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March 15, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 15, 2007
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Jeff Barz-Snell, John Hayes, Adam Segal, Rob DeRosier, Rick Nye, Betsy Horne, Cindy Keegan, Tom Watkins

Task Force members Kristen Smith and Nick Lewis were not present for the meeting.  

Meeting minutes from the group’s meeting on January 31, 2007 were reviewed and approved with some minor edits.  The Agenda was approved as a standard to include the 4 major mission items as a framework.

GreenUP:Cindy began the meeting with an update on the Green Up campaign.  She stated that the deadline to sign up for the program is at the end of March and the City currently needs 24 more individuals to sign up in order to become eligible for a 2 KW solar array panel.  Those who sign up can also include small businesses or individuals that are willing to donate $100 or more to the New England Wind fund, or $5 per month.  Rob recommended that everyone from the Renewable Energy Task Force reach out to at least 3 people.  And, and assuming the City attains the 150 mark, Cindy will work with Tom in drafting the letter to the Green Up campaign that must be sent in by March 31, 2007 expressing interest in the solar array bonus program.

Big Belly:
Tom said he would talk to the Mayor for an update on the Big Belly solar trash compactors the City is buying.  Cindy would like to know when they would be ordered and delivered.  The group discussed sponsorship decals for the trash compactors, including having vendors at the Salem Willows to sponsor some since some of the trash compactors will be located there.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance:
Tom informed the group that the Planning Department would be able to draft a sample wind turbine ordinance for the City.  The group thought this would be a good idea and Tom said he would coordinate with the Mayor in formally asking the Planning Department to work on the ordinance as well as providing the sample ordinances gathered from MAPC previously.

Wind Turbine Project:
Rob stated he would like the group to create a timeline for their progress towards the implementation of a wind turbine(s).  Cindy stated that she would like to have a representative from the Lynn Waste Water Treatment facility come and speak with the group.  Also, she said she would like to follow up with SESD as to their potential as a wind turbine site location.  Alan Taubert was mentioned as a contact at SESD.  He is a Facility Engineer and has interest in the initiatives of the Renewable Energy Task Force. Tom will ask the Mayor if she would like to make first contact with SESD regarding this subject, and inviting them to the May meeting.

Rob presented to the group a Community Wind Feasibility Analysis that he stated should be the first step of the group in order to locate a wind turbine in Salem.  The group unanimously voted to have Rob work on completing the application for such a study.  The list of potential municipal wind turbine sites Rob will indicate in the application are the Salem Willows, SESD, Bertram Field/High School, Forest River Park and Winter Island.  Tom said he would clarify whether or not SESD is a municipal or private site.      

Rob mentioned to the group that there would be a large up front cost for a wind turbine.  He said that the estimated cost of a wind turbine is $2 million and $1 million more for installation.  Maximum grants, which are hard to obtain, are only $500,000.  

Cindy presented the group with a Clean Energy Choice Grant application that is due in April.  It was decided that the deadline for the application would be unattainable at this point but Jeff said he would forward the grant to Salem CDC in case such a grant is offered again in the future since it dealt with buildings that serve low income residents.

Salem High Studies:
The Mayor had previously sent Cindy the wind feasibility studies for the high school.  Rick will take a look at the cost analysis and benefits of such a project and update them with current costs.  

The group discussed once again how helpful it would be to have MTC attend, and Cindy agreed to contact them again about this request.

Cities for Climate Protection: John presented the group a brief analysis of student intern work regarding municipal energy use inventories and the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign.  It was stated that SAFE lobbied the City Council to adopt a resolution for climate protection, officially making Salem a CCP Community.  He stated ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) could provide technical expertise to the City at the rate of $600 for the year.  The group later voted to recommend to the Mayor to spend $600 of the City’s Green Up money for ICLEI’s professional analysis.  John will work on the draft letter.  

John also covered ICLEI’s “5 Milestones” of the CCP Campaign, which are used to guide local governments in developing local approaches to reduce global warming and air pollution.  He said the City has made much progress on Milestone 1 (conduct a baseline inventory and forecast).  John will follow up with City Electrician John Giardi on gathering some missing data for the monthly costs of utility bills throughout the City.  John will see if Mr. Giardi will be available to speak to the group at their June meeting.   

Tom will ask the Mayor for an update on the City’s purchase of their first hybrid vehicle.  

All members were asked to brainstorm ideas they would like to see the Task Force do in the 4 major mission categories prior to the next meeting so that this could further be discussed, priorities could be set, and members “assigned” to different items moving forward.  The 4 mission categories are: 1) Promoting renewable energy; 2) Highlighting need for energy conservation; 3) Advocating responsible energy use; 4) Supporting emission reductions.

The next meetings were set for April 19th and May 17th. With tentative agenda items being:
April – Brainstorming/ Priority setting
May – Wind Project SESD/Lynn WWTP
June – Municipal Power Usage and Reduction Opportunities

Cindy and Tom – draft letter to the Green Up campaign that must be sent in by March 31, 2007 expressing interest in the solar array bonus program.
Tom – ask the Mayor for an update on the Big Belly solar trash compactors the City is buying.
Tom - coordinate with the Mayor in formally asking the Planning Department to work on the ordinance as well as providing the sample ordinances gathered from MAPC previously.
Tom - ask the Mayor if she would like to make first contact with SESD regarding this subject, and inviting them to the May meeting.
Rob - work on completing the application for a Community Wind Survey.  The list of potential municipal wind turbine sites Rob will indicate in the application are the Salem Willows, SESD, Bertram Field/High School, Forest River Park and Winter Island.
Tom - clarify whether or not SESD is a municipal or private site.
Jeff  - forward the Clean Energy Choice grant to Salem CDC in case such a grant is offered again in the future since it dealt with buildings that serve low income residents.
Rick  -review the High School Wind turbine cost analysis update them with current costs.
Cindy – Contact MTC again to see if they would attend a meeting.
John – Draft letter recommending the City officially join ICLEI for $600 to also get software and additional assistance from the organization towards Cities for Climate Protection activities.
John – Contact John Giardi to see about updates to missing data on City’s electricity usage and potential availability to attend the June meeting of the Task Force.
Tom- ask the Mayor for an update on the City’s purchase of their first hybrid vehicle.  
All Members – Brainstorm ideas for task force to discuss at next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20.

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins