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Recycling Committee Minutes 10/02/2012

Attending:  Erin Huggard, Penny Neal, Julie Rose, Liz Vago, Nancy Gilberg, Lynn Murray, Jennifer Percy, Janis Breeze, Marcia Lambert, Tony Keck

6:30 pm meeting called to order by chair Erin Huggard.
Minutes for September meeting approved.

New Business:
  • November committee meeting set for 11/6 will include the attendance of the Salem Sustainability Manager.
  • December committee meeting set for 12/4 and will be an event at Lynn Murray’s.  The formal meeting is cancelled.
  • A discussion was held regarding the possibility of Salem Recycles developing a newsletter and how it could be distributed.  The possible date to start the newsletter was January.  The distribution considerations included emailing to those on the volunteer list, posting on the city website, and possibly including it on the Facebook page of the committee.  Further discussion on this subject to be held in the November meeting.
  • Committee discussed methods to recruit additional volunteers to the committee.  A suggestion was a Saturday morning coffee meeting with committee members and volunteers, including inviting those on the volunteer email list.
  • The next book swap date was set for Saturday March 16, 2013.  Additional discussion initiated about the September 2013 swap date to set it for a time that is not in conflict with the Jewish holidays.
Old Business:
  • Haunted Happenings Parade final prep discussed.  Parade held 10/4 starting at Shetland Park.  Committee group to walk with Phoenix School and Water Wise group.
  • NIACC Meeting regarding the doorhanger project was next.  The neighborhood association recommended just placing the doorhangers on the doors and refrain from “grading” the recycle containers of the residents.  The doorhangers were welcomed as providing great information about effective recycling for the city and how best to separate articles for recycling.  Discussion about printing the doorhangers in Spanish held to provide broader reach of the message.  Consideration of alternatives to implement the project in the future was mentioned to improve the reach and message of the doorhangers.
  • Book Swap of September was debriefed.  Very successful swap with increased numbers of volunteers to assist and increased participants to the swap.  The message is getting out there and the community has responded enthusiastically.  Many comments from the public complimenting the committee for holding the swaps and the improved operation of the event.  Clean up was swift with better organization.  Overall, it was a great success.
Lynn Murray suggested developing a diagram for set-up for ease, which received broad support.

  • Textile Drive of November 17 was next on the agenda.  Goodwill Industries will be attending with a crew.  Erin Huggard has been developing contacts to help advertise the event.  Suggestions included placement in Salem News, Globe North section, and to include photos from last year’s event with press release.  It was suggested that the Patch be invited to cover the event, and to announce the event.
A reminder was made to be sure to take photos of the event to use as follow up articles and for future events.  The event last year was a huge success and the public response was incredible.  

  • Jennifer Percy suggested a fun exercise for the next clothing drive/swap event that could create interest.  Her idea:  Have people grab clothing and items at the event and model their “outfits” for photos to be placed on the committee Facebook page.  Then, to stimulate additional interest in the project, have the friends on Facebook vote for the best outfit, setting up some categories.  Good pre-Halloween costume fodder.
Other Business:

  • It was suggested to hold a children’s contest for posters about recycling, the textiles drive, the book swap, etc.  Poster winners could be used as promotional materials for events.  Implementation to be included in future meeting.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.