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May 17, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 17, 2007
7:00 pm

The group postponed their meeting for 20 minutes to sit in on the Conservation Commission meeting to listen to the discussion on a proposed wind turbine by Groom Construction on Swampscott Road.  

In Attendance:  Nick Lewis, Adam Segal, Betsy Horne, Jeff Barz-Snell, Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Kristen Smith, Rick Nye

Members not in attendance:  John Hayes (was present for the Cons. Comm. Meeting), Cindy Keegan (Chair),

Public:  Matt Veno, Lucy Corchado, and Adam Briggs from Mass Energy Alliance

Meeting Start:  7:00 pm  

Solar Array Panel  

Adam Briggs from Mass Energy Alliance was present for the beginning of the group’s meeting to let the group know that the City of Salem is very close to qualifying for the 2Kw solar array panel.  The solar panel is about $25,000 in value.  The City will need to have a formal recommendation to the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC) on where they would like to locate the solar panel.  The City has been given an extension (to May 20) to get all the sign ups.  Tom stated that he recently emailed all city employees and sent a notice out via the email subscriber list on the City website.  Other group members said they know of others who have recently signed up so the outlook of reaching the goal of 150 sign ups was very promising.  

The group debated many different sites for the solar array panel, including the Bentley School, Saltonstall School, Collins Middle School, Salem High School, the Library, the Blaney Street property, Winter Island function hall, Riley Plaza, Camp Naumkeag, the clubhouse at the golf course.  Issues surrounding some of these sites included the amount or lack of visibility of the panels, subject to vandalism, what site will benefit the most, what site will get the most use, symbolism at a particular site and use as an educational tool.  

After much debate, it was decided that the two best spots would be either the Collins Middle School or Salem High School.  

Rob will coordinate with Cindy about the application process and timeline for the solar array panel.  Tom will let the Mayor know about the group’s two recommendations.  

Proposed Turbine at Groom Construction   
As stated above, the group took some time to listen to the Conservation Commission discussion on a proposed wind turbine at Groom Construction, located at 96 Swampscott Road.  

Rick would like to further communicate with Groom Construction so they could offer assistance and provide guidance as to the steps needed to erect a wind turbine in Salem – especially the pros and cons of the permitting process.  

Matt had mentioned that having a wind turbine zoning ordinance in place would help to speed the process up.  After that, the “not in my back yard” aspect will be the biggest hurdle for the group, especially the noise factor.  

Tom said he will bring/email to group some wind turbine ordinances that are in place in other communities in the Commonwealth.  

MTC Site Survey

Rob had mentioned, and Tom confirmed, that the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC) wind turbine site survey application has been submitted and is currently being reviewed.  Rob mentioned that at some point the City would have to commit some funding to a feasibility study ($50,000) in the near future.  Matt mentioned that the group would need to make a formal recommendation to the Mayor for her review and incorporation into the City budget for Council approval.  

EPA Community Challenge    

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held a networking call for local governments, which discussed ways, and tools for tracking energy usage in municipal buildings.  Communities can pledge to reduce energy usage by 10%.  By doing these things, communities can qualify for Energy Star credits.  Currently, two Massachusetts groups have signed up for this, including the Town of Andover.  To learn more about this program, people can go to  Jeff said he would like to follow up with the Mayor and Planning Department on this.  

Press and Events    

Jeff would like to get a report/story to the local papers about the objectives and goals of the group.  Betsy said she would like to interview group member Nick Lewis about his own renewable energy efforts and submit it to the Salem Gazette.  


Kristen is advocating for the use of bio-diesel in city vehicles.  Tom had previously emailed to her that there are a number of Public Works and Fire vehicles, which use diesel fuel.  Kristen would like to contact a local retailer about obtaining and selling bio-diesel fuel.  The cost of bio-diesel is relatively the same as regular diesel.  The biggest problem would be in just obtaining the supply.  Kristen will prepare a formal recommendation.  Tom will look into who supply’s the City their diesel fuel and see if they have the ability to supple bio-diesel.  

The next meeting was set for Thursday, June 21st, 2007 at 7:00 pm.    

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins