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June 21, 2010

Salem Public Schools
School Committee Meeting
Monday, June 21, 2010
7:30 p.m.

Curriculum Subcommittee Meeting 6:00 p.n.
Retirees Reception 7:00 p.m.

  • Call of Meeting to Order
  • Approval of the Agenda
Recognition of Retirees

  • Approval of Minutes
Deliberation on the Approval of the Minutes of
the June 7, 2010 Regular School Committee Meeting

IV.     Questions and Comments from the Audience

V       Superintendent Report – Dr. William Cameron

  • Curriculum Report – Dr. Alyce Davis
VII.    Finance Report

  • Approval of the Warrant
June 3, 2010 in the amount of    $413,457.11
June 6, 2010 in the amount of    $408,844.67
June 17, 2010 in the amount of  $128,059.91

  • Budget Transfer Request
  • Budget Transfer Request outlined in memo from Business Manager Timothy Sheehan in the amount of $151,800
  • Budget Transfer Request outlined in the memo from Business Manager Timothy Sheehan in the amount of $191,488
  • Action Items
a.      Deliberation on the approval of the Salem High School Golf Team Trip    to Orlando, Florida, - August 26 -30, 2010

b.      Deliberation on the approval of the SPS School Calendar for the 2010-11 School year

c.      Deliberation on the Saltonstall School Calendar for the 2010-2011 School Year

d.      Deliberation on the approval of the proposal for monthly Delayed Openings at Salem High School to facilitate structured teacher meeting time for the 2010-2011 school year.

e.      Deliberation on the approval of the request of Salem Teachers Union President Joyce Harrington for unpaid leave for up to 50% of the work year for the purpose of conducting STU business.

f.      Deliberation on the  Superintendents recommendation to amend the Salem Public Schools FY2011 proposed budget

School Committee Reports

Buildings and Grounds                   
Special Education

  • School Committee Concerns and Resolutions
Resolution on Horace Mann Charter Schools

Charter Schools may be instituted in any School District or Region in one of four ways:

  • Approval of a Horace Mann Charter School application by the local School Committee.
  • Approval of a Charter School application by the district or regional School Committee.
  • Approval of a Charter School application by the voters of a School District(s) or region(s) at a general election or Town Meeting(s).
  • Approval of a Charter School application by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education without approval of either the School Committee or the voters of the district/region.
In cases of approval by School Committee(s) or voters, funding formulae approved by the General Court shall be utilized.

In cases of charters approved solely by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, funding shall be through the budget of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education without usage of Chapter 70 or any other local funds.

IX.     Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the
6/21/10 agenda

XIII.   Adjournment