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Approved Minutes 5/01/2014
City of Salem Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 1, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Chairman Puleo opened the meeting at 7:10pm. ~

Roll Call
Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Tim Ready, Vice Chair, Randy Clarke, Kirt Rieder, Helen Sides and Bill Griset. Absent: Dale Yale and Ben Anderson.

Also present: Dana Menon, Staff Planner, and Pamela Broderick, Planning Board Recording Clerk. ~

Approval of Minutes
April 17, 2014 Draft Meeting Minutes

Revised minutes were approved. ~

Motion and Vote:~ Helen Sides made a motion to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Randy Clarke. ~The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Regular Agenda

Project:                     Continuation of the public hearing for Site Plan Review of the proposed redevelopment of the existing building, formerly used as a medical office, into 8 residential units, with associated parking and landscaping.

Applicant:          ROBERT WILLWERTH
Location:           107 HIGHLAND AVENUE (Map 14, Lot 198)

Documents and Exhibitions: Presentation boards with drawings.  Handouts to the Board:
  • “Site Development Permit Plan, 107 Highland Avenue, Salem, Massachusetts – Site Layout Plan” sheet 3, prepared by Eastern Land Survey Associates, Inc., dated January 13, 2014, last revised April 24, 2014
  • “Landscape Plan – Proposed Renovations, 107 Highland Avenue, Salem, Massachusetts” sheet L1, prepared by Deer Hill Architects, LLC, dated January 23, 2014, and amended by Laura D. Eisner, Northeast Nursery, April 2014 and the associated Plant List
  • “Landscape Plan – Proposed Renovations, 107 Highland Avenue, Salem, Massachusetts” sheet L1, prepared by Deer Hill Architects, LLC, dated April 28, 2014
  • “Floor Plans – Proposed Renovations” sheet A1 and “Elevations – Proposed Renovations” sheets A2 and A3, prepared by Deer Hill Architects, LLC, dated April 28, 2014
  • Specifications for the “Casa Sierra 58” Tall Black LED Landscape Light”
  • Specifications for the “Bronze 2-Light Motion Sensor Security Light”
  • Specifications for the “Estate” model of Privacy Cedar Panel by Northeastern Fence & Supply Corporation
  • Specifications for the “Arrow Newport 10 ft. x 12 ft. Metal Shed”
  • List of proposed conditions to site plan review special permit
Attorney Scott Grover, 27 Congress Street, presented for applicant.  Atty. Grover thanked the Board for their input at the April 17, 2014 meeting, and introduced Jim McDowell of Eastern Land Survey, Associates, Peabody, to present additional information and revisions requested by the Board.

