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August 2009
Salem Recycling Committee
Meeting of August 6th

Attendees:  Katie Giddings, Erin Huggard, Jennifer Percy, Liz Vago, Lynn Murray, and Susan Yochelson. Guest attendees: Johnny Gold and Marc Galardi from NSRF.    

1. June Meeting Minutes Approved
Meeting notes were accepted as written and posted on the website

2. North Shore Recycled Fibers discussion – paper campaign
Johnny Gold and Marc Galardi from North Shore Recycled Fibers (NSRF) joined the meeting to discuss problems with current recycling pickup and to explore strategies to improve the cleanliness of paper loads.    Issues discussed – some residents are comingling paper and other recyclables in the same bin, some paper loads received at NSRF have contaminants in them – foil, Styrofoam, and plastic.  Another problem is paper being put in plastic bags at the curb instead of in paper bags or a separate blue bin.   An educational campaign focused on keeping paper separate from other recyclable items was discussed.  Johnny and Marc were enthusiastic about helping educating residents and offered to help in several ways: placing a large Salem Recycles logo on their Jefferson Avenue facility to make it easier for resident who want to drop off recyclables,  offering shredding at no cost to Salem residents at any time during regular business hours ( 7 to 3pm),  sponsoring a weekly recycler of the week contest where the selected resident receives $50.00, and to make themselves available for interviews, articles, and PSA’s to promote the campaign. NSRF has supported a recycler of the week program in Brockton resulting in a 20% increase in recycling.  A discussion followed of the value that NSRF provides Salem as a long standing business in the community (Johnny’s great grandfather opened in 1916) and the committee agreed that this was something we want to promote – we have a paper recycling leader right here in Salem!    NSRF/ The Newark Group (parent company of NSRF) is one of the top three recyclers in the country.   

A discussion also ensued regarding what should not be included in paper recycling: no juice boxes, no foil, and no milk cartons with plastic spouts.   While the milk cartons can be recycled, the majority of people do not bother to take the spout out so it was agreed that for the general public we would keep the message simple: no milk cartons.   Paper envelops with windows are ok, paper with staples too.   Dry food cartons are also recyclable and should be promoted as such.   

It was decided to hold a task force meeting on Tuesday August 26th at 7:30pm to brainstorm and outline the timeline and structure for a paper campaign.    Lynn, Julie, Liz, Katie, Susan, Erin, and Jennifer stated they would like to attend.

Johnny also suggested that we consider information on SalemRecycles and paper drop off and shredding in the Salem phonebook.  Other ideas: document shredding days at schools, offering shredding and paper drop off at the Free Book Swap in November,

and drop off bins at various business locations.

3. Fall Outreach Events
With many events scheduled for this fall we have three large events on the docket:  Haunted Happenings Parade on 10/1, The Topsfield Fair Green Booth (DEP is organizing), and the Book Swap on 11/21.       We will again work with the Phoenix School and Northside Carting on a float.    It was decided to not to hand out flyers on recycling this year.  An idea floated by Liz was to have a “toter drill team”.  We could affix our Salem Recycles logo and do a fun drill in front of the Phoenix School Float.  Susan suggested we pick up recyclables along the route.   

Mass DEP has reached out to SalemRecycles to ask for volunteers to man their green booth at Topsfield Fair on 10/5, 6, or 7.   Volunteers would commit to a three hour slot and in return would receive two tickets to the fair and a one parking pass.   Katie, Julie, and Liz have signed on as volunteers.   Those with interest in volunteering should contact Julie at their earliest convenience.       The committee asked if we would have an opportunity to promote SalemRecycles at the event in addition to Mass DEP and MassRecycles initiatives and programs.  As follow up Julie stated she would check.

The Free Book Fair in November is in the planning phases: to be addressed – location (same as last year or do we want to move to another church?), volunteers, and promotion.   NSRF has agreed to partner with SalemRecycles for paper recycling and shredding that day.

4. Gazette Articles
Susan offered to write an article on recycling rates and asked that the press release issued by the city be forwarded to her.    A profile of NSRF was discussed to highlight the services they provide onsite in Salem.   An upcoming tree planting for the winners of the neighborhood contact was also something discussed.  Northside carting is sponsoring this contest and the planting will provide a nice photo op for the paper.  Julie has reached out to Rick Rennard about the appropriate tree for planting and to coordinate the day and location.

5. Other news
Liz asked the committee if members would be interested in receiving information on upcoming MassRecycles and DEP events.   As there was sufficient interest Liz will forward emails to the committee.

A brief overview of the presentation given to city officials by writer and environmental advocate, Andrea Fox geared at reducing Salem’s public event footprint was discussed.  SalemRecycles supports to two initiatives she presented: 1. a portable ash can program 2. a portable water program to deduce bottled water use.   Liz will send the PowerPoint from the presentation out to the committee.    

Next meeting Tuesday September 1st at 6:30pm, 3rd floor 120 Washington Street.  Guests: Robbie and Mark George.