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November 20, 2008

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 20, 2008
6:30 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair) Adam Segal, John Hayes, Betsy Horne
Members not in attendance:  Jeff Barz-Snell, Nick Lewis, Rick Nye
Public:  Michael Madden
City Staff:  Tom Watkins

All those in attendance introduced themselves.  Minutes from the September and October meetings were reviewed and approved.  

Joint Public Hearing
Tom updated the members about the Joint Public Hearing between the City Council and Planning Board on the wind turbine ordinance.  He mentioned that overall the public hearing went well.  There were a lot of questions asked and no one in the room stood up in opposition of the ordinance.  Tom will work with Danielle McKnight in the City’s Planning Department to add some minor revisions to the ordinance and email the final copy out to the RETF members.  

SODAR Report
Once the final report is received, Rob would like to compare the data in it to that of the Salem Harbor Station study.  Rob will email the members the Salem Harbor Study.  The group would like to invite Alan Taubert of SESD to their next meeting to discuss the final report from UMASS should the group have it by then.  

Looking Ahead
Rob wanted to know what the next steps and goals are for the RETF.  Both him and Cindy would like to recommend to the Mayor a full time Energy Manager position for the City.  Cindy stated the group should do some research on what other communities have done and what their job descriptions and salaries are.  Adam volunteered to look into this further and report back to the group.  

ICLEI & Community Energy Challenge  
Cindy and John will continue to work on gathering this data and inputting it into the software.  John will also need to touch base with his former intern about where she had previously left off  with her progress.   

Green Building Ordinance
The group would like to put this ordinance and other projects on hold until they have finished their current business.

Living Green Fair  
The RETF will again help out and sponsor next year’s fair.  He will also talk to the Chamber of Comerce to see if they have planned a date and location yet.  

Other Business
The RETF would like to invite the representatives from the Reed Trust Fund and talk to them about how the two groups can collaborate on a future project.  

It was voted onto to cancel the December meeting.  The next meeting will be held on January 15, 2009.     

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm