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April 1, 2008
The minutes from our April 1st meeting:
Salem Earth Day Event (Thursday, April 17th):
Carlton Elementary School, 10 Skerry St. 6-8:30 pm
5:00 - setup
6-7:00 - roaming, tables
7-7:45 - Barbara Warren of Salem Sound Coastwatch will give a presentation on "Greenscapes"

Susan, Marcia and I (Katie) volunteered to run a Recycling Task Force table. (I have made some displays of what is and isn't recyclable based on Susan and Jennifer's visit to the Salem recycling facility. I'll take some pictures to show those who can't make it to the event.)
Mission Statement / strategic plan
There is a recycling committee page on with our names and a summary of the strategic plan. Please take a look and bring comments to the next meeting, or post as a comment on this blog, or via email.

Ellen will let us know how much can be changed on the website (such as adding something on the home page about recycling).

Our group can vote at the next meeting on "Task Force" vs "Committee" in our name, unless Julie has info about one or the other being more correct. Ellen thought either would be fine.

tagline ideas discussed - "trash for cash", "support Salem", "Paper for Paper" (showing images of paper recycling and paper money), "zero waste", "funding our future" (showing examples of what the money raised by recycling is equivalent to, such as teachers' salaries or other city spending). Ellen suggested shortening the one I came up with to "For Our Community and Our Future" and there seemed to be consensus that this was a good option (please post a comment if you disagree). We can also use some of the others we've come up with as titles for posters, etc. For example, the "Paper for Paper" one would make a great poster but might not be clear without visual explanation.
What Is / Isn't Recyclable
Susan and Jennifer reported on some confusing items that they asked about at the recycling center
What IS:

·       tinfoil
·       frozen food cardboard boxes
·       wax paper (is this correct? I have it in my notes but just wanted to double-check)
·       metal jar lid
·       milk jugs (w/out plastic spout and cap)
·       paper hot coffee cups

What ISN'T:
·       foil-lined cardboard nut tins
·       water bottle caps
·       milk cartons w/plastic spout (because of the plastic spout)
·       foil cardboard

Interesting note: Harry Potter books - cardboard covers are from local recycled paper.

June 14th Event (Old Town Hall)

We agreed to Julie's request that our group handle recycling for the event, and will use that experience to come up with a model for collecting recyclables at any future city event. This could be part of a set of recommendations to make city events "green".

·       Look into containers for collecting recyclables: Katie
·       Volunteers needed to plan and attend event

Other items

Salem State Log reported that they're launching a containers recycling program.

Randy will join Jason and Julie on the Goal 5 group (partnering with Salem city gov. entities to promote "green" activities).

Our group would like to offer a recommendation to the city about the new recycling contract. (This might be a good thing for the Goal 5 group to tackle)

Brainstorm list:

·       Starbucks etc - have a sign to say cups and lids recyclable?
·       stickers for businesses - "Salem Recycling Approved"
·       How should we approach businesses in a diplomatic, helpful way?
·       target top businesses, PEM, Witch Museum, others?
·       Survey for businesses - would they be interested?
·       Chamber sponsored stickers?

Next meeting is May 6th (always the 1st Tuesday)