Mr. McDowell provided a revised Site Plan revised April 24, 2014 and distributed a package of handouts to the Board. He called attention to the following key concerns that have been addressed:
  • Added bollard lights at back corners of parking lot to address security concerns.
  • Concrete pad for trash enclosure has been accurately labeled.
  • Snow storage areas have been identified and labeled.
  • Propose one-way traffic circulation flow with signage at each curb cut.
  • Fence along the back of the lot will continue; material to be white cedar plank which meets the requirements of the overlay district.
  • Mr. Willwerth retained the services of a landscape designer with Northeast Nursery in Peabody who developed a professional landscape plan for the site, included in the handout package distributed to the Board.
Chairman Puleo opened the hearing to the public for comment regarding the engineering presentation on this project.
  • Teasie Riley Goggin, 9 Wisteria St, Salem—asked if the trash barrels in the enclosure will be serviced by private contractor or the City of Salem. Mr. McDowell indicated a private contractor will be used.
  • Tom Furey, 36 Dunlap Street, Councillor at Large, Salem—spoke in favor of the project, adding it will be major asset to the neighborhood.
Atty Grover continued presentation of the revised Site Plan, and indicated the applicant has a drafted a list of conditions they understand the Board will likely attach to any favorable decision.  Additional plan revisions include:
  • Revised landscape plan:
  • Larger caliper trees and more planting around the building.
  • Trees selected for the back property line were selected to provide a canopy screen at a higher level to work with the grade difference.
  • Exterior building treatment will include removal of vinyl siding and trim, scrape/paint/repair the underlying clapboard and wood trim. The applicant agrees to a condition requiring any replacement use in-kind materials. No exterior color has been selected. The applicant plans to use Waters & Brown as a consultant and will stipulate the color scheme chosen will be historically appropriate.
  • Mechanical equipment now shown on the revised plan includes 4 condensers on the ground screened by plantings, and 4 on the corners of the decks screened by deck railings.
  • Parking lot dark corners will be lit with fixtures on bollards 58” high; the remainder of the parking lot will be lit by building-mounted lighting. These bollards are below fence height to light corners without bleed to abutters; and taller than average to be visible above snow storage.
Discussion between the Board and the applicant’s presenters identified the Board’s remaining concerns:
  • Light bollards likely will not survive long as they are in the snow storage area—but this is an operational issue for the developer. A condition is needed to require both building-mounted and bollard lighting must be shielded, and must provide coverage to all parts of the parking lot.
  • The Board commended the use of a landscape designer and noted the plan is substantially improved. Along Highland Avenue the Board requests 4 red maples (2-2.5 inch caliper) be added as street trees that will provide a sound barrier and shade to the building.
  • The planned asphalt curbs and paving do not comply with the entrance corridor zoning requirement to use granite curbing. Board offered a compromise and identified specific portions of the curb (along Highland Avenue, around the building) that must be granite. The Board noted that any deviation from zoning will require a waiver.
Atty Grover distributed the applicant’s draft list of 9 proposed conditions to attach to a favorable decision. The Board accepted this list with the following edits and additions:
  • 2 red maple (Acer rubrum) trees will be added to the landscape plan, along Highland Avenue on either side of the front entry.  These shall be 2-2.5 inch caliper each.
  • All curbing immediately around the house and adjacent landscaping areas shall be 18-inch granite curb.  The curbing along the planting beds on the outside of the parking area shall be 18-inch granite curb from Highland Avenue to the interior corner of the first parking spaces, and then shall be 18” precast concrete curb for the remainder of the on-site curbing.  The applicant shall submit a plan depicting the approved curbing layout to the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to the issuance of a building permit.
  • All lighting shall be shielded from abutters, and the bollard lights at the parking lot, as noted on the submitted plan , shall provide adequate safe lighting of the parking area, must be operational at all times, and shall be maintained in perpetuity, to be enforced by the Building Inspector.  
  • The enclosure for the trash barrels shall be maintained in perpetuity
  • The signs and pavement markings designating the driveways as “exit only” and “enter only” shall be maintained in perpetuity.
  • The applicant shall submit a revised site plan to the Planning Department.
Chairman Puleo opened the hearing to the public for general comment:
  • John Lundt 6 Greenway Road, Salem, abutter—Spoke strongly in favor of the project.
Motion and Vote:~~Randy Clarke made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Tim Ready. The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Motion and Vote:~~Randy  Clarke made a motion to approve the Site Plan subject to the agreed-upon list of conditions, seconded by Kirt Rieder. ~The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Motion and Vote:   Randy Clarke made a motion to grant a waiver from the granite curbing requirement of Section 8.2.5 Parking Areas in the Entrance Corridor Overlay District of the Salem Zoning Ordinance, to allow the curbing on-site to be completed in the manner described above.  The motion was seconded by Bill Griset. The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed. The decision is hereby incorporated and made a part of these minutes.

Mr. Ready commended the applicant on his outreach efforts with neighbors.

Project:        Continuation of the public hearing for a petition requesting a Planned Unit Development Special Permit, Site Plan Review, and a Flood Hazard District Special Permit for the demolition of the existing Marina Building and the redevelopment of that site to include an expansion of the existing Salem Waterfront Hotel & Suites with associated parking and landscaping, and off-site parking at 13-15 Herbert Street and 25 Peabody Street.

