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Minutes, July 19, 2006
HELD ON JULY 19, 2006

A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Acting Chairman Russell Vickers called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers.  Also present were Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk.


Ms. Sullivan moved to approve the minutes of the minutes for the meeting held on June 14, 2006.   Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Old/New Business

Ms. Hartford relayed that Ms. Duncan was on vacation.  

Ms. Hartford informed the board that Tom Donovan of the District Attorney’s office would be holding training on the Open Meeting Law for all City of Salem board members on July 31, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.  She asked that those interested please RSVP to the department.

Ms. Hartford reported that two new businesses, New Civilitea and Crunchy Granola Baby, would be opening for business soon and holding grand openings.  Board members are invited to attend and she distributed invitations.


17 Central Street (Old Police Station/ Residences at Museum Place)

Ms. Hartford reported that Bill Luster, who was scheduled to appear before the board, was unable to be there due to an unexpected conflict.  He did submit a letter addressing the specific outstanding issues.

She told the board that the condo owners, the developer and its electrician, and the owner of Red’s restaurant had met and that the landscaping plan was almost complete.  The final pole light location needs to be determined.  All parties agreed upon a pole light being located off of the building for better lighting and security.  It will be a subtle fixture and the owners will choose.  The board thought that this was acceptable.  Ms. Hartford indicated that the light was backordered and the electrician will try Delande’s for availability.  

Ms. Hartford reported that the dumpster fencing location had been chosen and that the dumpsters will be covered.  The final landscaping plan will show this information.  The period lighting should be in soon.  The picket fencing has been taken care of.  The white plastic “boat” lights on the patios will be replaced with a light chosen by the residents and should be delivered in September.  The Museum Place sign will be removed by July 30th.  

The DRB thought that the plan for the doors was fine as submitted with the exception of the hardware.  Mr. DeMaio will be working with the residents to select appropriate fixtures.  The DRB recommended approval with this exception.  

Ms. Sullivan asked when the project would be complete and commented that it had been dragging on.  Ms. Hartford said that the mason was backed up due to the recent weather.  Mr. Luster is scheduled to be back before the board in August.  

Mr. Baldini moved that the changes to the plan for the front doors for the Residences at Museum Place at17 Central Street be approved upon recommendation of the DRB with the condition of the hardware approval made by Mr. DeMaio of the DRB.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and it passed (4-0).

Mr. Baldini moved that the changes to the exterior lighting at the back of the property, including the deletion of the second pole light and the addition of a floodlight, for the Residences at Museum Place at17 Central Street be approved upon recommendation of the DRB.  Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and it passed (4-0).

Ms. Sullivan moved that Mr. Luster appear before the board at the August meeting in order to report on the status of the project at the Residences at Museum Place at 17 Central Street.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and it passed (4-0).

Ms. Hartford reported that there are other issues remaining, related to the construction.  The roof was found to have standing water after a few dry days.  The contractor did see the water and the developer is hoping to get the roofer back to repair the leak.  The driveway has some loose bricks from the construction and will be repaved.  


45 Lafayette Street (Cornerstone Books)

Ms. Hartford reported that the owner of Cornerstone Books at 45 Lafayette Street was contacted regarding lighting and exterior signage installed without approval.  The DRB reviewed the proposed plan for lighting the exterior signage, made changes, and recommended approval.

Ms. Sullivan asked if this was similar to the New Civilitea problem.  Ms. Hartford answered that there are design guidelines but noted that the bigger issue is that the building’s developer did not included signage lighting plans for the building initially.  She added that the DRB is working to require developers to plan for these items.  The developers of 17-21 Front Street have been requested to include this in their redevelopment plans for the building, should those businesses require signage lighting.

The DRB asked that the plan for Cornerstone Books at 45 Lafayette Street be similar to New Civilitea.  The lights will be partially covered and shine more directly on the signage.  The conduit will be moved and painted black in order to be more subtle and blend.  A vent will be painted white as well.

Ms. Sullivan moved that the plan for lighting for Cornerstone Books at 45 Lafayette Street be approved as recommended by the DRB.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and it passed (4-0).   


45 Lafayette Street (Cornerstone Books)

The proposed outdoor café for Cornerstone Books at 45 Lafayette Street was presented for approval.  Ms. Hartford reported that the DRB had recommended approval.  There will be eight tables and sixteen chairs similar to New Civilitea and done in black wrought iron.

Mr. Baldini moved that the proposed outdoor café for Cornerstone Books at 45 Lafayette Street be approved as presented and as recommended by the DRB.   Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).  

Project Approval

24 New Derby Street (Crafters Boutique)

Ms. Hartford reported that the DRB recommended approval of the plan for the hanging sign at Crafters Boutique of 24 New Derby Street as presented.  She added that Glenn Kennedy of the DRB had helped the storeowners with color selections.  Ms. Sullivan stated that Mr. Kennedy is very talented.  The owner said that the sign was very similar to the sign in that location last year.  

Ms. Sullivan moved that the plan for the hanging sign at Crafters Boutique of 24 New Derby Street be approved as presented and as recommended by the DRB.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).  

24 New Derby Street (Row Gallery)

Ms. Hartford reported that the DRB recommended approval of the plan for the hanging sign at Row Gallery of 24 New Derby Street as presented.  She added that the DRB had helped the owner with color shading.  

Mr. Connelly moved that the plan for the hanging sign at Row Gallery of 24 New Derby Street be approved as presented and as recommended by the DRB.  Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).  


18 Crombie Street Redevelopment

Bunnie Pasternak of Habitat for Humanity appeared before the board in order to request an extension for the redevelopment project at 18 Crombie Street.  She reported that the project was behind schedule, but that she hoped that it would be completed by September 30th.  The volunteers will begin painting and the backyard asphalt will be removed.  Ms. Pasternak said that they were making good progress.

Ms. Hartford recommended that any interested board members could visit the property at 5:00 p.m. on August 9th just before the next SRA meeting.  She added that the house looks amazing.  Ms. Pasternak said that the lottery-winning family was thrilled.

Ms. Sullivan asked when the family would be moving into the property.  Ms. Pasternak thought that it would be the end of September or beginning of October.  She was hopeful that the project would be completed before the Halloween season.  There will be a dedication and the board will be invited.

Ms. Sullivan moved that an extension until September 30, 2006 be granted for Habitat for Humanity and the redevelopment of 18 Crombie Street.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).  

Ms. Hartford reminded Ms. Pasternak that the SRA was holding $5,000.00 in escrow until the end of the project.

Downtown Market Study

Ms. Hartford presented a copy of the proposed services in the downtown market study.  She indicated that the comments from the SRA were incorporated.  She stated that this was part of a larger vision for the downtown and it was one piece of the larger strategy.  In addition to the market study, the City is working with the Chamber of Commerce and the business community to fund a downtown Main Streets manager that will help with the implementation of the market study.  This will represent a three-year commitment to this position by both the city and the business community.

Ms. Hartford went on to report that she had spoken with Emmy Hahn, who works with the state Downtown Initiative, to get some feedback into the scope and discuss the reality of whether we actually would need a market study.  Ms. Hartford stated that Ms. Hahn was very supportive of the idea stating a market study would help take away those “maybes” floating around about the downtown and ground the changes happening downtown with demographic information and surveying.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the SRA needs the numbers and the data to make the study credible.  She said that it is so important to have the baseline data and direction.  Ms. Hartford said that the scope had been expanded to include those concerns of the SRA and focus on really capturing that information that Salem is lacking on the existing conditions.  She reviewed this with the board.

Ms. Sullivan said that various “players” downtown are working together with the Mayor and this is significant.  Ms. Sullivan said that Salem is a double brand with both history and witchcraft lore and those these don’t always mesh.  

