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RETF Minutes, April 24, 2012, Approved

Thursday, April 12th, 2012
7:06 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

  • Attendees: P. Marquis, J. Ide, C. Keegan, J. Brandt, A. Segal, J. Hayes; J. Barz-Snell, R. Nye
  • Visitors:  Steve Cullen (Salem Resident- MWRA)
  • Approval of February and March, 2012 Meeting Minutes- both approved with minor revisions.  P. Marquis to include Education & Outreach documents provided during Feb meeting.
  • Updates:
  • Reports and updates on activities and action items from last meeting
  • Salem State University PV are live today at the O’Keefe Center: 164 (J. Ide reported)
  • 19 Fowler St- 1st Historic home that added PV.
  • General business
  • Plan for better organizing wind project documents and resources on website
  • C. Keegan provided to P. Marquis suggested organization of website materials.
  • MA CEC-funded acoustic study - sound monitoring and acoustic study planning
  • MA CEC approved grant for acoustic study adder.  Howard Quinn submitted proposal for $13,800. Kickoff meeting with CEC today, which resulted in adjusted wind collection points and request to provide seasonal wind shear data averages for both day and night. Goal is for monitoring to begin next week and it is expected to take approximately 2 weeks. Short-term attended monitoring:  Winter Island, Naugus Head;  long-term at Plummer Home, Winter Island, and Naugus Head at higher elevation than sea-level to avoid water noise.  There was some discussion as to inclusion of the Marblehead monitoring location.  Ultimately, this location was determined to be included to be cooperative with the Marblehead concerns, and it was not felt that there was a Salem location that would be missed otherwise.  Howard Quinn has been keeping Chris Senie (the opposition legal representative) in the loop regarding design and process.
  • Press & Event Opportunities
  • SATV- would like to record next Thursday, April 19, as informal interview for the “around Salem” program: John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell, Adam Segal will plan to be available.
  • May 5th – Clean Salem, Green Salem:  Limited availability so may not attend.  Jeff will see if Steve Young is willing to allow his presentation pictures to be posted for this event and the Living Green event.
  • Planning for Living Green Fair- May 19th-
  • Theme: Pedal Power
  • P. Marquis will find out who has signed up and who has been reached out to.
  • Speaker Series: Ed Tersciero from Mt. Wachusett was suggested by J. Ide as possible speaker about wind projects.
Potential other contacts: Darcy Emerman – AE Com

  • Future Meetings
  • Next meeting will be held on May 17, 2012
  • Adjournment
Subcommittees Update
  • Executive Committee:  None.
  • Policy Committee: None.
  • Outreach/Events Committee: None.
  • Projects Committee: None.
Press & Event Opportunities
  • Salem State Sustainability Summit – April 23, 2012
Clean Salem, Green Salem – May 5, 2012
Living Green Fair – May 19, 2012
  • Future Meetings:  Next Meeting to be held on May 17, 2012
  • Agenda items not discussed: None.
  • Additional items discussed: None.
Votes Taken: None.
Documents discussed or offered as exhibits: None.
Completed Action Items:
  • P. Marquis to contact Howard Quinn as part of acoustic grant application and submit application as soon as possible. Complete.
A. Segal to attend Salem Commons annual meeting in March 2012. Complete.
Action items arising from discussion on 4-12-12 or still outstanding:

  • Executive Committee: Address issues of new membership and recommend volunteers for subcommittees.  Talk with members who have had limited participation regarding their term, if other people are interested in volunteering.
  • Policy Committee: Develop recommended updates for council meeting.
  • Outreach Committee:  Continue to gather outreach materials.
  • Projects Committee: Develop proposed scope of work for acoustic study if commissioned.
  • C. Keegan to contact City Council regarding date to provide update of RETF activities.
  • J. Barz-Snell to contact Plummer Home about possible interest as a “signature” barnraising location.
  • J. Barz-Snell to attend South Salem Neighborhood meeting in May 2012.
  • RETF Members to seek opportunities at other Neighborhood associations or other gatherings to provide wind turbine project information.
  • P. Marquis to provide website layout suggestion to city website person.
Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033

8:27 adjournment