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April 1, 2008
Salem Recycling Task Force: Agenda
Tuesday April 1st, 7:00-8:30 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd floor

1.      Earth Day event April 17: Volunteers and ideas needed. (Katie, from Julie's email)

2.      Mission statement/strategic plan (from Lynn's file)

3.      Updates on status of goals (if anything new since last meeting) and request for team members if needed

Goal 1: baseline (Susan)
Goal 2: best practices (Liz)
Goal 3: education plan (will skip since Lynn is not here)
Goal 4: brand and marketing (Katie)
Goal 5: city government (Jason, or Katie from Julie's email if Jason is not here)

4.      June event: proposal that our group handle recycling at the event, volunteers, ideas (Katie, from Julie's email)

5.      Other ideas/suggestions not covered?