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SCCS Board of Trustees Meeting - February 26, 2014
SCCS Board of Trustees


This meeting was rescheduled from February 13, 2014 due to inclement weather.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees for the Salem Community Charter School will hold a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Salem Community Charter School, 1 East India Square, Suite 121, Salem, Massachusetts


I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes – January 9, 2014

III. Adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining issues and the SCCS Board of Trustees will be returning to open session. (Roll Call Vote)

IV. Evaluation of Principal 2012/13 School Year

V. Report on DESE Site Visit to SCCS

VI. Principal’s Report
  • Discussion and vote on ILP #12
  • Strategic Plan Review
  • Joint Meeting with Salem School Committee – Prep - discuss name change, enrollment plan/budget implications
  • Construction Update
  • Report out on committee goals/work plans/progress
  • Distribute board orientation binders
VII. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:
Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk

“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c.30A § 18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”