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Minutes, February 8, 2006

A Regular Meeting of the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) Board was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on Wednesday, February 8, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Chairman Michael Brennan called the meeting to order, and on roll call the following members were present: Michael Brennan, Michael Connelly, Christine Sullivan, and Russell Vickers.  Also present were Lynn Duncan, Executive Director, Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Debra Tucker, Clerk.


Minutes for the meetings held on October 18, 2005, October 19, 2005, and January 11, 2006 were presented for approval.  

Mr. Connelly moved that the minutes for October 18, 2005, October 19, 2005, and January 11, 2006 be approved as presented with the changes made.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

New Business

1.      Executive Directors Report

Lynn Duncan reported that a neighborhood meeting concerning the development of the Old Salem Jail was held on Monday, January 30, 2006 at St. John the Baptist Church.  Approximately 70 neighbors and residents attended and it gave New Boston Ventures a good opportunity to make its presentation to the neighbors.  The nearby senior housing parking shortage will not be able to be accommodated by New Boston Ventures.  They will respond with details concerning the restaurant and valet parking when they have the information.

Ms. Duncan also reported that she is trying to schedule a neighborhood meeting with Mass Highway concerning the Bridge St. bypass road project.  Ms. Hartford stated that the matter would go back to the DRB on February 22, 2006.

Ms. Duncan reported that Mr. Greene submitted his resignation from the DRB after 24 years of service.  Ms. Duncan presented a letter that she had sent to Mr. Greene thanking him for his service.  

Ms. Duncan stated that there are currently four members on the DRB and with these three recommendations; the DRB would then become a seven-member board.

Ms. Sullivan agreed with Mr. Greene’s recommendations that a landscape designer is important to the DRB.  Ms. Duncan replied that she agreed and that she has her degree in landscape design and agrees.  She also noted that Mr. Blier has this background as well.  Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Duncan also agreed that landscape architectural planning is important in cluster development and in planning the spaces between buildings.  Ms. Sullivan commented that the CVS on Essex Street (formerly Crosby’s Market) made a real effort to make a cityscape.  

Ms. Hartford noted that she had sent letters concerning sign non-compliance to the owners of 217 Essex Street as well as 270 Essex Street.  

2.      DRB Member Appointments

Three candidates for the DRB were presented to the SRA for approval:  Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, and Glenn Kennedy.

Glenn Kennedy has lived in Salem since 1999 with his wife.  He was formerly with Mullen Advertising.  He has his BFA in communication and graphic design from the Hartford Art School.  Mr. Kennedy also worked for Mechanica, an offshoot of Mullen.  He stated that he would like to help shape Salem.  

Michael Blier has lived in Salem since 1997 with his wife in an antique house.  He has wanted to live and work in the same town and opened an office in Salem, Landworks Studio.  Mr. Blier has an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture from Harvard and worked previously on projects in Boston, Lawrence, and Lowell.  Mr. Blier said that he was thrilled with the opportunity to serve on the DRB.

Ernest DeMaio has been a Salem resident since 1994.  He is an architect with Elkus Manfredi and worked in New York.  He has a Masters degree from MIT.  Mr. DeMaio has lived and owned three different residences in downtown Salem.

Chairman Brennan said that the SRA depends upon the DRB and its opinion and takes their recommendations very seriously.  Mr. Kennedy asked if there were standards and guidelines or a visual portfolio available.  Ms. Hartford replied that there are commercial guidelines.  Ms. Duncan stated that they had recently been distributed and that it is the hope that the DRB and the Planning Board use them.  Ms. Duncan noted that the North River Corridor would now fall under the DRB’s jurisdiction.  

Ms. Sullivan asked if the information was available on the City’s website and recommended that information on signage be included.   Mr. Kennedy said that he would like to see more photographic representation and a more visual book.  He said that the DRB could develop one.  Ms. Duncan suggested that Mr. Kennedy review the Commercial Design Guidelines Manual that is posted on the city’s website.

Ms. Sullivan moved that Glenn Kennedy, Michael Blier and Ernest DeMaio be appointed to the Design Review Board.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Ms. Duncan stated that the recommendations would now go to the Mayor for her recommendation to the City Council, who then has thirty days to act on the appointments.  


1.      Market Study

Ms. Sullivan read a prepared statement in favor of hiring a consultant to provide a new market study on the downtown area.  She said that the SRA has funds available and noted that the study should be focus of the City’s limited financial resources.  Ms. Sullivan wants the SRA to look at the entire downtown and what retail would work best even identifying stores by name.  She said that she was impressed with the Old Salem Jail redevelopment feasibility study and that the same model should be used and applied to what works downtown.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the study should study the current pedestrian mall to see if it is being maximized and if the mall should be open to traffic in the winter.   Ms. Sullivan said that she is not a proponent of any specific plan but that it should be studied and stated that it is a chance to do this study once a generation.  She said that it is important to find the right mix of retail.  

Ms. Sullivan noted that the study should look at other seaport cities such as Newport, RI, Charleston, SC, and Portland, ME.  She stated that the City spends too much time talking within itself and that she wants to go outside.  Ms. Sullivan said that she does not want the City to lose momentum.

Mr. Vickers stated that the idea was food for thought and raised good points.  He said that his initial reaction was that there are other studies that should be looked at first.  Any new study would have to determine who would use it first and what the benefits and value are.  Any studies that are done should be done publicly and made available.  Mr. Vickers noted that studies have been done and then put on a shelf.  He also asked about a marketing brochure that had been previously prepared.  Ms. Hartford replied that one had been done by RKG.  

Mr. Vickers asked how a study would be used in the future.  It must be followed through to make sure that it is used.  Ms. Duncan agreed and said that the intent must be clear.  Mr. Vickers added that marketing the City is different than the Jail project.  Ms. Duncan said that they would need to have goals.  Ms. Sullivan responded that she did not want to see the study put on a shelf.  She noted that Salem Main Streets and the Chamber of Commerce are proactive forces.  She said that people need a tool if they are interested in moving here.

Michael Brennan asked if they could depend on the market itself to do this.  He said that he is seeing this now.  Development and restaurants are moving into the City.  He asked if there should be a market study done or if someone should be hired to go out and ask residents for input.  Ms. Duncan said that this could be part of the market study.

Ms. Sullivan said that she has been in Salem since the 1970’s.  She said that more attracts more.  She also gave the example of the former store Elixir as an example of there not being enough other stores like it to draw people to it.  Ms. Sullivan said that Salem should be a destination but asked what kind of destination.

Ms. Duncan said that a consultant could identify gaps and give specific recommendations as to how to be proactive in the market and how to take us to the next step.  She said that when the consultant Peter Smith was hired for the Jail project he identified how and to whom to market.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the City does not recruit business.  Mr. Vickers stated that he thought that the City does and is attracting stores.  Ms. Sullivan said that the study would be a tool to enable and to have an action plan and the study could identify kinds of stores that the City should be going after.

Mr. Vickers said that landlords and real estate agents have been marketing the City and he recommended involving them since they are the beneficiaries of the study.  He added that the scope is very important and the goal must be defined.  Mr. Vickers said that they should get a financial commitment from the end users.

Ms. Duncan stated that she would meet with the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Rinus Oosthoek.  Mr. Oosthoek said that he has been in charge for five months and could use some ammunition to make Salem Chamber of Commerce one stop shopping for business.

Mr. Connelly added that the Salem Partnership and the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor’s office would be good sources.  He commented that large stores have come into Salem such as Target and Walmart but noted that the “downtown” has moved.

Mr. Vickers asked when the last study had been done.  Ms. Hartford said that RKG had done one five years ago and that it had been on the Salem Partnership’s website for a while.  Mr. Kennedy noted that restaurants precede retail and said that they should ask users what the City was missing.  

Ms. Sullivan said that the City has to find out how to take advantage of that and recruit proactively since they don’t know what they are looking for.  Rinus Oosthoek said that while they can’t create a market they could show what is there.  

Ms. Duncan recommended to the board that Ms. Hartford define the scope of work for a study as well as how it would be used and by whom.  Ms. Hartford will also gather what has already been done.  Ms. Duncan said that if the previous study had not been successful the study should see why not and it should not be repeated.  

Ms. Sullivan said that they should identify companies.  Michael Brennan stated that other entities should contribute financially.  Mr. Vickers said that this would make it real.  Ms. Duncan said that they should determine if they were not vested or if it did not fit their need.  She said that it is an issue of coordinating funding needs for further study.

Michael Brennan asked Mr. Oosthoek to contact other cities to see what type of studies have been done.

Project Introduction

2.      25 Peabody Street (Mass Electric)

Frank Taormina of the Planning Department gave a presentation of the plans funded by CBDG for the Mass Electric property at 25 Peabody Street.  The parking lot portion of the lot will be improved at the request of The Point neighborhood.  The neighbors originally wanted an eight-foot wall to be removed; however, Mass Electric declined due to the fact that it is a security issue since it is the sight of a substation.  

The improvement will be made to the parking lot area.  A more aesthetic fence will be installed.  Mass Electric had been waiting for more information on specifications and bidding and now has approved the plan.  They are close in drafting their entry permit.  

Mr. Taormina said that the area is a problematic intersection of one-way streets with no sight line.  Once the concrete wall and weeds are removed the lower 218-foot wrought iron replacement fencing will be installed.  This will improve the sightline.

Michael Brennan asked if the Ward Councilor knows of the plan.  Mr. Taormina said that Councillor Lucy Corchado is aware of the plan and approves of it.  Mass Electric will be responsible for maintenance after the work is done.  Mr. Connelly commented that this is overdue.

Mr. Vickers moved that the plan to remove the concrete wall and erect wrought iron fencing around the parking lot area of the Mass Electric property at 25 Peabody Street be approved as presented.  Ms. Sullivan seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Ms. Sullivan stated that the area is a blight and that the substations should be moved.  Michael Brennan said that the City could start discussions with Mass Electric.  

Project Approval

3.      118 Washington Street (Fresh and Taste)

Plans for a hood for the Fresh and Taste restaurant at 118 Washington Street were presented.  The DRB recommended approval of the plan.

The new restaurant will be located where part of the Phoenix School was.  It will be 3,200 square feet and serve Asian and Japanese food when it opens in the middle of March.  The owners have applied for a seasonal beer and wine license, which is not available yet.  Ms. Hartford noted that there are not enough liquor licenses in Salem for all of the restaurants.

Ms. Hartford noted that the hood system cannot be placed inside the building due to the building structure.  The DRB recommended approval and stated that if the hood is to be painted, samples must be provided to the DRB for approval.  The hood will be similar to the Taste of Thyme’s hood and is not expected to be very visible from the street.  The owner’s architect reported that the location must change slightly due to an exterior door.  Ms. Hartford stated that she would need a revised plan for the hood system showing any changes.

Ms. Sullivan moved that the plans for the hood vent system for Fresh and Taste of 118 Washington Street be approved as recommended by the DRB.  Paint samples are to be submitted to the DRB for approval.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Project Approval

4.      118 Washington Street (Fresh and Taste)

Proposed signage for Fresh and Taste was presented for approval as recommended by the DRB.  Ms. Hartford explained the awning system signage to the board.  There was no lighting submitted nor approved and the owner must bring any plan for this to the department.

Ms. Sullivan moved to approve the signage for Fresh and Taste at 118 Washington Street as presented and approved by the DRB.  Mr. Vickers seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).  

5.      140 Washington Street (Ristorante Gioia)

Proposed signage for Ristorante Gioia was presented for approval as recommended by the DRB.  Ms. Hartford explained the signage to the board.  It is to be similar to the Soup Factory’s and consists of 10-inch letters.  

Mr. Vickers moved to approve the signage for Ristorante Gioia at 140 Washington Street as presented and approved by the DRB.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).


There being no further business, Ms. Sullivan motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Connelly seconded the motion, and the motion passed (4-0).

Meeting stands adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Tucker