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Agenda 10/08/2008
Salem Redevelopment Authority
Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 – 6:00 pm
120 Washington Street, Third Floor Conference Room

Roll Call

Conrad Baldini
Michael Connelly
Michael Brennan
Russell Vickers
Robert Mitnik

Executive Director’s Report

Old/New Business

Small Project Review
1.      73 Lafayette Street (Beverly Cooperative Bank): Discussion and vote on proposed         
        rooftop screening plans

2.      2 East India Square, Suite 119 (Rita’s Water Ice): Discussion and vote on proposed      outdoor café seating

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review
3.      60 Washington Street (Dunkin’ Donuts): Discussion and vote on proposed signage

4.      24 New Derby Street, Units 1 and 2 (Artists’ Row): Discussion and vote on proposed      banners

5.      281 Essex Street Unit 3 (Body Empowered Wellness): Discussion and vote on proposed      signage

Approval of the minutes from the September 10, 2008 meeting
