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December 2009
Salem Recycling Committee
December 1, 2009
Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Julie Rose, Erin Huggard, Liz Vago, Penny Whitlock, Marcia Lambert, Susan Yochelson, Lynn Murray
Guest attendees, possible new members, Danielle Milo and Megan Sampson

  • November meeting minutes approved.
  • Introduction of Danielle and her current research about make-up and make-up container recycling through Origins. Origins has a drop off at their stores and it was discussed that perhaps we could approach CVS to allow us to place a drop box with them, Danielle would be willing to then take it to Origins. Julie suggested we could incorporate the idea into a SalemRecycles event, Liz suggested a promotion for them to advertise/sponsor a big belly/bellies.
  • Book Swap Debrief: Overall a very successful campaign, busier toward the end of the event that led to discussion of its time frame and weekend choice of the event. The weekend of the 21st of November is a busy time throughout the city, should the committee reschedule when less is happening, perhaps end of September or earlier in November. It was also discussed that perhaps it should begin later in the day and go on later in the afternoon. Lastly there was mention of better signage and advertising. We found that book “swap” was confusing to many and perhaps we should re -title the event with a suggestion from Lynn to call it book recycling, and from Liz to use the term exchange. We will also look into better advertising highlighting unlimited free books, earlier and with more venues. Julie felt we should contact schools, and news agencies with press releases. Susan pointed out that it was not listed on, and thought that we should have it listed in all church bulletins. The next swap is scheduled for February at St. Anne’s Church.
  • NSC carting funding for education – 2010 planning: Julie explained that there is $5, 000 each year for printing and postage or others venues to get out our message which will run out in July. Perhaps we should consider another postcard with a new message for 2010. Penny felt we should stay with the Perfect Pick-up campaign as the plastic/paper issue is still a problem. Liz suggested packets for schools, even videos, to help educate students. Lynn brought up businesses in Salem, working to have them do a better job of recycling. We all see so much that can be improved upon, (i.e. bank slips in trash beside ATMs, having restaurants use recyclable take out containers, etc.) Marcia suggested creating something we could walk into these businesses with to promote our goal. Susan suggested that we review the committee’s original objectives and see where we stand, and how effective we have been.
  • Clean Salem/Green Salem: More volunteers are needed for the work that needs to be done, Julie pointed out that there were too many things going on and we should refocus our efforts. Pick two things and do them bigger and better, connect with the people picking up and partner with them, were two ideas brought forth. Another idea was to do a demonstration like the one Jennifer did on SATV showing the separation of trash and recyclables.  The E-waste collection picked up 5 yards as a first time event and the plant sale was very successful.
  • Perfect Pick-up Updates: Julie is waiting for confirmation from Jonathan Gold about the prize but has received 50 submissions to take the pledge to create the Perfect Pick-up. Forty eight were by e-mail and two by paper, the form designed by Penny. Megan was with a recycling committee in Chicago and when asked about their strategy, she explained that they used blue bags in dumpsters, it was more of a watch dog approach rather than an educational one, and their rates were very low. Our rates have definitely increased in recyclables, higher than many cities, and trash amounts have decreased. It was suggested that we review our original strategic goals and that all of our events should tie into that. Lynn will “dig it up” and look at it again.
  • Gazette Article:  Julie will ask Greg Watts (who can no longer attend meetings but will still be available to help) to write a question and answer article. Lynn thought of a man on the street, why do you or don’t you recycle, idea could be an interesting article.
  • Trash Menagerie and Potluck: Confirmation of those attending includes Marcia, Liz, Katie, Susan, and Lynn. Private tour at PEM at 3pm December 9th. Potluck at Julies house at 5:30 pm.