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Minutes, April 10, 2006
HELD ON APRIL 10, 2006

A Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Monday, April 10, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call

Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Conrad Baldini, Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers.  Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, and Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner.


Ms. Sullivan asked that a statement of hers be attached to the minutes of February 8th concerning page 3 and discussion of the marketing of the downtown, since she did not feel that the minutes had the shade of her conversation.  She will email it to Ms. Duncan.  Ms. Duncan said that she would attach the statement if Ms. Sullivan would like it added in.  Ms. Duncan added that the major responsibility of the minutes is to get the attendance and the votes and that the nuances are difficult to get in the minutes.  Ms. Sullivan asked that the correction be made and her statement attached.

Mr. Vickers moved to approve the minutes of the minutes for the meeting held on February 8, 2006 with the attachment of the statement read by Ms. Sullivan and changes to pages 2 and 3 in order to reflect her thoughts on the marketing of the downtown area and ideas concerning the pedestrian mall.   Mr. Baldini seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Mr. Baldini moved to approve the minutes of the minutes for the meeting held on March 8, 2006.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

New Business

1.  Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan reported that the Mayor’s downtown visioning workshop was held and Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Vickers attended.  There were consultants from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) that facilitated the meeting of approximately 100 people in attendance.  Ms. Duncan reported that there was a great cross section present.    Assets of the downtown community were discussed including the City’s heritage, the fact that it is a walkable City, museums, and waterfront as well as the challenges and opportunities moving forward.  Everyone could then vote on the most pressing issues.  

The votes were tabulated and the highest need was found to be a “coordinated, all encompassing marketing campaign both in and outside the City”.  The second highest priority was to implement a Salem Harbor plan.  Ms. Duncan felt that this showed a strong connection between the Harbor and better utilization of the waterfront and a connection with the downtown.   Ms. Duncan will obtain a report of the findings from the MAPC.  

Ms. Sullivan noted that one of the suggestions was the creation of a framework for redevelopment.  Ms. Duncan agreed and added that this framework would be to ensure new developments complement the historic fabric.  Ms. Sullivan was impressed at how positive the meeting was.  Mr. Vickers agreed.

Mr. Vickers thought that the comments were good but that the hard part is to follow through and continue the energy.  Ms. Duncan thought that the City is doing a better job to get the word out about some of the things that they do such as the Design Review Board.  

Mr. Baldini noted that everything old is new again.  Ms. Duncan said that before the meeting she brought in a stack of documents of the downtown studies and planning and visioning that have gone on in the past.  The idea is to move from this stage and do the implementation.  

The RCG Marketplace Redevelopment project, which includes the Salem News building block and includes the marketplace and the parking lot at the corner of Lafayette and Front Streets owned by the SRA and other City property was discussed.  The Mayor formed a committee.  There are two SRA members.  Michael Brennan as the Chair and Christine Sullivan, member, were at the first meeting on Friday and reviewed the role of the committee.  Ms. Duncan said that this way the committee has the opportunity to shape the redevelopment within the framework and determine what is negotiable and what is non-negotiable.  They will try to do this with the expertise of an urban designer/architect.  They have put together an RFP in order to review proposals from architectural firms to help with a peer review of the RCG project.  

Mr. Vickers asked who else was on the committee and what the purpose of the urban designer/architect was.  Ms. Duncan explained that the purpose of the architect was to provide design expertise to the committee and the ability to review the proposal.  The committee will discuss the opportunities and challenges of the development at the next meeting.

Ms. Duncan stated that the Marketplace Redevelopment Committee included representatives from the SRA and the DRB, the Planning Board, Historic Salem, Inc., Chamber of Commerce, the Neighborhood Alliance, the Historic Commission, business property owners, local architects and downtown residents.  

Mr. Vickers noted that surface parking in the lot was an important issue.  Ms. Sullivan noted other issues that were raised.  Ms. Duncan said that the idea was to move through very quickly and that there is a 90-day timeframe, which is ambitious but that they don’t want to lose momentum.  

Ms. Sullivan noted that there are a couple of public meetings built into the process.  Mr. Connelly asked if any of RCG’s new acquisitions affect this project.  Ms. Duncan replied that they don’t.  Ms. Sullivan said that she thought it was a relevant issue.  She said that they should look at it as one big picture.

Ms. Duncan said that the SRA would be getting periodic updates as the project moves ahead.  She reported that the environmental testing had not been authorized yet.  They have a law firm with environmental expertise advising the City right now.  

Ms. Duncan reported that benches would be installed in Lappin Park, but that they will be the City standard rather than the other model previously considered and approved.  

Ms. Sullivan moved to approve that City standard benches be installed in Lappin Park.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


2.  Bike Racks Downtown

The chair agreed to take this item out of order.

Ms. Hartford introduced Dan Shuman from Salem Cycle, who has been working with the Salem Cyclopaths, addressed the board concerning downtown bike racks.  Ms. Hartford reported that she had walked the downtown looking at locations with Bruce Thibodeau of the DPW and Jason Silva of the Mayor’s Office and came up with different locations for bike racks.  

The three locations chosen for the purchased racks were in front of Coon’s Card Shop on Essex Street, in front of the bus stop on Washington Street and in front of Salem Cycle.  Bike rack specifications were presented.  Ms. Hartford noted that there would be two more future locations in front of the marketplace and in front of Remax if the group finds money to purchase them.  There will be a brass plaque put on the racks denoting that they were donated by the Salem Cyclopaths.  

Ms. Sullivan moved that the plan for downtown bike racks be approved as presented.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


3.  Downtown Market Study

Ms. Duncan reviewed the scope of the market study scope.  The first task will be to review the existing conditions, official meeting with the SRA and City representatives, review past studies and reports, examine the current market conditions, put together a summary of the task, meet with the SRA. Task two would be to do a community comparison.  

Ms. Sullivan stated that she would like to know the reasoning why one community would be different and work well over another.

Mr. Vickers spoke about giving other stakeholders some goals as to the project and maybe get some financial sharing of the cost with those stakeholders.  He mentioned the Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. Vickers noted that if it is of value to others have them pay for it.  Chairman Brennan answered that he had brought that issue up at the Friday meeting and asked the Chamber to pay for half of the cost.  

Ms. Duncan agreed and thought that the end result would be better.  Ms. Sullivan agreed but didn’t think that smaller organizations would be able to contribute that much.  She thought that it was important to help them and get their buy in.  

Ms. Duncan said that they have had discussions but had not identified the sharing part yet.  The strategy is to invite other stakeholders to discuss this type of study and whether they are interested in participating and whether that would include a financial contribution.

Mr. Vickers there was a very real question during the last study concerning business improvement district, funding, and the need for a downtown manager being driven by the Peabody Essex Museum, who had made a commitment to the City to fund a downtown manager.  It had been geared to other models that had downtown managers that helped to contribute to the marketing revitalization.  

Discussion was held that there is a Main Streets Program and the role of the Chamber of Commerce.  Ms. Sullivan expressed the need for these programs and noted that the question is how to get there again.  Ms. Duncan added that the question is whether the people who would be financially supporting whether they would agree that these were needed.  The business and property owners would decide. Mr. Vickers added that the question would be does that model work here and if so what kind of operating budget would be created by the businesses to support it.  

Ms. Duncan thought that that might be the more important thing to identify some of the partners and whether they would invite them to a SRA meeting or a separate meeting.  

Ms. Sullivan stated that it would be important to figure out whether they were referring to tourist marketing or downtown resident/local marketing.  She said that in the perfect world of branding there would be one slogan, which would be applied to different target markets.  Ms. Duncan said that it was probably all encompassing and very general.  Ms. Sullivan said that in this proposal they would not be talking about a national campaign.  Mr. Vickers agreed.  

Ms. Duncan said that other partnerships could include the Chamber and the Partnership.  Mr. Vickers suggested RCG, the Peabody Essex Museum, developers, and landlords such as the Goldbergs, Pabichs, and Marleys.  Ms. Sullivan recommended Eastern Bank.

Chairman Brennan asked how they could make sure that this study doesn’t just get shelved.  Mr. Vickers thought bringing in the others would help.  Ms. Sullivan agreed and said that once a generation the City needs to look at the studies and get the ball over the goal line.  

Ms. Duncan stated that the SRA must be ready to move very quickly.  Ms. Sullivan said that is why the Chamber needs to be an essential part of it.  Ms. Duncan said that it could be developers or it could be realtors as well and that the SRA more of a working relationship with the Chamber.

Mr. Vickers asked in relation to the scope and the idea of the study how the SRA could better manage the downtown.  Ms. Sullivan said that she is looking to get someone with enough concrete knowledge to take somebody and send him or her out on the road to find the people to come into Salem because she felt that they were not proactive enough and in other communities they sell themselves better in both a marketing and a very specific sales sense.  She said that they actually go out and talk to and recruit people.  Ms. Sullivan said that she wanted to identify potential retail businesses for the downtown by category and by name.  

Mr. Vickers said that the study could identify more bookstores, more restaurants, etc.  Ms. Sullivan said that she wanted them to say what kind of restaurants.  Chairman Brennan asked how they would know what kind of restaurants.  Ms. Sullivan referred to the experience of other cities.  Chairman Brennan said that he was absolutely not against this, but what’s working very well in Salem is the market and the market drives it.  People believe in the City.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the builders are buying up buildings and there are going to be a lot of new condos in the buildings.  The RCG plan calls for 40,000 square feet of retail space.  She thought that right now the critical mass of retail is in attracting.  The restaurants are attracting people, but there are gaps in the retail and the long-range plan isn’t there for the kind of retail that she is wants to come in.  Ms. Sullivan said that that is why she thinks as a Salem resident you don’t go shopping in the downtown.  

Mr. Baldini said that he agreed with Chairman Brennan that it is the market that drives it.  Ms. Sullivan said in other cities the landlords and the Chamber go out and get business.  She said that that is why she is trying to get the study so that they can do those things.  

Chairman Brennan said that RCG is the developer and owner of the building and they have been out marketing.  He asked if they weren’t doing what Ms. Sullivan was suggesting.  Ms. Sullivan said that RCG might have.  Ms. Duncan gave the example of Museum Place mall as an example that is not getting the same types of businesses and said that this may be a piece that would help other landlords.  

Chairman Brennan stated that the Chamber has to get going.  Ms. Sullivan said that they don’t have the data.  If the SRA gets the data they can give direction.  Mr. Vickers said that if they get the other stakeholders together and scope it out, it would help.  As a group they could decide what the end product is.

Ms. Sullivan said that the Jail RFP provided a lot of information, did a thorough analysis, and helped get a quality developer.  Mr. Baldini stated that the developers are going to come in and are going to get the money and they are going to make sure they get the proper mix.  Ms. Sullivan said if you have a market segment and you go after a chain of stores that is identified, you are more likely if they are interested in bringing them in because you have the data behind you.  Ms. Sullivan said that they do not have that at the moment because there is a big difference in sales and what is going on here between 1999 and 2006.  She said that what she would like to see is the Chamber and the landlords and the others have the very tools created to attract the developers of the Salem Jail.

Ms. Duncan said that they would have a conversation with the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor, who was very supportive of the idea about bringing in others.  She added that she would be thinking about drafting a letter to send to some landlords and builders.  

Ms. Duncan said then they would have a draft starting point that they could send to people with a letter explaining the plan for a market analysis and asking for input and participation.  


4.  118 Washington Street (Fresh & Taste)

Ms. Hartford noted that this item had to be continued because the owner was not able to come up with the materials necessary to appear before the board that evening.

Ms. Hartford reported that she had checked into the Lappin Park deed and there were no restrictions limiting the use of the area.  She spoke with Ellen Talkowsky who said that that the area was built wider and the intent was to have an outdoor café.  Mr. Baldini said that he had been into Fresh and Taste and that he was doing a wonderful job and was using great materials.  He was not able to open April 1st.  Mr. Baldini added that he deserves every consideration.  Ms. Hartford said that he might open that weekend.  

Ms. Hartford reported that the DRB had reviewed the awning since the owner was changing the name to Fresh Taste of Asia.  New DRB member Glenn Kennedy also helped the owner with the wording.  Ms. Duncan said that she thought that it would add a lot of vitality to the area.


Project Approval

5.  48 Central Street (A&J King Artisan Bakers, LLC)

Ms. Hartford explained the signage that was proposed for the bakery using the approved bracket.  She said that in order to guide people down to their store a tastefully designed sign will be added at the corners of the building.  Chairman Brennan noted that the location is tough and that they do need those directional signs.  Ms. Hartford said that the DRB did not have any changes.  Mr. Baldini noted that this was a perfect example of a developer coming in and getting the right mix.  

Ms. Sullivan asked Ms. Duncan and Ms. Hartford if they were telling new businesses about the Enterprise Center in case they needed help.  She said that a lot of them need help.  Ms. Hartford answered that she gives them the choice by giving them the technical assistance guide and shows them all of the technical assistance available to them in the city.  She said that she usually follows up with them to see how they’re doing.  Some of them take the opportunity and some don’t.  Ms. Hartford said that the information is on the website too.  
Ms. Sullivan moved to approve the signage for A&J King Artisan Bakers, LLC at 48 Central Street as presented and approved by the DRB.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).


There being no further business, Mr. Connelly moved to adjourn the meeting.   Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (5-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Tucker