                   Locations: ~~~~~    19 Congress St (Map 34, Lot 489); 23 Congress St (Map 34, Lot 447);
223-231 Derby St (Map 34, Lot 446; 235 Derby St (Map 34, Lot 445);
Congress St (Map 34, Lot 408); 13-15 Herbert St (map 35, Lot 321);
25 Peabody St (Map 34, Lot 436); The Remaining land of Pickering Wharf Condominium Trust (Map 34, Lot 408)
Documents and Exhibitions:
  • Powerpoint presentation entitled “Salem Waterfront Hotel Expansion – Planned Unit Development & Site Plan Review” prepared by SMMA.
Attorney Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal Street, presented on behalf of the applicant. Other presenters included:
Susan St Pierre, AICP consulting services, Salem, MA
James Emmanuel RPLA, LEED, James K Emmanuel Associates (architects)
Bob Griffin, Griffin Engineering Group LLC, Beverly, MA

Atty. Correnti reminded the board of the following key points from the initial overview presentation at the April 17 meeting:
  • What makes up the PUD area; 6 parcels to be treated as one for permitting efficiency, shared utilities and mixed use.
  • Roadway improvements proposed within the Pickering Wharf development.
  • City is conducting peer reviews on traffic and civil engineering, results will be presented when available.
He also indicated tonight’s presentation would provide more background regarding:
  • how the project fits in with the plans for the South River, the Salem Harbor Plan and waterfront/tidal zone regulations which impact the site.
  • Landscape architect James Emmanuel will be able to provide some additional detail on landscaping proposed for the project.
Susan St Pierre continued the presentation to review regulatory conditions along the South River, Salem harbor, and the Salem Harbor Plan and how they interact with this project. It is important to understand the site is located adjacent the South River and the Salem Harborwalk project; the following regulatory entities directly impact its development and use:
  • Formally Flowed Filled Tidelands defined by a geographic limit at the first public way from the water’s edge, which in this case is Derby St. The site is situated on filled tidelands.
  • 100 Year Flood Hazard Zone is at the water’s edge.
  • Entire site is subject to the Public Waterfront Act, Chapter 91. The state allows a Municipal Harbor Plan to reflect some substitutions and amplifications of use defined in Chapter 91. This flexibility was invoked during the creation of the Salem 2000 Harbor Plan (updated in 2008 with a 10-year effective period). Phase 1 of this project included the waterfront hotel in the Salem Harbor Plan.
  • Water-dependent use zone along the South River is 20-feet wide per Chapter 91.
  • Chapter 91 requires a minimum 10-foot wide walkway along the harbor; City of Salem modified its plan to a 20-feet wide walkway.
  • Salem Harbor Plan as approved includes offsetting public benefits as provided for in Chapter 91:
  • 20-feet wide walkway along the water with 10-feet clear and 10-feet that can be used for seasonal outdoor dining.
  • New building meets public use on ground floor requirement.
  • Conservation Commission
  • Combined site (phase 1 & phase 2) meets the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requirements for open space.
Ms. St Pierre pointed out some proposed features of the new development that directly meet requirements in the Salem Harbor Plan:
  • The requested “gateway feature” adjacent the Congress Street Bridge is provided for in the turret feature, calling attention to the Harborwalk.
  • Will comply with city’s request the new development use the same lighting/benches as on the existing walkway on the south side of the South River.
During discussion and clarifications, the Board expressed the following concerns:
  • Board requested more clarification on what portion of the Harborwalk is not being improved—Ms. St. Pierre advised this is the section along the west side of Finz Restaurant because there is not enough room to make improvements to the current walkway. It will connect to the rest of the improved walkway.
  • There must be a complete waterfront walkway connection from Congress Street to Capt’s Bar and Grille.
Next STEPS: MEPA and ENF are complete, no additional review required. 2014 project permitting upcoming: Conservation Commission, Chapter 91 license, Planning Board approvals including Flood Hazard District Special Permit.

