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Agenda, August 19, 2010
Thursday, August 19th, 2010
6:30 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
  • Introduction
  • Approval of July, 2010 Meeting Minutes
  • General business
  • Promoting wind energy in Salem- The data from Winter Island is looking quite promising, so it’s time to begin the public education campaign to build support for a wind energy facility there. The City also has to work out the financing details—do we finance the project through bonds, go the PPA route, etc?
  • Weatherization program under Green Communities Grant (kick off event at Global Work Party on 10/10/10)- Program outline; discussion of volunteer recruitment and development of candidate homes list, both of which are imperative to success of program.
  • Assignment of subcommittees to implement ‘Action items’.
  • Updates
  • Clean Energy Choice grant expenditures
  • Green Salem Business Challenge
  • Press & Event Opportunities
  • NESEA Green Building Open House Planning- October 2nd
  • Future Meetings
  • Next meeting will be held on September 16th, 2010
  • Adjournment