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February 19, 2009


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 19, 2009
6:30 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Adam Segal, John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell
Members not in attendance:  Nick Lewis, Rob DeRosier, Rick Nye, Betsy Horne
Public:  Alan Taubert, Don Bowen, Jonathan Marquis, Michelle Bilodeau, Utama Abdulwahid
City Staff:  Tom Watkins

Introduction and Discussion on Final Wind Report from UMASS
All those in attendance introduced themselves.  

Alan stated that the data for a 1.5 MW turbine looked favorable, however, he was concerned what the community might think about that size turbine.  Don said that the report provided some good insight and at this point, he could not disqualify the site for siting a turbine.  Utama joined the conversation via conference call.  He gave a brief explanation about his report.  He suggested an 80 meter turbine would be feasible for the SESD site.  Cindy asked how this data report would satisfy or not satisfy a turbine manufacturer.  It was stated that it depends on the manufacturer.  Each one has their own standards and set back requirements.  Jonathan asked if he could get the turbulence intensity information for 50, 60 and 80 meters.  Utama will email the information to Tom.  It was stated that the turbulence factor at Winter Island would be a lot less.  Manufacturers would still require site specific data.  Alan is also concerned about set back requirements at SESD.  

Don said this is a good report but its not a fatal flaw analysis.  He said Meridian could provide a full feasibility analysis, which would also take a look at the economics of the site.  Cindy would like to get a feasibility analysis at both the SESD and Winter Island locations.  Jonathan stated that the Large Onsite Renewables Initiative (LORI) application has been extended to August.  

Alan stated that at this time he may opt out of pursuing the MTC grant with the City, and subcontract a private company for a full feasibility analysis.  Afterwards, he could apply for the LORI grant.  

It was stated that Tom and Cindy will both talk to MTC about a further feasibility study at SESD while Alan will talk to his Board of Directors about pursuing a private feasibility analysis.     

Roof Turbines
Tom will invite both Tom St. Pierre and Danielle McKnight to their next meeting to discuss incorporating roof turbine language into the City’s newly adopted wind turbine ordinance.  

Event Opportunities
Tom will be hosting a free home energy seminar for retirees with the Massachusetts Municipal Association at the Council on Aging.  

On Tuesday, March 3rd, a meeting to discuss this year’s Living Green Fair will be held at the Chamber of Commerce.  

The group asked Tom to look more into what the City is doing for Earth Day this year.  

Other Business
John asked that the Task Force consider looking in to and sponsoring a community shelf of books at the Public Library which would display books on climate change, energy efficiency and renewables.  

The group would like to further discuss the Green Communities Act at their next meeting.  

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm