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June 19th, 2008
Thursday, June 19th, 2008
6:00 pm
120 Washington Street

·       Introduction

·       Approve Previous Meeting Minutes (May)

·       Committee Issues, Categorization, and Subgroups
a.      Promoting renewable energy use:
i.      Draft Wind Turbine Ordinance (Update with Amy Lash from the City’s Planning & Community Development)
ii.     Living Green & Renewable Energy Fair – wrap up issues
iii.    SESD Wind Turbine/SODAR Project Update
iv.     Green-Up Window Decals

b.      Update on new RETF member recruitment

c.      Updates on Individual Assignments

d.      Highlighting need for energy conservation

e.      Advocating responsible energy use

f.      Supporting emission reductions

·       Press & Event Opportunities

·       Other Business

·       Future Meetings

·       Adjournment