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Approved Minutes 1/17/2013

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Tim Ready, Randy Clarke, Helen Sides and Mark George.
Also present were: Frank Taormina, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk.  Absent: George McCabe.

Chairman Puleo opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.   

Approval of Minutes

December 20, 2012 Draft Meeting Minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members.  Randy Clarke made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Mark George. Approved 4-0.  Helen Sides abstained.

January 3, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members.  Helen Sides made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Randy Clarke. Approved 4-0. Mark George abstained.

Request for Insignificant Change:  Request of STUTZ PLAISTED to eliminate the approved landscape barrels alongside the building at STUTZ VOLVO, 309 HIGHLAND AVENUE. Continued until a later date.

Chairman Puleo read into the record a letter from Attorney John Keilty submitted on behalf of his client Stutz Plaisted requesting that he return to the Planning Board at a later date, as he was not prepared to discuss the item at this time.

Randy Clarke made a motion to continue to a later date, seconded by Mark George. All approved 5-0.

Request of Stutz Plaisted for release of surety in the amount of $20,000 for STUTZ VOLVO, 309 HIGHLAND AVE. Continued until a later date.

Chairman Puleo read into the record a letter from Attorney John Keilty submitted on behalf of his client Stutz Plaisted requesting that he return to the Planning Board at an unspecified later date, once the outstanding conditions have been completed.

Randy Clarke made a motion to continue to a later date, seconded by Helen Sides. All approved 5-0.

Request of PASQUANNA DEVELOPERS, INC. for endorsement of approved Definitive Subdivision Plans and approval of Covenant for five single-family house lots on the property located at 18 THORNDIKE STREET.

Patrick DeIulis, representing Pasquanna Developers, Inc submitted the approved covenant and mylar of
the approved plan for endorsement.  He explained that the mylar has less detail on it than the approved plan, pursuant to Registry of Deeds requirements. Essentially all the colored landscaping details, contours, and elevations have been removed leaving just the five lot subdivision property lines (meets and bounds), easements, right-of-ways, etc.  He noted that the covenant is a standard boilerplate which was provided to him by the Director of Planning and Community Development Lynn Duncan, with the only change being the simplified mylar plan is being recorded with the covenant.  

Frank Taormina said that the 20-day appeal period has passed and no appeals were filed with the City Clerk.  He also stated that the Decision required that three items be completed prior to endorsement of plans:  a covenant, proof of easements, and a note on the mylar that Decision shall be recorded with the plans at the registry of deeds.  He informed the Board that Mr. DeIulis has completed each requirement and the plans can be endorsed.

The Planning Board reviewed the material and then signed the mylar for endorsement.

Form A:  Request of GLOVER ESTATES, LLC. for endorsement of a plan believed not to require approval to allow the property located at 485 LAFAYETTE STREET (Salem Assessor’s Map 31, Lot 237 and Marblehead Assessor’s Map 55 Lots 1 & 3) to be subdivided into four lots, two entirely within the Town of Marblehead (Lots 2 & 4) and two entirely within the City of Salem (Lots 1 and 3) with frontage on Lafayette Street.

Paul Donohoe, of Donohoe and Parkhurst, Inc. representing their client Glover Estates, LLC stated that the parcel at 485 Lafayette Street is considered one lot by the Land Court, even though the parcel crosses city/town boundaries and is not contiguous. He explained that the City of Salem and the Town of Marblehead will be purchasing the property with the help of a State grant and the Essex County Green Belt to protect the property as passive conservation land in perpetuity.  However, in order to execute the sale and transfer title Glover Estates is required to subdivide the lot so that the land is split and entirely within the City of Salem (lots 1 and 3) and entirely within the Town of Marblehead (lots 2 and 4).

Chairman Puleo asked for further clarification on the lot line for #3 and noted that both Marblehead and Salem have waterfront property.  Paul Donohoe explained that the lot is not contiguous and actually split by the former railroad right-of-way, now used as a bike path/recreational trail owned by the Town of Marblehead.  

Mark George asked if this is zoned R-1, to which Paul Donohoe said yes.  Mark George then asked how they are meeting the requirement under a Form A when the lots do not have adequate frontage. Paul Donohoe replied the plans stated that all the lots are not buildable lots, and will be protected in perpetuity as conservation land.  Discussion ensued.

Frank Taormina noted that Glover Estates has already gone before the Town of Marblehead’s Planning Board and they have already signed and approved the Form A mylar plan.

Helen Sides made a motion to approve the Form A, seconded by Mark George. All approved 5-0.

Old/New Business
Chairman Puleo asked if there were any Old/ New Business to discuss tonight.
Mark George asked to acknowledge the new City Councilor-at-Large, Bill Legault.  Councilor Legault introduced himself to the Board and stated that he was not in attendance in support or against any items tonight, but rather to acclimate himself with all the City boards and commissions.

Frank Taormina informed the Board that the Planning Board received a letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission stating that North Street Fire Station (142 North Street) is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  

Frank Taormina shared with the Board two Planning Board appointment recommendation letters from Mayor Driscoll.  The Planning Board reviewed the letter and several of the Board Members noted that both new members are excellent choices.  Tim Ready stated that there was an article in the Salem News regarding the two Planning Board appointments and that he took offense to the City Council’s comments that the Planning Board is not acting in keeping with the Board’s mission.  He insisted that the Board is made up of volunteers dedicating their time to reviewing development projects and looking out for the City’s best interest.  He also stated that he was embarrassed by the actions of the City Council putting the two potential members through an endurance test, when they are more than qualified to serve on the Board.  

Tim Ready asked Councilor Legault if the two new members were appointed or not.  Councilor Legault explained that the appointments were voted out of Committee and need to go back to full Council for vote.  Councilor Legault stated that he anticipates that both of the new members will be appointed, but he cannot be certain until the vote.

Chairman Puleo stated that there are actually three vacancies on the Planning Board and even if the two appointments are confirmed by Council, they would still be one member short.  

Chairman Puleo stated that when they ground and repaved Trader’s Way, it was his understanding that Home Depot was supposed to maintain the road and the pavement striping.  He noted that once the roadway was repaved it only had a single yellow centerline and was missing some of the other pavement striping. He asked if Frank Taormina could pull the Decision and Approved Site Plan for Home Depot and determine whether or not there is a pavement striping plan and whether they are required to maintain the striping in addition to the roadway.  He believes that Home Depot was supposed to maintain a double yellow centerline and is concerned that there is quite a bit of striping that got left out.  Frank Taormina stated that he will pull the file and look into that and report back at the next meeting.

Frank Taormina noted that the next meeting is February 7, 2013 which is three weeks away and he sent the 2013 meeting schedule out.

Chairman Puleo asked if there was any further Old/New Business to discuss tonight; there being none he asked for a motion to adjourn.

Randy Clarke made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Helen Sides.  All approved 5-0.  Chairman Puleo adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk