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Agenda 01/20/2011
Thursday, January 20th, 2011
7:00 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
  • Introduction
  • Approval of November, 2010 Meeting Minutes
  • General business
  • Recap & review of last years efforts; goals for 2011
  • Status reports on RETF Progress Report to City Council; wind energy education/ Winter Island wind development; wind ordinance revisions; climate & sustainability plan
  • Getting it done-- redoubling our efforts in 2011 to meet established milestones??   
  • Other business:
  • Update on energy performance contract status- P Marquis
  • Update on other Green Communities projects- P Marquis
  • Press & Event Opportunities
  • Living Green Fair- date established by Salem Chamber of Commerce; early planning
  • Future Meetings
  • Next meeting will be held on February 17, 2011
  • Adjournment