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Recycling Committee Minutes 04/30/2013
Salem Recycles Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2013

Attending:  Erin Huggard, Julie Rose, Lynn Murray, Nancy Gilberg, Susan Yochelson, Janis Breeze, Jeff Cohen, Tony Keck, Liz Vago

7pm meeting called to order by Chair Erin Huggard
April 2 meeting minutes approved.

New Business:
  • Foam recycling was the first topic discussed.  Nancy contacted ReFoamIt of Ayers to inquire about the program for recycling foam materials.  There are limits of the types of polystyrene foam that are being collected.  #6 polystyrene is recycled, provided it is clean.  This includes many of the trays used in food sales.  No foam peanuts are accepted.  The company would come to Salem to collect for the charge of $250 for a four hour collection day, $350 for a six hour collection day.
Peabody offers the collection of these materials once a month and anyone may drop off the materials from any municipality.  The committee discussed the cost and benefit and decided to promote the Peabody collection site and dates rather than incur the cost of a separate collection.  The committee also considered adding foam collection for next year’s May event and would promote it a few months in advance to encourage people to collect the foam.  As part of that promotion, it was suggested that a “Fact Sheet About Foam” be included to explain how long foam lasts in landfills, how it can affect waterways and endanger marine life, etc.

Old Business:
  • Google Group update was provided by Janis.  She will continue to be the contact for this communication tool.  She did inform the committee that that when replying to the emails from the Google Group be aware that “Reply to All” will send a reply to all in the group.  Hitting “Reply” will only reply to the author of the email.
  • Update of the Bottle Bill was next.  The Mayor’s office supports the bill and has encouraged the committee to publicize a position.  A discussion of the how best approach the bill and promote a postion.  It was considered to hold a public forum with both sides of the issue present to present the differing views.  Primary concerns of the bill’s opponents are the additional cost of storage and handling by retailers, the increased expense to consumers for the deposits, and the unclaimed deposits ultimate payee.  Primary objective of proponents is to reduce trash by making drink containers valuable for the deposit.  Other states have adopted such a bill without significant detriment to retailers, and consumers adjust.  Pat Gozemba, co-chair of SAFE would like to be involved with a presentation.  Julie suggested holding such a forum in June.  Nancy volunteered to reach out to Pat to coordinate this.  It was suggested that the committee publicize its support of the bill and encourage the public to contact their legislators to state their position.
  • The Saltonstall Fair will be attended by Julie in May.
  • Clean Salem-Green Salem Event.  Members were asked to post new flyer with new location and get out the word about the change.  FaceBook page was updated to do this.  Julie requested volunteers arrive early to assist with the setup.  Swap n Drop is to be organized to separate articles of clothing.  Goodwill will attend for household items and textiles.  Photos to be taken so people can pose with “outfits”, perhaps someone could post live on the FaceBook page that day to stimulate interest and get more to stop by.  MBTA collection is being held same day, May 4th, at the train station.
  • May 18 is the Living Green Fair.  It is sponsored by the Chamber.  Liz and Julie are working on the event.  Liz is developing a presentation of ideas of reusing “junk” and creating other things with it. She had examples of bamboo placemats remade into covers of wastebaskets and other craft ideas.  The Green Business Challenge was extended to May 3rd.
FaceBook update was presented by Nancy.  The following of the page is increasing.  The “Likes” are up to 646.  We were encouraged to invite new friends to Like the page.  People love the visuals that are posted, so send them to Nancy and she will post them.  When the Likes reach 1000, it was suggested that the committee have a drawing to award a rain barrel.
Mandatory Recycling Update:  The city council sent the ordinance to committee.  An email was sent to all councilors asking for them to state their questions and concerns.  Only 3 councilors replied.  If the mandatory recycling ordinance does not pass by the end of May, the grant funds are lost.  Members were encouraged to discuss this with residents and send emails to councilors asking them to pass the ordinance.

Other Business:
  • Julie is applying for a grant for residential compost containers.
  • is in need of a review and Julie asked members to go to the site to see what improvements and edits could be made.  Site has great information and needs to be promoted.
  • Mercury items can now be dropped off at the board of health office.
A mercury shed is going to be available at the transfer station in the near future.
  • E-waste; Julie said that work is being done to establish a location for routine collection of e-waste.  More later on this issue.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.  Next meeting June 4th at 6:30.