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March 2009
Salem Recycling Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Attendees: Katie Giddings, Penny Neal, Jennifer Percy, Julie Rose, Liz Vago, and Susan Yochelson

Book Swap Debriefing
The meeting started off with Liz Vago providing a recap on the Book Swap that took place at St. Peter's Church from 9-12, Saturday, February 28th, 2009.  In general, the event was a a big success with a lot of positive response from swap attendees — there were two positive responses on the website with no negative comments. Everyone agreed there was a good showing with a steady flow of swappers throughout the morning — estimates of attendees ranged from 100 to 125. It was determined that more books were swapped than brought in. People we excited about doing the swap twice a year possibly one before Christmas between Halloween and Thanksgiving and another around Earth Day. Other venues were also suggested such as St. Anne's. The group talked about how to utilize volunteers specifically stagger them throughout the morning with strong volunteers available at the end of the event to move remaining books outside. Though people flowed smoothly throughout the space and around the tables with books organized by paperback, hardcover, non-fiction, children's, cookbooks, text book and media, there was discussion about how to better display books with more tables at future swaps.  

Earth Day Ideas/Planning
The group moved on to a discussion about Earth Day and how to acknowledge positive green actions within the community including Salem's businesses. Honoring exemplary "green" behavior with awards such as "Environmental Hero Awards" were the focus. When and where to announce "Green Awards" was discussed.

On a larger scale for awards, the group discussed acknowledging trash/recycling success and improvements along Northside's routes with an award such as a "Tree Give-Away." This award would be given to the trash route with the largest increase in recycling. Northside is monitoring this activity and a tree would be planted in a public space commemorating the route that was most successful in their recycling efforts. Where and when that announcement would be made has yet to be determined. There should be an article in the Gazette about this initiative. Groups that should be included in this effort include: SAFE, the Garden Center, Public Gardens (Leslie Tuttle is the contact). Schools should also be involved in this effort. The committee needs to think about ways in involving other public groups in this community event.

Jason Silva was absent but Julie Rose presented his ideas on the Earth Day awards and activities including the following: Northside Carting "Tree Award"; Environmental Hero Awards; Green Business Award; Involve other groups; Guest Speakers; and Contests: Schools creating posters and essays -- schools are already doing posters, maybe there could be a contest with the best posters chosen and turned into a calendar.

Recycling/Specialty Collections
The committee moved onto the topic of "Specialty Recycling Collections" and how to promote collecting other recyclable materials such as metals and EWaste; Clothing including textiles and fabric; jewelry; and other more obscure items.

Metals and EWaste: The committee discussed what EWaste includes — Cables, cell phones, monitors, laptop computers. There was an EWaste day at the Salem Mission last fall. Will this occur again?

Clothing—Textile and Fiber: The committee brought up other materials such as textiles and fibers. The consensus was that these items aren't generally thought about when discussing trash and recycling. There needs to be some awareness about what should be done with these items. They should not be thrown away and there are organizations that will take old clothing whether it's a thrift shop or larger organizations such as Veterans' groups and Big Brother Big Sister. Sheet and towels can go to the Northeast Animal Shelter or other organizations that turn them into rags. There was discussion about a "Spring Cleaning" event — similar to the Book Swap — where people bring clothing and household items to swap. It would be promoted as "Clean out your house event" where textiles such as clothing and rags could be swapped and items remaining would donated to these various groups. The committee will work on what messages we want to convey with such events.

Earth Day Event is schedules for Wednesday night, April 22nd, 2009.

Recycling Committee’s One Year Anniversary
An Annual Report  (A one-page summary on accomplishments for the website and the Mayor’s Office) needs to be produced stating the committee's focus, mission and accomplishments over the past year. Julie has started a list and will forward to everyone. Please Note: At the time of the writing of these notes, before mentioned "Annual Report" has been written and submitted.

Officers’ First Term
June marks the one-year anniversary for the Recycling Committee and new officers need to be chosen. Current officers are as follows:  Lynn Murray, recording secretary; Jason Silva, vice chair; and Katie Giddings, chair. Suggestions for new officers should be submitted. Ballots will be taken at next meeting. New committee members are encouraged to join.

Gazette Columns
Currently there are no new articles slated. Katie asked if there were any ideas that hadn't been covered. Article Ideas included: the tree contest;  "Fellow Residents, I feel your pain"; What to do with those weird items such as wine corks, packing peanuts, batteries, etc.; Places to go to recycle such as "Freecycle";  Financial Impact of recycling; and the Science Fair.