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April 16, 2009


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 16, 2009
6:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Adam Segal, John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell, Betsy Horne
Members not in attendance:  Nick Lewis, Rick Nye
Public:  Ben Bouchard, Graeme Marcoux
City Staff:  Tom Watkins, Danielle McKnight, Natalie Lovett

Meeting minutes reviewed and approved as written.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance
Tom informed the group of the current language in the Wind Turbine Ordinance that may need to be further reviewed and edited.  Specifically, the language requirement allowing turbines to only be erected on lots of 40,000 square feet or more.  This hinders any residential application for a turbine, as well as applications for potential residential and commercial roof top turbines.  Danielle stated that the Planning Department can do some research to see how some communities addressed the issue of roof top turbines.  Rob stated that the City may just need to add the word “commercial” to section 3-2 regarding the square footage requirement.  Cindy read a note from former Planner Amy Lash that recommended the City add the word “commercial” or too just strike the line all together.  

The group recommended that we do not need to clearly define roof top turbines in the ordinance as long as the City makes an amendment to the Ordinance to strike the square footage requirement.  However, set back requirements may need to be further looked at.  There is nothing in the ordinance which precludes someone from erecting a roof top turbine at this time.  

SHS Envirothon and Living Green Fair
Salem High School teacher Graeme Marcoux was introduced to the group.  Mr. Marcoux gave a background on the state Envirothon and his team of students partaking in this year’s event.  As part of the requirements for the Envirothon, the team needs to come up with a proposal to meet two of the criteria laid out in the Green Communities Act.  The group shared their ideas with Mr. Marcoux.  Tom will email to him and Cindy some energy spreadsheets he received from Paul L’Hereux.

Ben Bouchard announced that the Chamber of Commerce has awarded one of their $250 “green” grants to the Salem High Envirothon Team, which they will use to purchase materials for their Envirothon project.  The Phoenix school will be receiving the other grant.  Both the Phoenix School and the SHS Envirothon team will have a display of their projects at the Living Green Fair.  

Ben announced that this year’s title sponsor is Sunlight Solar.  He is still looking for two presentation topics for the speaker series.  The free movie at CinemaSalem this year will be Addicted to Plastic.  Ben will also be seeking recommendations on sponsors and exhibitors and just asked that the group help spread the word about the Fair.  

Green Communities Act  
A main objective for the RETF in the coming year will be to work with the City to comply with the Green Communities Act.  Five specific criteria must be met to come into compliance with the Act and be labeled as an official “green” community.  This will also allow the City to become eligible for additional funding opportunities.  

Tom invited Natalie of the City’s Planning Department to talk about the “as of right” zoning requirement in the Act.  The City’s current wind turbine ordinance is not “as of right”, it’s a special permit requirement.  Also, the “as of right” zoning does not have to be for wind, it can be for any renewable energy source.  

It was mentioned that “as of right” zoning for r&d or manufacturing might work here in Salem.  Natalie will talk with Daniel to see how we can allow for r&d or manufacturing in Salem.  

Cindy would like to know the City’s Site Review Planning process and how we can go about modifying it to incorporate it into the “as of right” zoning criteria.  

Also, the building stretch code of the Act was discussed.  Tom and Natalie will have to follow up with Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre on this.  

Energy Management Position   
Tom announced that MTC will be ending their matching grant process to City’s for residents signing up for the GreenUp Program.  This will come into effect at the end of June.  These funds have been discussed by City Officials to fund a potential Energy Manager position.  The Mayor would like the Task Force to develop a plan as to how to best fund such a position and/or how to best spend the City’s existing money in their MTC account.  

Events & Press
Jeff stated he will do a case study article on SESD.  John Hayes announced that Salem State College’s Earth Day will be held on Wednesday, April 22nd.  

Next meeting will be June 18th, 2009
Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm