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September 13, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 13, 2007
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rick Nye, Kristen Smith, Betsy Horne, John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell, Adam Segal, Tom Watkins
Members not in attendance:  Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Nick Lewis  
Public:  Katy Krottinger, Rinus Oosthoek, Kevin Andrews

Meeting Start:  7:00 pm  

Introduction & Previous Action Items
Meeting minutes from the group’s July meeting were reviewed and approved.
Action items listed at the previous meeting were then reviewed:  Betsy reported that 2 wind turbines were once located at Salem hospital.  Tom will continue to look into the approval process for ads/sponsorship on the Big Belly’s.  Rick and Cindy will continue to work on an energy efficiency worksheet.  Jeff mentioned he knew an Eagle Scout who may be willing to help the group out with any upcoming projects.  

Community Energy Challenge   
Cindy reported that there is not too much data missing although she is still awaiting word from the schools to fill in some of the gaps from the 2004, 2006 and 2007.  Rick mentioned that it would be good to add a clause in a city ordinance which required energy efficiencies in new construction and building renovations.  Tom was asked to look into acquiring information on the proper disposal of CFL’s and to contact Home Depot and other local hardware stores for bulk buy discounts on CFL’s.  

Upcoming Events
Solar Now – Event this weekend, Cindy will find out the information

Greening 101 – next Thursday, 7 – 9 pm.  RETF can promote Green Up while there and talk about the initiatives of the RETF.  The event is sponsored by New Ecology

Groom Energy – Groom will be erecting their turbine this month and have agreed to let us film it.  Jeff has volunteered to film the installation.

Change A Light Day – October 3rd.  the RETF would like to do an event around this day, either changing some bulbs out at City Hall, sending some students home with a CFL from the Bentley (Kevin Andrews idea)

Climate Change Conversation – October 4th.  This is the same night as the Haunted Happenings annual parade.  The RETF will hold off on this.  

The RETF discussed partaking in the parade.  Group members can walk around handing out information flyers.  Tom will sign the group up to partake in the parade and will inquire about the use of the City’s hybrid vehicle.  

Green Building Tour – At the Carlton School, October 6th 10 am – 1 pm.  Kevin talked about the plans for the event.  RETF will set up a table there.  Groom Energy will also partake in the Green Building Tour from 10 am – 1 pm.  Salem State College declined to partake in the Tour, however, they are applying for “Green School Status” and would like to partake in next year’s event.  

HealthLink Renewables Forum – October 25th, at Torigian Community Life Center in Peabody, MA.  

Renewable Expo in Salem – Rinus will email the group more about this idea.  Rinus also mentioned the Green Shopping Bag Program in Salem in which people may purchase reusable shopping bags from local businesses.  Money raised will benefit the Salem Main Streets Program.   

Wind Turbine Project
Tom and Cindy updated the group about the $400,000 grant from Mass Energy which they would like to award to a community to be used towards erecting a wind turbine.  Larry Chretian, Director of Mass Energy, would like to announce the name of the winning community at his organization’s gala event in November.  The City is applying for the grant and hope to use the money to erect a turbine at the SESD plant on Fort Avenue.  Cindy stated that there are still some steps that need to take place, such as getting all five communities, that are serviced by the SESD plant, on board.  Also, more outreach needs to be done to SESD and inquiring the proper City departments about the permitting process for such a turbine at the SESD site.  It was mentioned that the actual delivery time of a wind turbine takes about a year from the date of the delivery order.  Rob will get wind data from Dominion and will see if it will be compatible for SESD.   

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm