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Regular School Committee Agenda - 7/21/2014
July 17, 2014


Notice is hereby given that the Salem School Committee will hold a Regular School Committee meeting on Monday, July 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the School Committee Chambers at Collins Middle School, 29 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA.

July 21, 2014

I.      Call of Meeting to Order
II.     Approval of the Agenda

III.    Approval of Minutes

  • Deliberation on the approval of the Minutes of the Nathaniel Bowditch Community Meeting held on June 16, 2014
  • Deliberation on the approval of the Minutes of the June 16, 2014 Regular School Committee Meeting
  • Deliberation on the approval of the Minutes of the Special School Committee Meeting held on June 23, 2014.
V.      Questions and Comments from the Audience
VI.     Superintendent ReportDr. Stephen Russell
        MA DESE Quarterly Progress Report
        Student Assignments

VII.    Assistant Superintendent Report –Ms. Kate Carbone / Ms. Margaret Marotta
        Read Trust
        Hard Scrabble Grants
        ACCESS Assessment
VIII.   Finance ReportMr. Philip Littlehale, Business Manager

  • Approval of Warrants - June 5, 2014, 2014 in the amount of $355,861.01
  • FY14 Budget Transfer Requests
  • Food Service Report – Meal Cost Update
  • Summer Programs
IX.     Action Items

  • Deliberation on the approval of the recommendation to increase school lunch process by .25 cents and milk prices by .15 cents for the 2014-15 school year.
  • Deliberation on the first reading on the approval of the request to name the Collins Middle School Library in honor of Mary Manning
  • Deliberation on the approval of the Salem High School Band Field Trip request for a Hiking trip to Jaffrey NH on August 6, 2014
  • Deliberation on the approval of a donation to Collins Middle School from Van Wormer International LLC in the amount of $2,742.00
X.      Sub Committee Reports

  • Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee
  • Finance Subcommittee
  • Personnel Subcommittee
  • Policy Subcommittee
  • Curriculum Subcommittee
XI.     Next Regular Meeting Agenda – August 18, 2014

XII.    School Committee Concerns and Resolutions

        Response to Open Meeting Law Complaint filed by Mr. James Fleming

XIII.   Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the July 21, 2014 agenda

XIV.    Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Secretary to the
Salem School Committee