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RETF Minutes, 10/11/2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
7:10 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

  • Attendees: Jeff Elie, Cindy Keegan, Nick Lewis,  John Hayes, Jeff Brandt, Rick Nye, Robert DeRosier
  • Visitors:  Jeff Cohen, Tom Hamilton, Suzanne Snyder and Matthias Bohler of Next Step Living
  • Absent: Jeff Snell, Jenna Ide
  • Approval of September, 2012 Meeting Minutes with minor revisions.  
  • Updates: Jeff Elie, Salem’s Energy Manager, provided, via email, background documentation regarding the Footprint power station. Specifically, the document addressed specific zoning regulations relating to the redevelopment of the land adjacent to the pier at the current site. The RETF had expressed interest in the redevelopment of that land to incorporate renewable energy or sustainability practices.
  • RETF members acknowledged receiving Schneider Investment Grade Audit and Footprint power siting from Jeff Elie via email
  • General business
  • Tom Hamilton, an advocate for tidal energy power, attended meeting and asked that his topic to put an alternative energy tidal power facility in Salem Harbor be put on next month’s agenda
  • Discussed task force identity and role moving forward with the new Energy and Sustainability Manager
  • RETF will serve as a task force for the Energy Manager – use expertise in their respective fields to gather information and report back to the Energy Manager, as the energy manager does not have sufficient time to do all the research necessary for all the projects they are managing.
  • Jeff Elie, Salem’s Energy Manager, shared status of current project updates including:
  • Green Communities grant projects: Salem Spins bike share, weatherization program, and LED streetlights
  • RETF member, Robert DeRosier, recommended that the energy manager put out a monthly press release to show progress the City is making in relation to energy efficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy initiatives.
  • Mathias Bohler and Suzanne Snyder of Next Step Living discussed their program and opportunity to set up a potential memorandum of understanding with City of Salem for greater outreach efforts, reporting, and participation in the Mass Save resident energy efficiency program
  • Explained Next Step Living - Next Step Living is a residential energy efficiency and renewables company~that provides no cost residential energy audits – they also provide weatherization services, and solar renewable energy services – all through the MassSave program. They use the rebate program for residential weatherization services setup through MassSave to provide a one-stop service for people who want to save energy

  • Future Meetings
  • Next meeting will be held on November 1, 2012
  • Adjournment
Subcommittees Update
  • Executive Committee:  None.
  • Policy Committee: None.
  • Outreach/Events Committee: None.
  • Projects Committee: None.
  • Future Meetings:  Next Meeting to be held on Nov 1, 2012
  • Agenda items not discussed: None.
  • Additional items discussed: None.
  • Votes Taken: One: Vote to move meetings to First Thursday of the month: Approved.
Action items arising from discussion:

  • Robert DeRosier to provide Jeff Elie with more information regarding Footprint power plant siting and background information per his request
  • Cindy Keegan to speak with Mayor Driscoll to ask about the role of the RETF in sustainability/renewable energy projects
  • J. Elie  to provide major policy for renewable energy if one exists.
  • J. Elie to come up with projects that need technical assistance from RETF members.
  • RETF asked Suzanne Snyder and Matthias Bohler of Next Step Living to provide an example MOU to fully understand what they can offer the City and the expectations they have for the RETF and Salem as a whole.

8:00pm adjournment