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January 15, 2009


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 15, 2009
6:30 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair) Adam Segal, Rick Nye, Betsy Horne
Members not in attendance:  Jeff Barz-Snell, Nick Lewis, John Hayes
Public:  John Sawyer, Mike Sosnowski, Bob McCarthy
City Staff:  Tom Watkins

All those in attendance introduced themselves.  Minutes from the previous meeting were not available at this time.  Resident John Sawyer of Barnes Circle was asked to join the RETF at the table to discuss his roof turbine, which he brought to the meeting.  

Discussion with Resident John Sawyer
John shared with the group his Air X model roof turbine – 45 amps/100 watts, rotor is 3 ft. 8 in. and total weight is 13 pounds.  The turbine is manufactured by Southwest Wind Power.  Adam stated that communication is important with the installation of turbines.  John said he talked to one of his neighbors and they did not have a problem with it.  He mentioned that the turbine shuts off when the batteries are fully charged.  The batteries will be powering some minimal electrical equipment in his house such as his computer and some lighting.  John has already submitted an application with the City’s Building Department.  John plans to install the turbine himself and stated the approximate cost for his model was $1,200.  

Bob McCarthy asked how this turbine applies to the ordinance.  Cindy stated that she believed that roof turbines only require building permits and not a special permit from the Planning Board as written out in the wind turbine ordinance, however, she will go back and review the ordinance.  

Cindy did review the data from the intern and it did not include the electronic spreadsheet she was hoping it would.  She will need to touch base with John Hayes about how to proceed.  

2KW Solar Array
Tom said the draft RFP has been completed by the City’s Purchasing Agent and it just needs final approval from Paul L’Hereux.  Tom is hopeful the RFP will be out by early February.  

Green Communities Act
Tom stated he recently went to the Smart Growth/Smart Energy Conference in Boston and attended a number of workshops on the Green Communities Act.  Tom discussed the 5 criteria needed for communities to become official “green” communities and come into compliance with the Act.  He stated that standards are still be drawn up for the different criteria and there will be public comment periods available for communities to weigh in on the proposed act and its criteria.  A discussion followed on one of the criteria – “As of Right Zoning”.  Tom stated that the wind turbine ordinance does not meet the criteria for “as of right zoning”, which calls for the siting of only alternative or renewable energy generating facilities, renewable or alternative energy research and development facilities (R & D) or renewable or alternative energy manufacturing facilities in designated locations.  The RETF will continue to work to see how the City of Salem can work to come into full compliance with the Green Communities Act.   

Energy Management Position
Adam presented the group his research and report on this topic.  He said that currently Somerville, Boston, Cambridge, Northampton and Medford are amongst the communities that have such a position.  Adam passed around a sample job description and stated ICLEI has suggestions on their website for such a position as well.  He did mention that given the state of the economy and the potential for budget cuts at the state and local level, he is very wary that this may be a tough time to advocate the City to create such a position.  

Cindy stated that such a position could be funded with the City’s Green Up money it has with the MTC.  She also mentioned the she would like to request to extract $2,500 from the City’s MTC funds for the use of a promotional budget for the RETF.  Tom will work on doing this.  

Adam will continue to research how such positions have been funded and created.  Cindy said the Mayor has previously expressed interest on such a position.  She also said that such a position could begin as a part time position.  Cindy will help Adam in his research.  

Other Business
Rick announced that he will be able to attend the finance workshop at MTC headquarters on January 21st.

Adam announced that a large turbine recently was erected in Newburyport.  

Connecting with the Carlton School
Mike Sosnowski stated that the members of the Carlton School PTO is looking to do more green initiatives with the City and thought that the RETF could work with them on this.  The members of the RETF thought this would be a great idea.  Mike will contact a representative from the Carlton PTO and ask if they would like to attend a meeting of the RETF.  Tom will also reach out to Carlton Principal Phillip Burke and talk to him more about this.

Living Green Fair   
Tom stated the Chamber has set a date and location for the Fair – Saturday, June 13th at Old Town Hall.  Betsy stated that she is worried some vendors may not participate this year do to the weak economy.  Adam and Rob both felt that companies are even more willing to come to help market themselves in such an economy.  Rob will work again with Rinus this year and report back to the group.  

Tom mentioned that the City’s Recycling Committee has been submitting weekly articles to the Salem Gazette and wondered if the RETF would like to look into doing this as discussed in the past.  The group would like to find someone who has completed energy efficiency audits/work on their home and write about it.  Rick recently had his house audited and is waiting for the results.  Once he receives them, he will write up a story.  Adam had his house audited and will work on article as well.  RETF member Nick Lewis also had his house audited.  

The next meeting will be held on February 19, 2009.     

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm