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Approved Minutes 10/20/2014
City of Salem Planning Board & Salem City Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 20, 2014

A joint public hearing of the Salem Planning Board and the Salem City Council was held on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, City Hall, 93 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

City Council President Bob McCarthy opened the meeting at 7:03pm.

Roll Call
Planning Board members present were: Chuck Puleo, Ben Anderson, Noah Koretz , Matt Veno and Bill Griset. Absent: Helen Sides, Dale Yale, Kirt Rieder Randy Clarke.

City Councillors present were: Robert McCarthy, President, William Legault, Elaine Milo, Arthur Sargent, Heather Famico, Josh Turiel, Beth Gerard, Joseph O’Keefe, Thomas Furey and David Eppley. Abent: Todd Siegel.

Also present: Lynn Duncan, City Planner, Dana Menon, Staff Planner, Erin Schaeffer, Staff Planner, Cheryl LaPointe, City Clerk, and Pamela Broderick, Planning Board Recording Clerk. ~


President McCarthy invited City Planner Lynn Duncan to make any opening remarks. Ms. Duncan introduced new staff planner Erin Schaeffer who will be working with the Planning Board during Ms. Menon’s leave.

A joint public hearing with the City Council regarding the proposed amendment of the Zoning Map of the City of Salem to extend the Central Development (B-5) District to include the parcel located at 38 Washington Square South. ~Said property currently lies within the Residential Two-Family (R-2) District. ~

Attorney William Quinn of Tinti, Quinn, Grover & Frey PC; 27 Congress Street; presented on behalf of the applicant.
Additional presenters: Juli Lederhaus, General Manager, Hawthorne Hotel

Atty Quinn opened with a quick mention of the history of the hotel (built in 1925) and the adjacent house at 38 Washington Square South. The house is on the National Register and has been owned by the hotel for some time. The building needs work and the owner has committed funding for a total renovation. Working with Dennis Gray Associates architects, the owner plans to repurpose the building to house luxury accommodations; 6 guest rooms each with large bath.

Atty Quinn reminded the Council and Planning Board that use variances are not allowed in Salem per zoning law. Two sides of this property abut the B-5 central business district. The abutting funeral home is grandfathered in a residential district. The request is to rezone the property as B-5 for hotel use.

City Council/Planning Board Discussion:
  • President McCarthy advised the Council of two letters received in favor of the proponent:
  • Mary Ann Curtin, 35 Forrester Street
  • Ann Souza, current president of the Salem Common Neighborhood Association
  • Councilor O’Keefe asked if the new owner expects changes in parking restrictions on Washington Square South. Atty Quinn advised no.
  • Councillor Eppley spoke in favor of the request.
  • Councillor Famico asked how many hotel rooms and parking spaces currently. Hotel general manager Juli Lederhaus advised there are 89 rooms in the hotel, 4 rooms in the inn at present, and 130 parking spaces.
  • Councillor Famico asked Ms. Duncan how many total hotel rooms are presently in the city and how many will be added with approved projects that are underway? Ms. Duncan indicated she did not have that data at hand or top of mind.
  • Mr. Anderson asked if the owner plans to combine the lots in the future. Atty Quinn advised there is no legal requirement that they do so.
  • Mr. Anderson asked about screening at the property line. Ms. Lederhaus advised the plan is to take down the chain link fence and some of the overgrown trees that have reached their lifespan and replace with new trees. The hotel owner plans to update and improve the current landscaping, and believes this property will provide some beautiful green space. Parking will not be extended into the lot. The existing driveway will be kept but no additional parking added.
  • Mr. Anderson asked about opinions of other abutters, specifically 93 Essex Street. Ms. Lederhaus advised this is owned by the applicant, Three Corners Realty Trust.
  • Councillor Furey spoke in favor; anticipates the renovation will be lovely. Ms. Lederhaus advised these will be the most elegant rooms in the hotel, with the largest bathrooms.
  • Councillor Gerrard noted six (6) guest rooms are planned, there are currently 4 rooms; requested clarification. Ms. Lederhaus advised some common space will be converted. She added that a first floor unit will be ADA compliant with exterior access ramp which will be constructed to match period exterior details. The owner has obtained the services of a preservation architect for this project.
President McCarthy invited public comment:
No public comments made.

Motion and Vote:~ Councillor Famico made a motion to close the public hearing. The vote was unanimous with nine (9) in favor (Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Turiel, Mr. LeGault, Ms. Milo, Mr. Sargent, Ms. Famico, Ms. Gerrard, Mr. Furey and Mr. O’Keefe) and none (0) opposed.

Motion and Vote:~ Councillor Famico  made a motion to refer the matter to the Planning Board for their recommendation. The vote was unanimous with nine (9) in favor (Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Turiel, Mr. LeGault, Ms. Milo, Mr. Sargent, Ms. Famico, Mr. Furey, Ms. Gerrard and Mr. O’Keefe) and none (0) opposed.

