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Approved Minutes 12/20/2012

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, Tim Ready, Lewis Beilman, Mark George, and Randy Clarke.
Also present were: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk.  
Those absent were: John Moustakis, Vice Chair, George McCabe, and Helen Sides.

Chuck Puleo opened the meeting at 7:12 pm.      

Approval of Minutes

December 4, 2012 Joint hearing draft minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Mark George motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Tim Ready. All approved 5-0.

December 6, 2012 draft minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Tim Ready motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Mark George. All approved 5-0.

Continuation of public hearing: Application of PASQUANNA DEVELOPERS, INC. for a Definitive Subdivision Plan for five (5) single-family house lots on the property located at 18 THORNDIKE ST., Salem, MA (Assessors Map 37, Lot 38).  Construction of a new roadway is proposed to serve two of the newly created lots on Thorndike St.  Access to one lot is from Thorndike St., and access to two lots is from Hubon St.

Documents & Exhibitions:
  • Revised site plan last dated 12/16/12
Patrick DeIulis, 18 Thorndike Street, introduced himself and Frank DeIulis. They had been waiting for some feedback from city departments.  They have gotten an approval from the Fire Department on the narrowing of the driveway.  Scott Patrowicz, the Site Engineer, has gotten the approval from the Engineering Department.  They now have the grading completed on the plan.  Mr. Puleo asked for clarification on the width issue about the private way, and asked if that included the driveway to which Mr. DeIulis said it was just the private way and the Fire Department had to approve the reduction in the width of the private way in relation to where the fire hydrant will be located.

Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, stated that the new fire marshal, Lt. Lemelin, stated verbally that all of the issues had been addressed, there were no issues of emergency vehicle access to any houses, and the plan was to their satisfaction.  Mr. DeIulis reviewed some water connection changes in relation to valves and manholes.  Mr. Puleo asked Mr. DeIulis to clarify the changes to the pavement to which Mr. DeIulis described on the plan and the relation to the private way.

Randy Clarke asked if they addressed the access around #5.  Ms. McKnight responded that fire and engineering had no problem with the access.  

Tim Ready stated that he ran into the fire department while they were at the site and they were all over the lot.

Mr. Puleo asked if the plan of putting in swales was okay, Mr. DeIulis explained that all of the surface water will remain on site and said that the aqua brick will help and the soil should percolate as well.  They have never seen any flooding on the site in the last seven years.

Mr. Ready noted that no one is here to speak from the public and asked if the neighbors have been notified.  Ms. McKnight said abutters had been notified prior to the hearing opening.  Mr. DeIulis responded that they have been in touch with the neighbors many times and Councilor Sosnowski has also been out talking to neighbors and acting as an intermediary.  Mr. Ready stated that based on that then he is going to assume that there are no other overriding concerns.  Mr. DeIulis said most of the issues were addressed with the Zoning Board.

Mr. Puleo asked if they need to go before the Conservation Commission, to which Mr. DeIulis responded that they have been to the Conservation Commission and they want to record everything simultaneously.  He noted that the only other issue was due to the riverfront zone and their only request was to create some type of greenery.  Mr. Puleo asked if this was for aesthetics and then asked where does the wall stop in relation to the site. Mr. DeIulis stated that they don’t have the benefit of the sound barrier of the wall, and said they would plant some kind of evergreen or berm which will be discussed with the conservation agent.  Mr. Puleo then asked which sites were within their jurisdiction, to which Mr. DeIulis responded that three of the lots were within the jurisdiction and the only concern was that they have some protection of the coastal bank.  Mr. Puleo asked if there were restrictions on lots and Mr. DeIulis stated that it was just the standard restrictions which included hay bales during construction and the create the berm.  

Mr. Puleo asked about fire hydrants and sidewalk and Mr. DeIulis pointed out where they are going to update or create the sidewalk on the site.  Mr. Puleo clarified where they are proposing cutting a sidewalk, to which Mr. DeIulis showed him on the map and added that there will be handicapped curbing.  He also noted that out on Thorndike Street they are going to put a catch basin.  He showed Mr. Puleo where there should be a notation on the plan for a new fire hydrant.

Puleo asked if they connect the fire hydrants to the main pipes.  Mr. Frank DeIulis said they wanted more valves.

Mr. Puleo asked if the Board had any further questions.  Mr. DeIulis asked if the Health Department had any comments, to which Ms. McKnight said that they did not submit any comments but there is standard language in the draft decision that will require meeting any conditions the Health Department may have.

Issue opened to the public for comment
No one from the public was present.

Randy Clarke made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Tim Ready.  All approved 5-0.

Ms. McKnight read through the draft approval and noted that there are some waivers included which she reviewed as she read the draft of the approval.  Mr. Puleo asked if the waivers are only in relation to the private way.  Ms. McKnight explained that the waivers are needed because he is creating a subdivision and he is creating lots that have undersized frontage, which is part of the subdivision.

Ms. McKnight also reviewed the timeline for the covenant.  Mr. DeIulis stated that they will provide the covenant.  Danielle continued reviewing.  Mr. Puleo asked for clarification on the timeline, to which Ms. McKnight stated that this is a standard time frame, to which Mr. Puleo asked further if this is for water and sewer.  Mr. Frank DeIulis stated that  it’s water only.  

Mr. DeIulis clarified that new utilities will be underground, but some can connect to overhead utilities existing on the public ways.  The Board discussed making the condition more clear.  Danielle asked which are the lots that will have above ground utilities.  Mr. Puleo asked for clarification that there is a pole that doesn’t belong to them that is on the site.  Mr. DeIulis explained where the power comes from.  Randy asked if they could keep it the way it is and not be specific.  It was decided to allow connection to existing overhead utilities only from Hubon St.  Randy asked for a standard condition on traffic during construction, to which Ms. McKnight said she would add it.

Lewis Beilman made a motion to approve the application with the conditions reviewed, seconded by Randy Clarke. All approved 5-0.  The decision is hereby incorporated as part of these minutes.

Old/New Business
Randy Clarke thanked Lewis Beilman for his service.  Danielle McKnight also stated that she has accepted a position as the Town Planner for the town of North Reading and her last day would be Thursday, December 27.

Tim Ready made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mark George.  All approved 5-0.  Chuck Puleo adjourned the meeting at 7:49 pm.

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk