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Draft Minutes 11/18/2014
NOVEMBER 18, 2014

The Public Art Commission (PAC) was held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Chairperson Norene Gachignard called the meeting to order 6:10pm

Roll Call:
Members present:  Norene Gachignard (Chair), Lillian Hsu, , Ellen Hardy, Juliette Fritsch,  J. Michael Sullivan, Deborah Greel, Public Art Planner, was also present.

Absent:  Victor Miguel Cruz, Claudia Paraschiv

Approval of Minutes
Lillian Hsu made a motion to approve the minutes of October 21, 2014.  J. Michael Sullivan seconded the motion.
Discussion followed: Juliette Fritsch asked to amend the minutes under Other: Salem Public Space Project, “Get to the Point/El Punto” presentation to note that a letter of support was requested.
Motion passed to approve the Minutes as amended with 5 in favor and none opposed.  

Approval of Call for Creative Entrepreneurs for Artists for Artists’ Row:

Documents and Exhibits
  • Call for Creative Entrepreneurs and Application
Discussion:  Hardy questioned in second paragraph that artisanal food not be listed first.  Fritsch suggested adding jewelry, pottery, ceramics, handcrafted items and leave out home and garden.  Sentence will now say:  “Possible categories are handcrafted products, artwork and artisanal food products.”
Hardy noted that the new hours for Artists’ Row require the stalls to be open six days a week.   Greel said that her research on hours of operation for other businesses in the neighborhood should reflect the same for Artists’ Row.
Fritsch made a motion to approve the Call for Creative Entrepreneurs as amended.  Hardy seconded the motion.  Motion Passes 5-0.

Discussion of Art Selection Panels:

Hsu recommended Greel generate the list for two Art Selection Panels, one to review the “Call for Creative Entrepreneurs” applications and one to review the “Call for Artists and Designers”, the public art installation.   
Greel stated that she had been working on the names and will send to the PAC before the next meeting.   Fritsch suggested at least three on each panel and make sure there is an uneven number.
Gachignard suggested that Greel do the first screening for the “Call for Creative Entrepreneurs” applications and to bring to the Artist Selection Panel those applications that fit within the criteria for the call.  Sullivan noted that applicants should be interviewed. Hsu suggested interviewing twelve of the finalists.

Public Art Proposal – Mike Lash

Documents and Exhibitions:
Proposal for a Mural by Damon Johnson
Note from Mike Lash

Discussion:  Mike Lash was not able to attend the meeting due to a conflict of another organization of which he is a committee member.  In reviewing the proposal packet for a mural by Damon Johnson, which includes a request for a wall in the city for the mural, Fritsch commented that the proposal doesn’t include why the artist has chosen Salem for this project.  She mentioned it gives no contextual information for the work.  Sullivan asked if the City has a wall designated and if not, can we provide a wall.  

Hsu suggested that Lash be given this feedback and re-submit the proposal in a standard format.  Gachignard suggested PAC table the proposal and invite Lash to present to the committee at the next meeting.

As this was not a project requested by the PAC Hsu suggested that the committee develop criteria for unsolicited proposals.  Gachignard reiterated the need to develop procedures for dealing with unsolicited requests.

Committee input for suggestions for the criteria:

Hsu:  Relevance of Project, Is it permanent?  What do you envision the impact? Materials and methods of fabrication, Installation method, Infrastructure requirements, Timeline, General Budget, Expected Life span, Plan for Maintenance
Fritsch:   How is an artist inspired by Salem?  Artwork in relation to particular area. Project merit
Hardy:  Desired Site, Intended audience
Sullivan:  Comprehensive Criteria

Greel will take the suggestions from the committee and develop the criteria for unsolicited proposals to be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting.

Public Comments:
There were no public comments at the meeting.

Gachignard called for a motion to adjourn.  Hsu made the motion to adjourn, Hardy seconded the motion.  Motion Passes 5-0