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June 19th, 2008


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 19th, 2008
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Betsy Horne, Nick Lewis, John Hayes
Members not in attendance:  Adam Segal, Rick Nye, Jeff Barz-Snell, Rob Derosier
City Staff:  Amy Lash, Tom Watkins
Meeting Start:  6:30 pm  

Draft Wind Turbine Ordinance
Amy Lash of the City Planning & Community Development Department updated the Task Force with her answers to questions they had from a previous meeting on the draft wind turbine ordinance.  It was stated that the Planning Board was the most appropriate department to oversee a special permit for a turbine in the City.  This process would consist of a public hearing period, an application form and fee, a notice sent to abutters and a 20 day appeal process.     

There were still some questions surrounding the height restrictions for a met tower and the members of the RETF said they will follow up with staff from the UMASS Renewable Energy Resources Lab for advice to this question.  The RETF also would like to consider changing the height requirements for both a residential (150 ft.) and a commercial (400 ft.) turbine.  

In regards to reviews for the set back area, the RETF would like to know if the set back area should be 100% of the height structure to the property line.  It was suggested that this be taken up on a case by case basis.  The Planning Board may also waive the set back requirements for turbines abutting an oceanfront property.  Conservation Commission approval will also be needed for proposals within 100 ft. of a wetland or 200 ft. of a river.  Amy will check to see if oceanfront turbines will require CH. 91 state approval.  

Liability insurance is included in the ordinance and will be required with the application or building permit.  

Commercial scale turbines proposed in an R3 zone will need a special permit.  

All islands are subject to Residential Conservation (RC) zoning.  

Amy had stated that horizontal/roof turbines which are in Chicago are subject to just building permits and therefore Amy did not deem it necessary to include these within the ordinance.  

For properties with two or more turbines, it was suggested that the turbines meet property and structure line requirements.  Amy will talk to Lynn Duncan about combining lots of less than 40,000 ft. for wind energy facilities.  

Amy talked to Building Inspector Tom St. Pierre who said that a building permit will be necessary for SODAR unit installations.  A public notification process will not be necessary.  

It was mentioned that a “step by step” process should be available on the City’s webpage for installing a residential and commercial wind turbine.  The City may also want to consider adding a page to their “Doing Business in Salem Guide”.  

An in-house routing slip may be of interest to help streamline and speed up the application process.  

Living Green & Renewable Energy Fair
Betsy will email the RETF to ask them of their thoughts (both pros/cons) of the Fair.  She will compile a master list.  Tom shared his email from Rinus with the group informing them that the Chamber of Commerce has agreed to award two - $250 “Green” grants – one to the RETF and one to a Salem based business or organization.  Cindy mentioned that she would like to consider giving the RETF grant to a local school.  

Cindy mentioned that both herself and Jeff need to be reimbursed by MTC for the decals and banner.  

Cindy would like to create a printing budget for pamphlets, handouts, etc.  

Cindy would like to do a recap of the Fair and send it to the local papers.  

Other Business
Cindy and Betsy would like to organize a field trip to the Forbes Lofts in Chelsea to check out the new wind turbine.  Tom will ask the Mayor if she has a contact there and will work to arrange this.  Betsy will send a link to this project to everyone.  

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm