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Approved Minutes 11/15/2012

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Alternate Vice Chair Tim Ready, George McCabe, Lewis Beilman, Mark George, Randy Clarke and Helen Sides. Also present: Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk.  Absent: Chuck Puleo, Chair, John Moustakis, Vice Chair, and Tim Kavanagh.

Tim Ready opened the meeting at 7:03 pm.        

Request of KEN STEADMAN for release of lots 215, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234 in the WITCH HILL SUBDIVISION, DELL STREET.

Documents & Exhibitions:
  • Request letter from Ken Steadman dated 11/5/12
Request of KEN STEADMAN for change to rephrasing agreement for the WITCH HILL SUBDIVISION, DELL STREET, in order to allow street light installation after issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for Phase I lots (lots 211, 212, 213 and 214).

Documents & Exhibititions:
  • Request letter from George Atkins dated 11/8/12
Attorney George Atkins, 59 Federal St., representing the applicant, reminded the Board of the project as well as the phasing agreement.  He stated the first four homes have been built and sold and noted that part of the phasing agreement requires the applicant to install street lights. He asked to begin with the second agenda item and explained that part of the phasing agreement requires the installation of street lights. The applicant has been working with National Grid for several months on this and the lights still have not been completed.  They are asking that the Board waive requirement that lighting be installed prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for this phase but not for the next phase of the project.  He then specified that this request is only for lots 211, 212, 213 and 214 on Martin Lane.  

Mr. Atkins continued stating that everyone is feeling optimistic about this project getting done and the other 6 lots that are before the board tonight are under agreement and ready to be sold.  He reiterated that Mr. Steadman has completed his aspect of the work that was agreed upon in the phasing agreement, and there is more work to be done before the certificate of occupancy is issued.  

Based on Mr. Atkins’ explanation of the streetlight issue, he asked Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, if there are any reasons why the city would object to this.  Ms. McKnight stated that the Planning Department recommends to allow the C.O’s to be issued in light of the extenuating circumstances.

The applicant, Mr. Ken Steadman, stated that the bases are all in for the streetlights, though some of the copper wiring has already been stolen.  Mr. Ready asked him to clarify that he has gone as far as he can go without the electric company, to which he said he has.

Randy Clarke made a motion to accept the change to rephrasing agreement for the WITCH HILL SUBDIVISION, DELL STREET, in order to allow street light installation after issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for Phase I lots (lots 211, 212, 213 and 214), seconded by Mark George.  All approved 6-0.  The decision is hereby incorporated as part of these minutes.

Mr. Ready asked Mr. Atkins to review the request to release the 6 lots, to which Mr. Atkins described the lots on Good Circle and Nurse Way.  Helen Sides asked Ms. McKnight if there are any issues.  Ms. McKnight stated that Fay, Spofford and Thorndike are the Engineers-on-call who have been overseeing the construction and putting in the roadway; to which she noted that the roadway is in.   They have reported that there are no issues with the construction; thus the Planning Department’s recommendation is to release the lots.  Mr. Ready asked if the bond remains in effect, to which Mr. Atkins stated yes, the tri-party agreement remains in effect.

Helen Sides made a motion to approve the release of lots 215, 230, 231, 232, 233, and 234, in the Witch Hill Subdivision on Dell Street, seconded by Randy Clarke.  All approved 6-0.   The decision is hereby incorporated as part of these minutes.

Request of G.B. NEW ENGLAND 2, LLC, CVS/PHARMACY, for acceptance of a bond for work to be completed after opening of the new CVS/pharmacy store (72 LORING AVE; 292, 296 & 300 CANAL ST; and 399 ½ & 401 JEFFERSON AVE).

Documents & Exhibitions:

  • Photographs of the site submitted at the meeting
Attorney Joseph Correnti, 63 Federal Street, representing the petitioners, reminded the board of the location of the project and gave an update on the project. He stated that the store is ready to open and there site work is almost complete, which is why they are at the meeting tonight.  They are asking to post the bond so they are able to open.  He stated that the interior is stocked, the employees are hired and they would like to open on Sunday November 18th .  He then introduced the team, which consisted of Tim Bovaire, the General Contractor and Bill Bevelaqua from TRB and Doug Murray from Gershwin Brown Crowley.  He stated that they have been putting together a list of the outstanding work and he will have Tim Boiseford run through the items that aren’t complete, like landscaping.  He would like the board to accept the bond to cover the remaining work that will be subject to the Building Inspector issuing an occupancy permit as well as a site visit by the Planning Department to ensure that what has been promised to be done is completed.  

Tim Bovaire, TRB Development, stated that they have prepared a list of things that have not been completed, such as sidewalks and landscaping.  He stated that the sidewalks and striping will be 100% complete by Sunday’s opening.  The topcoat paving in a couple of areas will not be done, but the landscaping will be 100% complete.  He said that the safety and life apparatus will not be compromised and they will have complete what will be physically allowed.  They are requesting that a bond be sufficient to cover the things that are not complete.  