Ms. Hartford said that Ms. Hahn felt that the idea was great and has worked in other cities.  Ms. Hartford stated that while Ms. Hahn thought a study with such a large scope could run us up to $80,000 she thought we could scale back the scope by having consultant use information that already exists from the Peabody Essex Museum, Destination Salem, and Salem State College, for example.  Ms. Hahn recommended making the scope specific and thought that it could be completed for $50,000.00.  Ms. Hartford recommended the board vote to approve a budget for this amount.

Ms. Sullivan said that the Peabody Essex Museum would share information they had on an economic impact report they conducted.  She also noted that Salem State College is doing some research on students spending, which would also be helpful information.  Ms. Hartford noted that both of these pieces of information would be helpful in driving down the cost of the study because surveying and quantitative research is labor intensive and expensive.   Mr. Connelly asked if there were a way to identify who would be willing to share information such as Salem State College, the Chamber of Commerce, RCG, etc.  Ms. Hartford stated that she would look into it.

Rinus Oosthoek, Salem Chamber of Commerce, added that Comcast plans to air 800 commercials on cable television promoting Salem.  He also pointed to a three-year research study by North Shore Medical Center.  He said that this study would be the beginning of an outreach to new markets.  Mr. Oosthoek said that the Chamber shares everything that they have and that they want to make Salem work.  

Ms. Sullivan said that this study would be a public document and would be available to all.  Mr. Vickers stated that he was encouraged by the Mayor’s leadership and focus on the downtown.  

Mr. Oosthoek said that banks were helping to fund the downtown manager as requested by the Mayor.  Ms. Hartford added that they would be providing $25,000-30,000 each year for three years.  She noted that this was in addition to the $20,000-25,000 that the city would be committing each year, for three years toward this position.  

Mr. Vickers said that he had spoken with Chairman Brennan, who had shared his concern with how the study fits within the larger context of the downtown strategy.  Ms. Sullivan said that when the study’s results come out, the manager, the Chamber, and Mayor could plan a strategy for who will implement different parts of it.  Mr. Vickers said that he did not think that the study would give answers as to what the City should do.  

Mr. Oosthoek said that two retail businesses had come into the Chamber office that week and the question was why should they come to Salem as opposed to another city.  He said that he had to give them old demographic information.  Ms. Sullivan said that other towns have better information and added that the Chamber needs market data that they don’t have.

Ms. Sullivan said that she was so impressed with the information that was generated with the Salem Jail redevelopment project.  Mr. Vickers said that he supports the overall concept but that he still questions how it will all fit together.  He said that he would prefer to defer the matter for now.  He asked if the study were to become a sales tool, who would become the salesman-- the City, the Chamber?  Mr. Vickers said that he applauded the leadership that the Mayor has gotten to step forward but asked who steps up to move the implementation mechanism forward.  He asked what the roles of the SRA, the Chamber, the Partnership, etc. were.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the new manager will be housed at the Chamber and that the College was in a state of evolution.  She added that the College has a committee working with the City of which she is the Co-Chair.  She stated that the City is getting the right businesses and that they need a sales operation.  She gave the example of industrial manufacturing off Highland Ave.

Mr. Vickers said that he was unsure how that relates to the overall plan.  Ms. Sullivan said that other communities have systems in place.  Mr. Vickers agreed and thought that they were poised to put them together.  

Ms. Hartford stated that she thought that the board needed more information and that she will get it.  She said that the Chair would be at the next meeting.

Mr. Oosthoek said that $12,000 of the $25,000 had so far been received.  Mr. Vickers said that the banks are asking what they are getting for the money and how it all fits together.  

Mr. Connelly said that these were all valid points and recommended that out of respect to the Chair, that the matter should be tabled until the next meeting.  Ms. Sullivan agreed.  

Ms. Hartford said that she would gather all of the necessary information for the next meeting, which will be held on August 9th.


There being no further business, Mr. Connelly moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Tucker