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RETF Minutes, July 19, 2012 Approved

Minutes- Approved
Thursday, July 19, 2012
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

  • Attendees: C. Keegan, J. Hayes, N. Lewis, J. Ide, R. Nye, A. Segal, J. Brandt
  • Visitors:  Pat Gozemba (Salem Resident- SAFE), Peter Carlton (Marblehead resident)
  • Approval of April, 2012 Meeting Minutes with minor changes.
  • General business
  • Membership/Assignments: Discussed continued concern regarding current membership, availability of members, transition of some members to other communities, and need for new recruits.  Unanimous support to recommend Paul Marquis to be elected back onto the RETF now that he is no longer in the Energy Manager position.  Additional recommendations were: Kathy Karch and Steve Cullen.  
  • Projects/Timelines: Discussed current other projects underway in the city that the RETF may have opportunities for interaction with including the power plant re-use, and the transfer station.
  • Energy Manger/Interaction with City: Discussed need for clearer understanding of our role and Energy manager interactions, as well as improved lines of communication with Lynn Duncan, City Council and other Boards & Commissions.  John Hayes agreed to draft a letter to the Mayor, from the RETF, summarizing our discussions of how to encourage the new Energy Manager to have a more visible and active role in helping the City to achieve its renewable energy and sustainability efforts city-wide
  • Education: Pat Gozemba reported on some opportunities for education that SAFE was doing including the possible showing of CapeSpin at CinemaSalem and the upcoming Green Drinks meeting.
Subcommittees Update
  • Executive Committee:  None.
  • Policy Committee: None.
  • Outreach/Events Committee: None.
  • Projects Committee: None.
Press & Event Opportunities
  • Green Drinks – Tuesday, August 28 (7pm) at Black Lobster (requested speaker for Wind update)
  • Future Meetings:  Next Meeting to be held on August 16, 2012
  • Agenda items not discussed: None.
  • Additional items discussed: None.
Votes Taken: Approval of April meeting minutes.
Documents discussed or offered as exhibits: None.
Adjournment: 9:00 pm

Completed Action Items:
Action items arising from discussion on 7-19-12 or still outstanding:

  • Executive Committee: Address issues of new membership and recommend volunteers for subcommittees.  Talk with members who have had limited participation regarding their term, if other people are interested in volunteering.
  • Policy Committee: Develop recommended updates for council meeting.
  • Outreach Committee:  Continue to gather outreach materials.
  • Projects Committee: None.
  • C. Keegan to contact City Council regarding date to provide update of RETF activities.
  • C. Keegan to set up/attend meeting with Mayor and Lynn Duncan to discuss Energy Manager position, RETF project status and interactions.
  • C.Keegan to request Energy Manager job description.
  • C. Keegan to get copies of outstanding grant requirements.
  • J. Barz-Snell to invite Peter Furniss from Footprint Power to one of upcoming meetings to discuss possible opportunities at the power plant site.
  • RETF Members to seek opportunities at other Neighborhood associations or other gatherings to provide wind turbine project information.
Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033