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Recycling Committee Minutes 11/05/2013
Salem Recycles Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2013

Attending:  Erin Huggard, Julie Rose, Nancy Gilberg, Flora Tonthat, Lynn Murray, Marcia Lambert, Tony Keck, Liz Vago, Jennifer Percy, Penny Neal

7pm meeting called to order by Chair Erin Huggard

New Business:  
Minutes of September 3rd and October 1st meetings approved.

  • Upcycle Event in 2014 was discussed.  Erin and Julie initiated the conversation which was enthusiastically received by those attending.  Developmental work for the event is the first step and Liz offered to work with Julie to present some ideas to be circulated to committee members.
  • Story of Stuff; This is a series of short film stories about items, which discuss what happens or could happen to various material once its original use is spent.  The idea of using the films in conjunction with the Upcycle event, and/or at other events was presented.  The films could be set up to run continuously at an event, so that it would not be necessary to have a formal introduction of the topic to viewers.  The films could be running so anyone could watch the film at an event similar to such informational short films at a museum or exhibit.  Liz, Julie and Jennifer offered to work together on this topic and then pass on to the committee at a future meeting for input.
Old Business:
  • October 3rd Parade was well received.  Great pictures were posted by Nancy, who even did a live post on Facebook asking friends to give a shout out to those walking for SalemRecycles.  People did shout out, too!  It was great.
  • November 3rd Bag It film event went very well with over seventy (70) people attending.  Facebook contact was critical with the attendance at this event, so thanks to Nancy for her diligent social networking.  The film brings up many issues related to the problems with plastic bags.  It was suggested by Erin and Julie that members take the opportunity to speak with local grocers about posting flyers in the stores to encourage people to properly recycle the bags at the stores, and consider using reusable bags.  Flyers could also include information about the difficulty plastic straws present when it comes to disposal/recycling.  Basically, plastic straws are trash and their use should be discouraged.
It was suggested that a copy of the movie be purchased for the public library.  It was discovered that the movie is available through the library lending system.  Lynn suggested designing a poster for the grocers to post as a reminder, i.e. “Did you remember your bags?”
The film included a discussion and it included the direction to reach out to grocers to encourage the shift away from plastic bags.  Lynn and Penny agreed to work on something that could be a poster for this.  Julie suggested members take a store to circulate the flyers when they become available.
Erin was approached to get the film shown in schools.  The cost of the film was a concern, but the library does have a copy available.  Jennifer asked if the science classes in the school system could add the film to the curriculum.  Julie responded that she would check with the school administrations about this.

  • Textile Drive 11/23/2013.  Still looking for more folks to sign up to work the event.  Seeking 3 people per shift.  List is circulating and will be emailed by Julie.  A survey, similar to last year, will be conducted.  A question to add to the survey should be focused on the curbside composting.  Erin is working with Goodwill about promotional information.  Julie is encouraging members to work this like a PR campaign informing the public that this event is open to all, not only Salem residents.
  • 2013 Grant-Home composters for collection  The program has received two grants for the purchase of the bins and for technical assistance to develop the program.  It is being planned for an April 2014 roll out.  It will be necessary to develop the process of collection and the route for pickup of the waste materials.  The development of an information flyer with the usual questions about what goes into the composting bins, etc.  Can collect from up to 500 homes per truck load.  Education of the public on the subject regarding what can be composted, where could you get some of the composted materials (if at all), and similar issues should be included in any communication that is developed.  There is a meeting of city staff to discuss the program schedule 11/7/2013, which will begin working out the process of implementing the program.
  • and .org update  Julie would like members to look at the site and explore it, then communicate our thoughts to make it friendlier and useful.  Newsletters will be archived via the Constant Contact system, as a subscription has been secured.  Increasing distribution is up for discussion.  Julie asked everyone to check to make sure the newsletter is received, if not, then to subscribe.  Eva is working on the newsletter and is responsible for “final cut.”
  • Bag It  Susan will share the email sign up list collected at Bag It.  Collecting email addresses at Textile Drive will be done during the survey.
  • Mandatory Recycling Update:  Jeff is working with pizza stores to use informational stickers on all pizza boxes.  The stickers provide information to pizza patrons on how best to dispose of the boxes, i.e. greasy portions to go to trash (and soon curbside composting bins) and the clean box goes to recycling bin.
  • Facebook Update:  Nancy reported that the “Likes” are up to 800 for SalemRecycles.  She asked members to communicate with their FB friends to invite them to “Like” the page.  She is working on a photo album for the Up-Cycle images.  Photos are driving more traffic to the page, which only increases exposure of the page. Members are encouraged to invite their friends to invite their friends.
The page is also providing reminders and announcements such as:  E-waste is free for Salem residents through June 2014, and the dates of collection are being posted.  Currently, e-waste is collected the last Saturday of each month from 8 am to noon at the DPW location on Jefferson Avenue.  Monitors and TVs are limited to 2 per month.    All other E-waste is accepted without limitation.  Rigid Plastics are collected at the DPW every Saturday morning.

  • Other Business:  Julie is attending the composting conference.  MassRecycles has a limited use site.  Julie will send a link.
Julie has asked for feedback and comments on how best to prioritize committee emails.
Jeff and Julie will be attending the Saltonstall School “Friday Club” to provide recycling information and contribute to the discussion.
On 12/6/2013 there will be a film about the shrinking ice caps promoted  by Coastal Watch.  The film will be shown at Endicott College in Beverly.

Meeting was adjourned by Erin at 8:23pm.