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August 21, 2008

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 21, 2008
6:30 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Betsy Horne, Rick Nye, Jeff Barz-Snell, John Hayes
Members not in attendance:  Adam Segal, Nick Lewis, Rob DeRosier
City Staff:  Tom Watkins, Paul L’Hereux, Darleen Melis

All those in attendance introduced themselves.  Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended for the months of June and July.  

2KW Solar Array Project
Paul L’Hereux announced that Dr. Niles Albright would like to partake in the grant awarded by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative for a 2KW solar array panel on Salem High School.  One of his visions is to have both a DAS System and weather station in the lobby of SHS powered by the solar array.  Paul said this would require a larger, more expensive project with the funding assistance from Dr. Albright to help.  We would also need to get his specifications for the project before we finalize the RFP and figure out how much money the total project will be.  Cindy stated she has a contact from the Town of Acton which recently installed a similar system.  She will continue to touch base with them.  Darleen would like to shift the focus of Dr. Albright’s money from the roof to some other technology that will fixate science and art into student’s minds.  She also said she does not want to hold up the 2 KW array project for another potential project.  Both Cindy and DArleen would like to go forward with the 2 KW project now and incorporate Dr. Albright’s idea at a later time.  The group agreed and Tom was asked to begin the RFP process with the City’s Purchasing Officer, Albert Hill, on the 2KW array project.    

Darleen also mentioned that the School Building Committee would like to ask the RETF for some ideas on how to use moneys available in the Reed Trust program.  John Hayes will talk to Arthur Francis of Salem State College on some ideas as well.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance
Tom had stated that Amy Lash of the City’s Planning & Community Development Department had recommended to him that the RETF submit the draft wind turbine ordinance to the Planning Board at their September 18th meeting.  Tom will email the RETF members the final version of the draft ordinance and get any last thoughts.  

Cindy stated that at this time, MTC is not severely backlogged for applications for wind turbine feasibility studies.  MTC does require a formal request by the Mayor’s Office in order to apply for the study.  She also said MTC created and filled a new position to focus on educating communities on the financial model of wind turbines.  Cindy would like to see the “raw” data from UMASS on the SODAR unit.  

Green Building Ordinance
Cindy will email to the RETF the information she has on green building ordinances.  It was mentioned that both the City of Lowell and Medford have conducted zero energy home contests.  Cindy also stated

that she mentioned to the Mayor in a recent meeting her idea of hiring a full time Energy Coordinator for the City.  She said the Mayor sounded interested.  Such a position could also be funded with the use of
Green Up funds.  Cindy stated that Haverhill and Lowell are looking at the possibility of hiring a regional Energy Coordinator.  

Haunted Happenings Parade & Other Business
Tom will find out the exact date, time and theme of this year’s parade.  Cindy will check for information on this year’s Green Building Tour.  

The RETF formally made a motion and voted in favor of requesting a promotional budget from the MTC of $1,500 (through the use of Green Up funds).  

The RETF discussed the grant from MTC for a solar lighting panel.  Tom had mentioned that the City is working on two sites for this lighting fixture: the Gallows Hill Flagpole and the Nathaniel Hawthorne Statue.  He will provide the group more information once a final location has been decided upon.  

Action Items:
  • Contact MTC to begin discussing a feasibility study for the SESD site (Tom/Cindy)
  • Find out how many Green Up sign ups the City of Salem has (Cindy)
  • Follow up with Tom Daniels on Big Belly ad space (Tom)
  • Gather information about Green Building Ordinances and email to the group (Cindy/Tom)
  • Send copies of Living Green Footage to Cindy (Tom)
  • Formally request a promotional budget of $1,500 from MTC (Tom)
  • Found out info on this year’s HH Parade (Tom)
  • Ask UMASS for raw data from SODAR unit (Tom)
  • Follow up with Rinus and Ben on Chamber grants (Tom)
Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm