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Salem Redevelopment Authority Agenda 11/14/2012
Salem Redevelopment Authority
Annual Meeting and Regular Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 – 6:00 pm
120 Washington Street, Third Floor Conference Room

Roll Call

Conrad Baldini
Matt Veno
Robert Curran
Russell Vickers
Robert Mitnik

Annual Meeting
  • Annual Report and Financial Report – Executive Director
  • Election of Officers
  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Treasurer
  • Approval of 2013 Meeting Schedule
  • Adjournment
Regular Meeting
Executive Director’s Report

Old/New Business
  • East India Square (Peabody Essex Museum): Discussion and vote on proposed emergency generator
  • Essex Street Pedestrian Mall: Discussion and vote on proposed improvements to Essex Street pedestrian mall
Sign, Awning, Lighting, and Façade Review
  • 270 Essex Street (Game Zone): Discussion and vote on window decal signage
  • 223 Washington Street (Vintage Wood): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
  • 99, 103 Washington Street and 230 Essex Street (Town House Square Condominium): Discussion and vote on proposed exterior paint color
  • 25 Lynde Street: Discussion and vote on exterior siding and paint color
  • 7 Church Street (i Taco): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
Approval of the minutes from the October 10, 2012 regular meeting.


Know your rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-028 through 2-2033.