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SCCS Board of Trustees -- 8/28/2014
SCCS Board Agenda
Thursday, Aug 28th 

Principal's Report
2014 Annual Report Review
Update on Start of 2015 School Year 
Update on Year Four DESE Site Visit and CPR
Update on Strategic Plan and Next Steps
Update on Space Development
Discussions and Votes: 
2014/15 Year Round Calendar Proposal
2014/15 Daily School Schedule
Consideration of new board members: Gerry Perry and Anthony Pira
Changes to the SCCS Code of Conduct (including 37H 3/4)
Principal 2013/14 Final Evaluation (Michelle Lipinski Presents)

Annual Meeting

Discussions and Votes:
2014/15 Board Meeting Dates/Times (suggested: First Thurs. Evening from 5:30-7:30pm)
2014/15 Election of Officers 
2014/15 Creation of an Executive Committee (By-Laws Change)
2014/15 Committee Membership
2014/15 Board focus areas in the Strategic Plan 

Jessica Yurwitz
Salem Community Charter School
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c.30A § 18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”