Ms. Sides asked for pictures, to which Mr. Correnti shared pictures that were taken this afternoon.  Ms. Sides asked when the paving will be done in the areas where it is needed, to which Mr. Bovaire said it would be done by the end of the day on Friday.

Mark George asked if the striping on Canal Street has been completed to which Mr. Correnti said it was all complete and Mr. Clarke noted that he had driven by the site several times and noted that it was completed.  Mr. Correnti clarified that the basecoat is all that’s left and even without the basecoat the road and parking area are able to be driven on.

Doug Murray, Gershwin Brown Crowley, explained that anything that hasn’t got the basecoat will be re-striped once the topcoat is applied.

Mr. Ready asked about the lighting to which Mr. Bovaire stated that the Electrical Inspector has already tested and approved the lighting.  Mr. Ready asked about the Fire Department, to which Mr. Bovaire said that they have already tested and approved the sprinklers, strobes and fire systems.  

Mr. Ready then asked Ms. McKnight if the City Engineer weighed in on any aspect of this to which she responded that he weighed in the costs of the landscaping in the amount of $44,930, and has accepted the amount for completion of those items. She noted that the cost of the paving was not an issue but where they did not know the areas that needed paving she did not know how to make a recommendation where the Planning Department and Engineering would support bonding that.  She then asked the team to explain in further detail about the paving.  Mr. Murray said that they will put down the basecoat, stripe it if necessary, then put on the top coat and restripe it.  In the meantime, the Fire Department will have full access to the site until everything is paved, as well as any car accessing the site.  Mr. Ready asked then to clarify if in preparation for Sunday’s opening, whether it is basecoat or topcoat, the area will be fully striped in accordance with the plans originally submitted, to which they said correct.  

Ms. McKnight said that she doesn’t think that the Planning Department would have a problem with making a recommendation that the store open with the basecoat striped.  What she would need is authorization from the Planning Board for her to sign off on a routing slip for the Certificate of Occupancy for the store; they are not making the decision whether to open the store, which lies with the Building Inspector.  She just wants to be clear that it not their decision to open the store.

Mr. Clarke stated that he wishes all developers could move as quickly as this developer.  Mr. Murray said that this project was completed six weeks ahead of schedule.

Ms. McKnight reviewed what they would be approving in terms of the bond amount for the paving which would be worked out with the Engineering Department and noted that this has to be determined.  She stated that they have $44,930 for the landscaping and she thinks that should be the amount as David Knowlton has already looked at that.  Mr. Bovaire said they are bonded to $130,000 which is three times the cost of what they have left to do.

Mr. Correnti stated that the way Ms. McKnight worded it was perfect and thanked Ms. McKnight, Tom St. Pierre and the city for their work on this project. They will be back at City Hall the following morning in order to come to the agreement for the appropriate amount.

Issue opened to the public for comment
No one from the public was present to comment.

Randy Clarke made a motion to approve with coordination between the Planning Department and authorizing Ms. McKnight to work with the Engineering Department and sign off on the routing slip for the C.O., seconded by Helen Sides.  All approved 6-0.  The decision is hereby incorporated as part of these minutes.

Public hearing: Application of PASQUANNA DEVELOPERS, INC. for a Definitive Subdivision Plan for five (5) single-family house lots on the property located at 18 THORNDIKE ST., Salem, MA (Assessors Map 37, Lot 38).  Construction of a new roadway is proposed to serve two of the newly created lots on Thorndike St.  Access to one lot is from Thorndike St., and access to two lots is from Hubon St. APPLICANT REQUESTS TO CONTINUE TO DECEMBER 6, 2012.

Randy Clarke made a motion to continue to December 6, 2012, seconded by Helen Sides. All approved 6-0.

Old/New Business
New Business: Ms. McKnight informed the board that the Legacy Park decision was filed and the appeal period had run with no appeal.

Ms. McKnight also announced that Lewis Beilman is moving to Connecticut in January and will resign from the Board, to which everyone wished him good luck.  She announced that Tim Kavanagh has also resigned.  Mr. Ready stated that the Board will have a great loss in losing these two members who have had striking performances.

Ms. McKnight stated that the Chapter 91 filing for Goodhue Street is available for review.

Mr. Clarke asked about upcoming projects to which Ms. McKnight mentioned the power plant redevelopment project.  Mr. Clarke stated that he attended a meeting about this project and felt it would be valuable for the Planning Board to be involved in it.  Ms. McKnight said she doesn’t have details about the project yet, and there probably would not be a filing until March.  

Approval of Minutes

October 18, 2012 draft minutes
No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. George McCabe motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Helen Sides. All approved 6-0.

Randy Clarke made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Helen Sides.  All approved 6-0.  Tim Ready adjourned the meeting at 7:36 pm.

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

Approved by the Planning Board 12/6/12