A joint public hearing with the City Council regarding the proposed amendment of the Zoning Map of the City of Salem to extend the Residential Two-Family (R-2) District to include the entire parcel located at 43 Bridge Street. ~A portion of said property currently lies within the R-2 District and a portion of said property currently lies within the Business Wholesale and Automotive (B-4) District.

Attorney Stephen Lovely, Lovely Law Group LLP, 10 Federal Street, presented on behalf of the applicant.
Additional Presenters: Joseph A Skomurski, Sr.; Skomurski Dvelopment LLC, 107 Bradstreet Avenue, Danvers, MA (developer).

Atty Lovely introduced the request by reminding the Council and Board this is the former Salem Plumbing Building. It is currently zoned with a portion in B-4 and the remainder in R-2. The building has outlived its usefulness and needs redevelopment. The developer has spoken with the neighbors about possible residential redevelopment; generally favorable with 30 neighbors attending a recent meeting. The developer is not aware of any specific opposition to the project. The zoning change is needed as the first step in the process.  The site abuts an R-2 district; the request is to extend the R-2 district to include all of this site.

City Council/Planning Board Discussion:

  • Councillor O’Keefe asked about the status of the residence next door at 41 Bridge Street. Mr. Skormurski advised this lot has new owners and is not included in the request.
  • Councillor Gerrard sought clarification—there are 2 parcels, one is already R2, the applicant is seeking rezoning for the second parcel to R2 from B4. Atty Lovely confirmed.
  • Councillor LeGault asked to know the age the Salem Plumbing Building? Mr. Skormuski replied it dates to 1891; the garage is newer, about 1970.
  • Councillor LeGault asked whether the orientation of new buildings will face Bridge Street or Planter Street. Atty Lovely advised current plan for the resdiences to face Planter Street.
  • Councillor Famico asked Atty Lovely to indicate some plan detail. Atty Lovely advised the preliminary plan calls for 3-bedroom homes, lot sizes similar to the neighborhood across the street. Realtor Merry Fox advised the expected selling price range  is $345,000 - $349,000 which is  well-positioned for the family market in Salem.
  • Planning Board Chair Puleo asked for the average square footage on the lots. Atty Lovely advised the preliminary posits 3000 square feet per lot on average, with a minority as small as 2200 square feet.
  • Mr. Anderson asked if there is any other precedent along Bridge Street for turning building entries to a side street. He expressed concern for preserving the appearance of the new and improved Bridge Street corridor, and the character of Bridge Street businesses. He suggested the developer consider having the corner building front onto Bridge Street, or even a commercial business at the corner of Bridge and Planters Streets. He indicated from an urban planning standpoint, it would be unfortunate to remove the opportunity for a commercial property at this corner. He is comfortable with the remainder of the parcel being residential, but doesn’t want to see the Bridge Street frontage changed to residential, noting it will look odd. Atty Lovely advised the Bridge Street neck owners indicate the commercial space currently available on the street is under-utilized. Several owners would like to add residential above their first floor commercial businesses but cannot due to current zoning.
  • Planning Board Chair Puleo asked for a comprehensive map showing all the zoning for the length of Bridge Street He indicated it would aid the Planning Board to see where the lines between commercial and residential zoning districts are drawn. Atty Lovely advised that graphic is not available tonight but can be sourced.
  • Ms. Duncan confirmed Bridge Street is a mixture of several different zoning districts. The only part of Salem that currently allows first floor commercial and residential above is in the downtown. Ms. Duncan indicated this is a good opportunity to look at this issue.
  • Councillor LeGault observed that the redevelopment of this lot is very important to the neighborhood. Recently this has become a blighted parcel that collected trash. He is pleased to see a responsible redevelopment proposal.
  • Councillor Sargent observed that many of businesses on Bridge Street are located in conversions of buildings that were originally residential.
  • Councillor Famico advised she has gone door to door in the neighborhood and found residents/owners overwhelmingly in favor of the project.
  • Mr. Veno spoke in favor, indicating the request makes sense. He noted many lots in B4 zone are currently in residential use. Agrees neighborhood support is a strong consideration.
President McCarthy invited public comment:
Four neighbors in favor were present in the audience and indicated so by raise of hand. Names for the record were not provided.

Motion and Vote:~ Councillor Famico  made a motion to close the public hearing. The vote was unanimous with nine (9) in favor (Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Turiel, Mr. LeGault, Ms. Milo, Mr. Sargent, Ms. Famico, Ms. Gerrard, Mr. Furey and Mr. O’Keefe) and none (0) opposed.

Motion and Vote:~ Councillor Famico  made a motion to refer the matter to the Planning Board for their recommendation. The vote was unanimous with nine (9) in favor (Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Turiel, Mr. LeGault, Ms. Milo, Mr. Sargent, Ms. Famico, Mr. Furey, Ms. Gerrard and Mr. O’Keefe) and none (0) opposed.

On the motion of Councillor O’Keefe the meeting adjourned at 7:52pm.

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at:~

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Broderick, Recording Clerk

Approved on November 6th, 2014