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July 19, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 19, 2007
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Kristen Smith, John Hayes, Jeff Barz-Snell, Adam Segal
Members not in attendance:  Nick Lewis, Rick Nye, Betsy Horne

Meeting Start:  7:00 pm  

Introduction and Wind Turbine Site Visits
Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved for the group’s June 21st and June 25th meetings.  

Cindy next updated the group on the site visits conducted earlier in the day.  She stated that members of the Task Force met with Sally Wright, a Research Fellow at the Renewable Energy Research Laboratory at UMASS Amherst to first discuss the proposed locations the group had submitted in their wind turbine site survey application.  After discussing each site, the group went to visit each site individually.  The two sites which looked most promising were at the SESD Plant and the high school.  While at SESD, the group met with Harold Newhall, General Manager, and Alan Taubert, Project Manager of the plant.  Both Cindy and Rob agreed that SESD would need some assistance in advancing their ongoing wind turbine efforts.  They also believed that some of their current efforts may be good to note in a future press release.  Cindy will call Alan to see what his next steps are going to be.  At the high school, the group observed a practice field which they thought may be a good location for a turbine.  Tom said he will check into the site to see what it is actually used for.  Both the high school and the SESD plant were considered good locations given the land and layout that exists at each site as well as the amount of load in the area.  Sites such as Winter Island and Forest River Park would be good locations given the high winds there, although there is just not much load in these areas.  

Rob had stated that net metering is good if on site and net billing is good no matter where the turbines are located.  Rob would like the group to advocate for net billing and the legislation which is being proposed at the state level.  Cindy said she would email the legislation out to the group.        

It was stated that Sally should have the results back to the group within 4 to 5 weeks.  Her report will focus on larger scale turbine projects.  Rob would like to use her analysis and apply it to smaller scale projects as well.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance  
Tom will email out to the group some sample wind turbine ordinances from other communities as well as the state model.  Rob will continue working on drafting an ordinance and have it ready for the next meeting.  Tom will also talk to staff in the Planning Department to see if they would be interested in coming to their September meeting.  

Community Energy Challenge/Green Up Program
It was mentioned that Keyspan will conduct 1 to 2 full building energy audits for the City and will pinpoint key areas of energy savings.  Cindy and Tom will work to see what other information, other than the energy data they have from 2004, that the EPA Intern will need for his analysis.  

Cindy notified the group that, through her advocacy, she convinced MTC to allow the City of Salem to qualify for another solar array panel this year should the City get 150 more people to sign up for the campaign.  It was mentioned that should the City receive another solar panel, it would be nice to have it located at the high school alongside the other panel for it to be accessible to all Salem students.  

RETF Webpage
The group asked that a Press Release link be added to their webpage on for which articles in the local papers could be viewable.  Also, it was mentioned to add additional links of interest.  Tom will work to implement these additions to the webpage.  

John Hayes will continue to work on an official letter to be sent to the Mayor for the City to officially accept the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives program (ICLEI).  The next step following this will be to submit the letter and additional forms to the MTC.  

Change A Light Campaign/Pledge
Tom notified the group that National Change A Light Day is Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007.  Cindy said the group will take it into consideration and possibly work on a press release/event for this day.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16th, 2007 at 7:00 pm

Meeting adjourned:  8:30 pm

Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins

Action Items:  

·       Cindy will follow up with Alan Taubert of SESD on their next plans for a wind turbine at their location.  
·       Tom will check in with Paul L’hereux of the Schools on the proposed site for a wind turbine the group submitted to the MTC.
·       Rob will work on drafting a wind turbine ordinance.
·       Tom will check in with staff in the Planning Dept. about attending a September meeting.
·       Cindy will check in with folks from the water treatment plant in Lynn to see if they would be interested in coming to our next meeting.
·       Cindy and Tom will work on getting the intern at the EPA more energy data.  
·       Tom will work on adding links and updates to the RETF’s webpage
·       John will finish the ICLEI letter and submit to the group for their review.