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April 2, 2012 (English)

March 29, 2012

Regular School Committee Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Salem School Committee will hold a Regular School Committee meeting on Monday, April 2, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at Salem City Hall, 93 Washington Street, Salem, MA.

      April 2, 2012

I.      Call of Meeting to Order
II.     Approval of the Agenda
III.    Approval of Minutes

Deliberation on the approval of the Minutes of the March 19, 2011 School
Committee Meeting.

IV.     Questions and Comments from the Audience

V.      Student Representative Report – Skye Kinnon

VI.     Superintendent ReportDr. Stephen Russell
        Turnaround Plan Progress Report

VII.    Assistant Superintendent Report – Dr. Steven O’Brien
VIII.   Finance ReportMr. Philip Littlehale

a.      Approval of Warrants

March 15, 2012  in the amount of $169,148.15
March 22, 2012  in the amount of $326,307.83
March 29, 2012  in the amount of $273,247.76

b       Budget Transfer Request – 13

Bates Elementary School Principal Thomas LaValley requests a budget transfer in the amount of $1,941.89 from Professional Development to Instructional Supplies ($233.79) and Office Supplies ($1,708.10).  The transfer is requested to purchase needed supplies for the remainder of the school year.
The transfer request is summarized as follows:
Date                    ORG             OBJ     Description                     Amount
3/28/12    From 13990241        5317    Educational Training            (1,941.89)
3/28/12    To           13570221        5514    Instructional Supplies              233.79
3/28/12    To           13570221        5421    Office Supplies General  1,708.10

IX.     Action Items

b.      Deliberation on the approval of the Salem High School a cappella group Witch Pitch trip to New York City to participate in the International Championships for High School A Cappella April 27-29, 2012

X.      Sub Committee Reports

Special Education Subcommittee

Personnel Subcommittee

Finance Subcommittee

Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee

Curriculum Subcommittee

Policy Subcommittee

  • Deliberation on the approval of the second reading of the revised policy on Student Assignment
XI.     School Committee Concerns and Resolutions

XII.    Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the 4/2/12 agenda

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Secretary to the
Salem School Committee

“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c.39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”