Atty Correnti advised all dwelling units (hotel rooms and residential units) will be located on upper floors; the entire bldg is above the 100-year flood plain.

Landscape architect James Emmanuel continued the presentation with an overview of the landscape plan for the project; noting there is not a lot of green space on the site. Highlights include:
  • Congress Street planting will use Ginkgo trees to fit the narrow space along with evergreens and ornamental grasses.
  • Brick paving around the building.
  • Full ADA circulation around the site.
  • Dining terrace paver will be different from the brick and Harbor Walkway to provide differentiation.
  • Granite blocks for retaining wall/seating height topped by metal post/chains to distinguish dining terrace.
  • Steps have integrated lighting; bollard lighting along front, recessed lighting in the vertical face of the granite walls to light stairs/harborwalk.
  • Flush mounted in-ground lights to define edges of outdoor dining terrace.
  • Planters on top of granite blocks for seasonal plantings.
  • Trellis/vines to screen meters on east end of building.
Board discussion and critique of the landscape plan:
  • The Board requested lighting plan to show both existing lighting and proposed lighting; show how the driveway along the east side of the new building will be lit. Include existing condo parking lights, lights on existing building. Please provide full context including minimum foot candles for the harborwalk environment.
  • For most aspects of the project (not just landscaping) the Board emphasized that future presentations should show full context including details of existing Pickering Wharf. Renderings/drawings should not be limited to the new building area only.
  • Board observed that the west end of the new building along Congress Street does is too narrow for trees; there are places to add trees elsewhere on the site. They would prefer to see tree plantings in the outdoor dining terrace rather than an awning. Trees will provide shade and year-round interest—relieve the bleakness of that façade.  
  • The Board asked that the proposed bollard/chain on top of the granite wall (at the edge of the dining terrace) be moved back from the edge of the wall to provide room for pedestrians on the harborwalk to sit on the wall.  
  • Mr. Emmanuel advised the Board that there are underground utilities restricting landscaping along the front entrance to the building.
  • Board emphatically requested that future presentations (renderings, plans) show how the redevelopment will be handled for the remainder of the property—a before/after view would be most helpful. Details that should be added to the next version of the landscape plan:
  • Placement of trash receptacles along the length of the harborwalk through the combined Pickering Wharf site (new development plus existing).
  • Chapter 91 license requires applicant to maintain harborwalk.
  • The Board indicated more details may be needed on parking once the full traffic study is available. Existing lots (Hebert Street and South Congress Street) are already being utilized by Pickering Wharf residents and visitors and cannot be considered dedicated to the new building.
  • It is important to check the zoning requirements as they apply to the non-adjacent parking lots. The South Congress Street lot is not owned by the developer but leased from National Grid. Atty Correnti advised this provision of the ordinance has not been invoked as the lot is being shown as illustrative of available parking – the spaces shown in that lot are not required by zoning.   
  • Ms. Sides recommended that while review by the Design Review Board (DRB) is not required for this project, the applicant should seek some level of DRB review, as some architectural elements do not appear to be well-integrated (turret, outdoor dining terrace).  Atty Correnti agreed that the applicant will work with city staff to schedule time to meet with a few members of the DRB.
Chairman Puleo opened the hearing to the public for general comment:
  • Robert McCarthy, 153 Bayview Avenue, Ward 1 Councillor and City Council President, confirmed that the turret feature came out of the Harbor Plan meetings. The resulting Harborwalk Plan is a vast improvement to this area and the city in general. The City needs to address lack of trash receptacles—the National Park Service has removed receptacles on National Park property.
  • Jim Treadwell 36 Felt Street Salem—encouraged the developer to reach out to neighbors for input. The Harborwalk Implementation Committee seems to be inactive, but they should be reviewing this project. Traffic flow is a substantial concern as there will be more traffic generated by this project. There may be zoning ordinances that affect the Herbert Street lot (screening required to protect residential abutters). He also questioned the “no through traffic” sign on Hebert Street.
  • Robert McCarthy, 153 Bayview Avenue, Ward 1 Councillor and City Council President advised the “no through traffic” sign is not a legal installation as it is not itemized in the applicable ordinance.
  • Tom Furey, 36 Dunlap Street, Councillor at Large, Salem—spoke enthusiastically in favor of the project, adding it will be a signature neighborhood on the waterfront.
Chairman Puleo summarized the topics the applicant still needs to address at upcoming meetings:
Updated renderings
Peer review on traffic (to include golf cart usage, current and proposed)
Peer review on civil engineering
He also reminded the applicant an informal presentation to members of the DRB would be most helpful to the process.

Motion and Vote:~~Randy Clarke made a motion to continue the public hearing to May 15, 2014, seconded by Kirt Rieder. ~The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Project:        Continuation of the public hearing for a petition requesting Site Plan Review and a Flood Hazard District Special Permit, for the proposed redevelopment of the former Flynntan site into a medical office building, with associated parking, landscaping, and demolition of existing buildings.

                   Location: ~~~~~     70-92 ½ Boston St (Map 15, Lot 299; Map 16, Lot 139)
Documents and Exhibitions:
  • Site Layout Plan (Sheet C-2) , Grading & Drainage Plan (Sheet C-3), and Utilities Plan (Sheet C-4) - Revised 4/23/2014
  • Powerpoint presentation
Attorney Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal Street, presented on behalf of the applicant. Additional presenters included:
Bob Griffin, Griffin Engineering Group LLC, Beverly, MA
William Ross, consultant utilities and storm water management peer review; New England Civil Engineering Corp., Salem, MA
Gary Hebert consultant traffic peer review; Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Burlington, MA

Atty Correnti advised the applicant will be hearing the civil and traffic peer review presentations for the first time tonight and so will not be prepared to respond to the peer review information.

Bob Griffin continued the presentation with a brief overview of the most recently revised drawings which incorporate previous Board comments:
  • Goodhue Street driveway entrance has been coordinated with traffic improvement plan from the city for Goodhue and Beaver Streets. New plan dated 5/1/2014, fencing added to screen mechanical equipment adjacent the cycle shop. Curb dimension details, slight grade and drainage adjustments.
The Board expressed a concern regarding the vehicular environment vs. pedestrian at the Goodhue Street entrance.  Pedestrians walking through the driveway to access the area entrance could be hazardous and needs to be addressed.

Bill Ross, New England Civil Engineering, presented the peer review of utilities and storm water management (sewer):

Project meets storm water management policy on all three key aspects as required:
  • Pre/post runoff, storm water quantity
  • Storm water quality
  • Ground water recharge
Key concerns covered in the peer review report:
  • Pre/post catchment is along the edge of property. The developer must account for flow from Grove Street as well because of topographical contours. They cannot cutoff at the property line.
  • Found an 8” cast iron drain adjacent Witch City Cycles which appears to extend into the parcel. The drain is not accounted for in the current plan; needs to be researched and addressed.
  • Infiltration unit for ground water recharge is the main concern; specifically the adjacent building is built into the slope, 22-feet high on Boston Street side and 10-feet on Goodhue Street side. Need information on ground water levels to ensure it doesn’t break out onto the road. This issue is driven by elevation change.
  • Unique site with 11 current water services entering the property and 2 sewers with the possibility there are more. Need to add notes to show how these are all going to be addressed and the requirement that any additional services found during construction be chased to the street as required by the city.
  • Regarding the sewer connection on Goodhue Street; Mr. Ross has a concern for future paving. He identified a manhole that is not hooked up; it appears to be a backup manhole that needs to be eliminated. The developer’s plan needs to be adjusted and re direct flow to another manhole.
  • Oil/water separator vents need to be shown on the plan.
Gary Hebert, Fay, Spofford & Thorndike presented the peer traffic review. His work is for the city (not developer who is piggybacking on the work). Mr. Hebert indicated there are four (4) sources of traffic access to the site:
Exit onto Beaver Street
Goodhue St for loading/parking = 5% of traffic
Boston Street = 80-90% of traffic
Goodhue Street garage access = 15% of traffic
In general, the proposed plan is a good one in the sense that it keeps traffic out of the neighborhoods as much as possible. Highlights and recommendations from the report include:

