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September 2009
SalemRecyles meeting ; September 1, 2009 6:30PM

Attending: Erin, Marcia, Katie, Penny, Lynn, Susan, Jennifer, Liz, Julie; also Mark and Robbie George from NSC attended the first half of the meeting

1-August minutes: if there are any final comments, forward them to Liz Vago, otherwise we will post on the web by Tuesday Sept. 8.

2-The Perfect Pick-Up Campaign: Liz summarized the ideas that have been generated to address the issue of plastic contaminating the paper recycling. Erin has proposed calling an educational campaign,the Perfect Pick-Up.  NSRF has offered $50 each  week to a randomly selected resident who demonstrates  proper recycling practices.  We discussed developing a schedule by route and week in order to fairly distribute the awards. We discussed a photo op for at least the first winner; being presented a check by NSRF or SalemRecycles.

The committee discussed the issue of mandatory cardboard recycling. Susan raised concern that she has seen many clean cardboard boxes sitting in trash barrels and questioned if they were being picked up by the NSC.  Robbie indicated that leaving behind trash barrels that contain cardboard would be a problem for his staff and there will never be the perfect pick-up. A lively discussion evolved. Katie offered to attend their staff meetings in the morning to help educate the staff.  Robbie stated that NSC’s policy is that they will pick up cardboard for recycling that is left outside the trash barrel. Boxes left on top of or in the barrels will be disposed of as part of the trash pickup. Robbie went on to explain that one reason for this is NSC ends up having to go back to pick-up trash that has been left behind in Salem and other communities they serve.

As a way to reach tenants, Lynn suggested reaching out to the landlord association. She offered to attend a meeting (as a landlord herself) and offer suggestions as to how to bring tenants on board with better recycling. Julie will get a contact for the meeting.

Still need to work out specifics of award. Mark offered to take pictures during his rounds.  Committee may divide trash routes into manageable walking/driving routes using the GIS maps provided.

3-Tree Planting Award for route with best recycling will take place September 29 at 10am; near 210 Jefferson Avenue. Rich Rennard has suggested either a red maple or aristocratic pear tree. Robbie indicated that NSC will purchase the tree; DPS will loosely plant the tree prior to September 29; the Mayor and others will provide a photo op with shovels that morning.  The press release should reflect collaboration between NSC and SalemRecycles.

4-October 1 Haunted Happenings Parade: In addition to the Phoenix Float; the committee wants to have a presence with a toter brigade. We will expand upon the Wanted: Perfect Pick-up campaign; and post large signs on the toters. Committee will march in parade and pick-up recycling as we go.  Need to look into music; making sure we’re not competing with any music ideas Phoenix has.  

NSC will provide tee shirts and safety vests for SalemRecyles to wear that evening.  Need to reach out to SATV for coverage; remind all to bring cameras and take close-ups prior to start of parade.  Liz and Jennifer will coordinate a ‘goofy drill’.  

Discussed whether we needed a greater recycling/canable presence on the mall, etc.  Julie will work with Tom O’Shea and NSC to continue to increase recycling presence in October; however during the parade we will collect recyclables. Erin suggested perhaps committee should station themselves along the route.

5-Topsfield Fair: Julie discussed the EBSCO sponsored Green Pavilion; and the overall concept. Still may be spaces for volunteers at the DEP booth; e-mail Julie if interested.

6-Giant Yard Sale: September 19 at Salem Common : Lynn discussed follow-through of an idea raised at the Neighborhood Alliance last fall; hosting a City-wide yard sale. The Salem Common Neighborhood Association is selling tables for $25 each.  Julie will work with Lynn to help get the word out. During and leading up to this event; we will also promote the next book swap scheduled for Saturday November 21.  Julie will follow-up with St. Peter’s to ensure the hall is available; and also solicit parishioners to help with clean-up.

Robbie suggested putting a Got Books Gaylord at the Transfer Station.  Everyone thought this was a great idea.

7-Household Hazardous Waste Day October 3:  Date is definite; awaiting final word from Mayor’s office to release PR.  Question is how the City can offer this event for free; current proposal is to charge $20 per car (consistent with Beverly; Salem residents will be allowed to participate in Beverly’s event in April).  Robbie offered to bring a 15 yard dumpster to collect e-waste.  Susan raised concern that the e-waste information is not clear enough; needs to be edited including what hours drop off is available.

8-Book Swap, Tentatively at St. Peter’s on November 21th :  Liz asked if we want to consider moving the event to a different location or keep the location downtown at St. Peter’s.   It was agreed that the downtown location at St. Peter’s is preferable. Julie is awaiting confirmation.

Need signs; Penny offered to help with graphics. Concept is to produce in black; then cut and install on poster board. Working meeting on Sept. 30 at 3pm to produce signs.

8-Wrap up discussion

  • How do we incorporate Wanted/Reward/Perfect Pick-up
  • Need to get some additional Gazette Articles; Susan wrote the three R’s; Julie will run by Jason then submit to the Gazette
  • Julie attended the Salem Charter school service learning fair; the students will work with the teachers over the next week to determine their projects; we should know by October 1 if any groups have chosen to work with SalemRecycles.
  • Minutes for September-Katie, November-Penny.
Salem Recycles meeting: Tuesday September 29 at 6:30 pm: NOTE: One week ahead of regularly scheduled meeting.

Working meeting on Weds. September 30 at 3pm to make signs for HHWD, prepare for parade on October 1.