  She stated that there has been some progress on the project.  She stated that the period street lights are being delivered and the city will be installing them, at the expense of the developer; period style lights were being installed on the building today to replace the plastic lights; and the parking lot lights were purchased and will be installed by the end of the week.  

Ms. Hartford will be in contact with Bill Luster to request that he attend the September SRA meeting.

Ms. Sullivan asked if payment is being held.  Ms. Hartford replied that there was no bond being held on the site but the developer is not able to get the certificate of occupancy for the final unit, which is essentially costing them the cost of that unit sale.

There were several tenant representatives present who voiced their concern regarding leaks in 3-4 units, some of which were reportedly fixed.  It was the consensus that the developer has not been responsive.  Ms. Hartford informed them that during a site visit with the contractor, they observed standing water on the roof along with the developer, residents and the building inspector.  The contractor is supposed to be working through that issue with the roofer as a warranty issue.  

Mr. Brennan stated that the developer should be notified that the Board would like an update at their next meeting.

50 St. Peter Street (Old Salem Jail)

Representatives, including the applicant, David Goldman and Penn Lindsay, of New Boston Ventures and their architectural team including, Dan Ricarelli and Cindi Giugliano of Finegold Alexander and Associations, thanked the Board for allowing them to come before them once again.  

Mr. Goldman noted that the original plan to have Aquitaine Group located at the site fell through because they wanted more space and it would not work for the space for a variety of reasons.  He is committed to getting a restaurant of the same caliber and is working with the Boston Restaurant Group to help him find one.  He has had some preliminary conversations with some restaurants and is confident that they would find one.

Ms. Sullivan stated that it is tremendously important that there be a restaurant of that caliber at the site.  The developer stated that he understood.

The architects presented the project, which includes the redevelopment of the Old Salem Jail complex into a mixed-use development with 29 residential units, a high-end restaurant and public jail exhibit.  The project will include parking on site.

Ms. Sullivan inquired how Historic Salem felt about the replication of the jail cell.  Ms. Hartford answered that they understood why the decision was made but are taking the time to review the plans and will be issuing comments on the plans in the near future, which will most likely include their response to this matter.

Ms. Duncan asked for clarification on the relocation of the affordable living space.  The developer stated that the artist live/work space was moved from the Barn into the Jail building, closer to the restaurant.  This clusters all the public space into one area of the site.  It also allows for art to be displayed in the lobby of the building and in the adjoining courtyard.

Mr. Goldman informed the Board that the engineering is right on schedule and the next scheduled filing is with the Planning Board in September.  They have taken the suggestions of the SRA as well as the community and are incorporating those suggestions into the plan, thus making it a better project.  

Ms. Sullivan pointed out that it is tremendously important that there be a restaurant.  Mr. Goldman assured her and the Board that the plans include a restaurant.  

Chairman Brennan asked what progress is being made on the access road.  Ms. Hartford responded that the access to the site was designed by the developer’s engineers in conjunction with MA Highway’s engineers.  The design was approved by MA Highway and is being built.

Ms. Sullivan stated that she is concerned about the new construction and likes the second set of drawings better than this third set.  She pointed out that the building design as shown lack context and color and is hard to visualize.  She said that she needs to understand what she is seeing if she is going to vote on it.

Chairman Brennan requested that in the future the architects provide a single picture of the design and was assured that such a picture would be presented in color.

Chairman Brennan thanked the development team for their presentation.

Mr. Vickers moved to send the plan to the Design Review Board.  Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Ms. Hartford stated that the next meeting of the Design Review Board would be Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Small Project Review

17-21 Front Street

Ms. Hartford informed the Board that the Design Review Board met three times and came up with a plan for new windows throughout the building that are appropriate for the area.  It was a compromise to the original plan for storm windows.  Ms. Hartford said that the DRB recommended approval of the project, as changed by the Board and reflected in their SRA submission.

Mr. William Goldberg, property owner, addressed the Board and told them that he had purchased this building as well as one across the street from it and had met with the Design Review Board concerning the windows.  He stated that with the help of the city and Ms. Hartford, a thermal pane window is recommended.  He stated that the Design Review Board liked it and he believes the tenants will be pleased.

Ms. Hartford stated that two more dormers will be installed; there will be aluminum glass entrances; some of the windows that once were doors, will be made into doors; a landing near the Marketplace side of the property was changed to include a wrought iron railing; and all of the existing wooden shutters will be removed.  She stated that in addition, a signage plan was approved and the DRB felt that no lighting was a reasonable option seeing as the tenants across the street also have unlit signs.  

Mr. Goldberg stated that it is his goal to make Front Street a complement to the retail area of downtown Salem.  

Mr. Sullivan stated that Front Street is extremely important and feels that it is essential that its integrity remain.

Mr. Baldini moved to accept the recommendation of the Design Review Board.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Sign Review
Project Approval

24 Front Street (Fiddlehead)

Ms. Hartford informed the Board that a fabulous sign has been designed for the new flower shop.  She stated that the DRB voted to approve the sign as submitted.

Mr. Connolly moved to accept the recommendation of the sign proposed by the Design Review Board and Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

13 Washington Street

Ms. Hartford informed the Board that the DRB recommended changing the sign so that it essentially “floats” in front of the existing door.  The revised design was included with the SRA packet.

Mr. Baldini moved to accept the recommendation of the Design Review Board.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


There being no further business, Mr. Connelly moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.  Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Wilkinson