  • Mr. Hebert indicated a concern regarding Hanson Street at Boston Street and has recommended the developer relocate the Boston Street driveway to 80-feet east of current location if feasible. In his opinion this is not a deal breaker or a hard recommendation, but re-positioning the driveway will reduce conflicting left-turn movements from Hansen Street and the site driveway.
  • Alter driveway designs to indicate sidewalk has right-of-way not the driveways—make it clear pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  • Goodhue Street will have a bike lane so it is suggested bike storage be provided off Goodhue Street for employees.
  • Driveways are coordinated with the Grove Street plan. City may create a few parking spaces on south side of Goodhue St opposite Witch City Cycle.
  • Currently people park on the north side of Boston Street (adjacent to Dunkin Donuts) and pull up onto the sidewalk.  The new curb would eliminate the parking on the sidewalk. This is a pinch point on Boston Street.
  • Grove Street Enhancement Project; the neighborhood is looking for enhanced lighting. Suggest the applicant might make a contribution to this enhancement project relative to what other new developments in the area are contributing.
In conclusion, Mr. Hebert indicated it will be another week before the study is complete. The developer’s plan is reasonable and can be tweaked. He emphasized bike storage and clear pedestrian right-of-way at all driveways.

Mr. Griffin indicated bike storage in the garage is currently in the plan.

Chairman Puleo opened the hearing to the public for general comment:
  • Jim Treadwell, 36 Felt Street, Salem, acknowledged Gary Hebert and City Chief Planner Lynn Duncan attended Mack Park Neighborhood Association Meeting to present Grove Street enhancement update. Pedestrian access at the Goodhue Street entrance needs to be improved.
  • Mr. Griffin advised there is an updated set of basement plans that will show all the changes that have been discussed.
Board indicated a concern about moving the Boston Street driveway, forcing all traffic into the entry circle.
  • Mr. Griffin advised they will study this detail more closely and see if there is a way to accommodate the request and manage the entry circle.
Atty Correnti indicated the applicant hopes to address final comments from the Board at a June meeting.

Chair asked if the engineering peer review report has been reviewed by the City.  Ms. Menon advised the city engineer has not provided formal comment yet, the report is under review. Mr. Ross indicated there are some issues related to DPW valves that need to be reviewed by the city.
Motion and Vote:~~Helen Sides made a motion to continue the public hearing to May 15, 2014, seconded by Randy Clarke. ~The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Old/New Business

Helen Sides reappointment to the City of Salem Community Preservation Committee (CPC).

Ms. Sides indicated yes, she is willing to continue the position; the work of the committee is interesting and worthy.

Randy Clarke made a motion to reappoint Helen Sides to the City of Salem Community Preservation Committtee (CPC), seconded by Kirt Rieder. The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke, and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Points of information:
  • Ms. Menon indicated there is a draft ordinance being considered by the city to allow brewery/distillery/winery with tasting room in business zones. A joint public hearing with Planning Board and City Council will have to be scheduled.
  • Marblehead is hosting a public meeting on design for the lead mills site. It is a joint effort with Salem. Tom Devine in City of Salem planning department is working on this project.
  • Ms. Menon reported Bertram Field new track is supposed to be open to the public. It was temporarily closed because there was a problem with a light fixture. This has been remedied and it should be open to the public.
  • Traders Way striping hasn’t been done yet.

Motion and Vote:~~Randy Clarke made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kirt Rieder. The vote was unanimous with six (6) in favor (Mr. Puleo, Mr. Ready, Mr. Rieder, Ms. Sides, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Griset) and none (0) opposed.

Chairman Puleo adjourned the meeting at 10:04pm.

For actions where the decisions are incorporated by reference into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at:~

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Broderick, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board on 5/15/2014