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Draft Minutes, February 16, 2012
Meeting Minutes- draft
Thursday, February 16, 2012
7:00 pm
120 Washington St.Salem, Ma

In Attendance:          Cindy Keegan (Chair), Jeff  Barz-Snell (Vice Chair), Jenna Ide, Adam Segal,  John Hayes, Rob DeRosier
Members not in attendance: Rick Nye, Nick Lewis, Jeff Brandt
City Staff: Paul Marquis

  • Meeting called to order at 7:09 PM
  • November 2011 meeting minutes approved with minor changes.
  • Education & Outreach Committee report:
  • Jenna Ide and Adam Segal had met and discussed putting together a calendar of events, reaching out to neighborhood associations, and documents and materials that should be readily available in order for any of the RETF to make presentations on the wind project.  In particular the key items identified were:
  • Wind Fact Sheet & FAQ
  • RETF Brochure
  • Project Overview
  • Jeff Barz-Snell reported that he had contacted Jim Rose of the South Salem Neighborhood Association and was hoping to get on the schedule for May.
  • Adam Segal reported that he had contacted Salem Commons group and was going to attend and hopefully speak at their annual meeting in March.
  • City of Salem Energy Programs
  • Paul Marquis provided a brief update on the Green Community funded projects:
  • Meetings proposed had been satisfied
  • CFL swap- has already done 75 households and the goal was 100, may do door-to-door- possibly seeking college student volunteers.
  • Katie Giddings helped create a facebook page for SalemEEKO
  • Mini-barnraising planned for2/23/12 from 1- 4pm.  Need 1 or 2 volunteers.
  • Plan to do 20 mini-barnraisings and 4 “Signature” barnraisings by June 30, 2012.
  • It was suggested that City Councilors be informed of both volunteer and project related activities.
  • It was also suggested that the Plummer Home be considered for one of the “signature” barn-raisings.
General Business
  • Recap & review of last year’s efforts; goals for 2011.  It was agreed that Cindy Keegan would develop this along with Paul Marquis as a draft presentation for City Council.
  • MA CEC acoustic study grant.  It was agreed that we should seek the grant, move expeditiously in order to attempt to get funding in place to conduct study prior to leaves being fully out.  It was also agreed that due to existing work, and need to move quickly, that Howard Quinn would be recommended as the consultant within the grant proposal.
  • Winter Island Wind education& outreach (no further discussion than in the update item from the Education & Outreach Committee)
Report to Salem City Council on work of Task Force- Cindy Keegan reported a letter both offering our assistance in responding to any questions or concerns that councilors had, as well as a request to provide an update to the council in the new year had been sent to both incumbent and recently elected councilors via email in December.  No further work on this topic had occurred and no date had been set with the Council.
Subcommittees Update
  • Executive Committee:  None.
  • Policy Committee: None.
  • Outreach/Events Committee: See Updates, Education & Outreach Committee above.
  • Projects Committee: None.
Press & Event Opportunities
  • Mini-Barnraising EEKO event - February 23, 2012
  • Bentley School Science Fair – March 8, 2012
  • 2012 Green Business Challenge Kick Off – April 1, 2012 (Recognition planned for Living Green Fair)
  • Salem State Earth Day Week – April 9-13, 2012
  • Salem State Sustainability Summit – April 23, 2012
  • Clean Salem, Green Salem – May 5, 2012
  • Living Green Fair – May 19, 2012
  • Future Meetings:  Next Meeting to be held on March 15, 2012
  • Agenda items not discussed: None.
  • Additional items discussed: None.
  • Votes Taken: Voted to recommend Howard Quinn for use as noise consultant in the additional study to be sought in CEC grant application for Winter Island Wind Turbine project.
  • Documents discussed or offered as exhibits: _____.
Action items arising from discussion on 2-16-12 or still outstanding:

  • Executive Committee: Address issues of new membership and recommend volunteers for subcommittees.  Talk with members who have had limited participation regarding their term, if other people are interested in volunteering.
  • Policy Committee: Develop recommended updates for council meeting.
  • Outreach Committee:  Continue to gather outreach materials.
  • Projects Committee: Develop proposed scope of work for acoustic study if commissioned.
  • C. Keegan to contact City Council regarding date to provide update of RETF activities.
  • P. Marquis to contact Howard Quinn as part of acoustic grant application and submit application as soon as possible.
  • J. Barz-Snell to contact Plummer Home about possible interest as a “signature” barnraising location.
  • A. Segal to attend Salem Commons annual meeting in March 2012.
  • J. Barz-Snell to attend South Salem Neighborhood meeting in May 2012.
  • RETF Members to seek opportunities at other Neighborhood associations or other gatherings to provide wind turbine project information.

Meeting Minutes recorded by Cindy Keegan.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm